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Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Circuits

Boolean Algebra

Prof. S. Dutta Gupta

Topics to be covered

 Boolean Algebra- What and Why?

 Basic operations
 Basic Laws and theorems
 Boolean function
 Boolean function simplification
 Karnaugh Map Reduction
Boolean Algebra-What and Why ?

 Boolean algebra (BA) is the mathematical system for

operation of binary variables. BA also known as Switching
Algebra was introduced by George Boole.
 In BA, there always two values either ‘1’ or ‘0’ for the
variables. An operator performs algebraic manipulation
yielding the same output that is ‘1’ or ‘0’.
 An example of a Boolean Function is as follows:-
F = X.Y+Z.X
 Here F is a Boolean Function and X ,Y and Z are
Literals (a.k.a Variables),which have values ‘1’ and ‘0’
 The . and + operator are binary operators performing
various algebraic operations.

Basic operations in Boolean Algebra

 AND (Boolean Multiplication)

 OR (Boolean Addition)

 NOT (Boolean Complement )

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Postulates/Rules followed in mathematical structures

Rule/Postulate Definition Example

Set N = {1, 2, 3, 4,...} is closed with

A Set is closed w.r.t to a binary operator if, for every pair of
respect to the binary operator
Closure plus (+), since for any a, b ∈ N we
of S, the binary operator specifies a rule for obtaining a unique
obtain a unique
element of S.
c ∈ N by the operation a + b = c.

Associative Law (x* y)*z = x*(y*z) for all x, y, z ∈ S


Identity Law e* x = x* e = x for every x ∈ S.

x+0 =0+x, 0 is identity element (e)

Inverse x* y = e the inverse of an element a is (-a) since

a + (-a) = 0.

x* y = y* x for all x, y ∈ S
Commutative Law x+y =y+x

Distributive Law
x*(y • z) = (x*y) • (x*z) x* (y + z) = x*y + x*z

Boolean Algebra

 Boolean algebra (BA) does not follow all the rules of conventional mathematical structure.
 The postulates followed by BA are :-
 Closure (for + and *)
 Associative (for + and *)
 Identity (for + and *)
 Commutative (for + and *)
 Distributive (for + and *)
 For every element x in Boolean algebra there is a such that
 x + = 1 and x. = 0 ( is Complement )
 Unlike ordinary algebra Boolean algebra does not have :-
 Additive or multiplicative inverses.
 Follows Distributive law
 In Digital Electronics, we narrow down to two valued Boolean algebra meaning that every variable(/Literal) has only two
values 0 and 1
Basic Laws and theorems

 Duality :-
 Every algebraic expression deducible from the postulates of Boolean algebra remains valid if the
operators and identity elements are interchanged.

M.Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson Publishers

Boolean function

 A binary variable can take the value of 0 or 1. A Boolean function is an expression formed with binary variables, the two
binary operators OR and AND, the unary operator NOT, parentheses, and equal sign. For a given value of the variables, the
function can be either 0 or 1.
 For example, the Boolean function: F1 = xyz′
 The function F1 is equal to 1 if x = 1 and y = 1 and z′ = 1; otherwise F1 = 0, The above is an example of a Boolean function
represented as an algebraic expression.
 A Boolean function may also be represented in a truth table and a logic Diagram with AND,OR and NOT gates.
 Priority of Solving: NOT, AND, OR.

Logic Gate Representation*

Truth Table*

9/35 M.Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson Publishers
Boolean function

 Digital circuits have very complex circuits with lot of components.

