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National Autonomous

University of Chota
English II - 2022
Teacher: Elmer Briceño Rodríguez
Grammar Part – Present Continuous
Look at the picture. Write questions about it
using the prompts (1-6) and then answer them.
• 1) elephant/eat? (drink)
• Is the elephant eatinq? No, it isn't. It's
drinking water.
• 2) tourists / sleep? (watch)
• 3) giraffe / drink water? (eat)
• _________________________
Look at the picture. Write questions about it
using the prompts (1-6) and then answer them.

• 4) flamingos/walk? (fly)
• ________________________
• 5) rhinoceros / dig a hole? (sleep)
• _________________________
• 6) monkeys / run away? (sit)
• ________________________
Complete the dialogue with the present continuous form of the
verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.

•Jo: Hi, Mark. What are you doing (do) at the moment?
•Mark: I 1 ________ (watch) a TV programme about animals in the desert.
•Jo: 2 _____your brother ______ (watch) TV with you?
•Mark No, he3 ______He4 _____(play) the guitar and he5 _____(sing) a song.
•Jo: 6 _____ your parents _________(listen) to your brother?

•Mark: No,they7______They8_________.(play) football in the garden with my little

sister What9 _____you _____ (do)?10 _______you _______ (listen) to the radio?
Complete the dialogue with the present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.
• Jo: No, I 11..______ (not listen) to the radio, I 12_____.(do) my homework.
• Mark: But I can hear a loud noise. What is it?
• Jo: That's my dad. He13 _____ (shout) at the dog.
• Mark: Why14 ____ he _____ (shout) at the dog?
• Jo: Because the dog 15 ______ (dig) a hole in the garden!

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