 Boolean Algebra can be used to simplify those circuits and hence can reduce the
number of components needed. This step is called Simplification.
 Before going towards simplification of the Boolean Function we need to know
 Min Terms and Sum of min terms
 Max terms and Product of Max terms

Redundancy Theorem:
• Consensus theorem
• Conditions:
 Three variables
 Each variable is repeated twice
 One variable is complemented (once)
• Solve: Take the complimented variable
• Example:

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Min Terms, Max Terms and SOP & POS

 Minterms:-
 Consider 2 variables (literals) x,y and its complements x′,y′ . These variables can be combined using AND (*) operator and
we can get 4 combinations like xy, x′y,xy′, x′y′.
 Each of these terms are called the minterms or standard product.
 Sum of Min terms/ Sum of Products (SOP):-
 The sum of products is a Boolean expression containing AND terms, called product terms, of one or more literals each. The
sum denotes the ORing of these terms. An example of a function expressed in sum of products is:
 M = y′ + xy + x′yz′
 Maxterms:-
 Consider 2 variables (literals) x,y and its complements x′,y′ . These variables can be combined using OR (+) operator and
we can get 4 combinations like x+y, x′+y,x+y′, x′+y′.
 Each of these terms are called the maxterms or standard sum.
 Product of Max terms/Product of Sums(POS) :-
 A product of sums is a Boolean expression containing OR terms, called sum terms. Each term may have any number of
literals. The product denotes the AN Ding of these terms. Example of a function in product of sums is:
 N= x(y′ + z)(x′ + y + z′ + w)
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Assignment Questions
1. Simplify the following Boolean Expressions to a minimum number of literals :-
1. XY +XY’ 4. (BC’+A’D)(AB’+CD’)
3. (X+Y’+Z’)(X’+Z’)
2. Express the following function in Sum of Minterms
1. (xy +z)(y + xz) 3. (xy + yz’ + x’z) (x +z)
2. x’z + wx’y + wyz’ + w’y’
3. Express the following Boolean Function as Product of Sums:-
1. (AB +C)(B+C’D) 3. (X+Y’) (Y’ +Z)
2. X’ +X(X+Y’)(Y+Z’)

Karnaugh Map
 Boolean functions are simplified by algebraic means by using Sum of products or Product of Sums method.
 This procedure is tedious because it lacks specific rules to predict each succeeding step in the manipulative process.
 For higher order simplification of the Boolean functions we can use the Karnaugh map method.
 The Karnaugh Map is a diagram made up of squares and each square is a minterm(/ Maxterm).
 Some rules for Karnaugh Map generation are :–
 The number of cells in the map will be , n = number of variables.
 The adjacent squares are collected and then postulates are applied to find the simplified function.

Karnaugh Map
1. Assign 1 on the squares as per the Minterms in  Three Variable Karnaugh Map :-
the K-MAP.  F = X′YZ + X′YZ′ + XY′Z′ + XY′Z

2. Mark the adjacent squares YZ 00 01 11 10

3. Now the function becomes:- 0 1 1
 F = (X’YZ+X’YZ’) + (XY’Z’+XY’Z) 1 1 1
 F = X’Y(Z+Z’) +XY’(Z+Z’) XY′Z′ XY′Z X′YZ X′YZ′
 F =X’Y+XY’ (i.e. Z+Z’=1 By Postulate 5)
4. Thus a simplified function with 2 lesser gates is  Simplified Function
obtained.  F = X′Y + XY′

Karnaugh Map
1. Assign 1 on the squares as per the Minterms in the K-  Four Variable Karnaugh Map :-
MAP.  F = A′B′C′ + B′CD′ + A′BCD′ + AB′C′

2. Mark the adjacent squares CD 00 01 11 10

3. Now the function becomes:- 00 1 1 1
 F= (A’B’CD’+A’BCD’) +
01 1
(A’BC’D’+A’BC’D+A’B’C’D’+A’B’C’D) +
 F = A’CD’ +(A’BC’+A’B’C’)+(A’B’D’+A’BD’) 1 1 1
 F =A’CD’+(A’C’)+(A’D’)
4. Thus a simplified function with 2 lesser gates is  Simplified Function
obtained.  F = B′D′ + B′C’ + A′CD′

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Assignment Questions
 Simplify the following Boolean Expressions using KARNAUGH Map:-
1. x’y’ + yz + x’yz’
2. xyz + x’y’z + xy’z’
3. A’B’C’D’ + A’CD’ +AB’D’ + ABCD + A’BD
4. A’B’C’D’ + AB’C + B’CD’ + ABCD’ + BC’D


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