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Group 2:

Pabustan, Amir S.
Ranolo, John Verner
Hasim, Ahmed Izzat A.
Gonzales, Miaw Lin B.
Matlail, Kiana S.
• Macaya, Andrea
• Omar, Daniza
• Uddin, Sitti Ayesha N.
• Husaim, Fatima Melaicka

Ethics of Self-Perfection
• Developing our potentials is our main duty.
• Biological sense, means of growing and being mature.
• Moral sense, molding our character.
• In ethics, the main goal of this is to become “a person in the company of persons” which is according to Paul Tillich.
In Filipino means “pagpapakatao”

Ranolo, John Verner
Self-Development does not need money nor mechanical devices to build our character. We must
actualize what we are potentially capable of, by applying the intellect on those values we truly reflect
our nobility as a person, according to Tillich. Spiritual maturation demands more personal sacrifices. It
molds our character to change us or to enhance us even better into a work of art.

“Cultivating the special talents that God gave us that can be useful in life, studying hard and even
working using the maximum capacity of our talents, without separating yourself in the path of
goodness”, Apolinario Mabini said in his third Decalogue of his famous Verdadero Decalogo.

Pabustan, Amir S.
The Integral Duties of a Person

• The integrity is the totality composed of body and soul of the being.
• As potentials are being actualized with the accordance of the hierarchy of values.
• Values are now classified as:
- Biological
- Intellectual
- Moral

Pabustan, Amir S.
1.) Biological Duties

• The biological duties are those pertaining to the preservation of life and maintenance of health and bodily functions. It is
the duty of everyone to take adequate nourishment, food, and rest in order to preserve physical well-being. One should
observe personal hygiene and avoid risk to his health and safety.

• Moderation should however regulate our pursuit of biological needs. Aristotle speaks of subordinating our lower instincts
to our higher instincts so as to liberate the mind in the contemplation of truths.

2.) Intellectual Duties

• The intellectual duties are those pertaining to the development of our intellect and will.
It is the duty of everyone to overcome ignorance by learning a skill or by acquiring a
science. It belongs to human dignity that one is at least knowledgeable of those things
directly affecting his life.

• Intellectual competence promotes self-reliance and qualifies a person to be of help to

others. Likewise, one has the obligation to cultivate proper attitude.

Omar, Daniza
For example one should develop the habit of being happy, relaxed and positive. The cultivation of the taste for what is right
and beautiful contributes to the personality of the person.

3. Moral Duties

Moral duties pertain to by Man's perfection is moral. It is moral integrity that crowns man with the fullness of his dignity
as a human being. The only distinction in human life that really matters is that between a moral and an immoral person.

Our Basic Personal Rights

Correlative to our natural duties are the rights essential to our integrity as persons. The right to religion is one of them. Let
us consider the following the right to life, the right to private property, and the right to education.

Matlail, Kiana S.

• It is the foundation of all the other rights and the most important of all our rights.
• Expresses guarantees this right, our right to be alive and be secured from physical harm is a primordial duty of the
government (Section 4, Article II).
• Provides us the promotion of our cultural, economic and even spiritual growth.
• It is inalienable.
• No one may either take our life arbitrarily.
• Law of Self-Preservation is a natural law of our being.

Matlail, Kiana S.

• Derived from the right to life is the right to private property.

• necessary for the sustenance and maintenance of life.

• St. Thomas Aquinas distinguished between the right of possession and the right of use. *The right of possession -
bestows on a person the exclusive dominion over external and material things to the effect that he may acquire and
dispose of them by his own authority.

• The right of use - bestows on a person the right to make use of his property in a manner consistent with the social

• According to St. Thomas Aquinas, “A man should not consider external things as exclusively his but as common so that
he should readily share them to the needs of others"

Uddin, Sitti Ayesha N.

• The right to education comes from man's rational nature.

• Every child is entitled to be educated by his family, by the state, and by the church.

In the Philippines, the education of the children is a serious concern of parents.

• the sacrifices Filipino parents are willing to endure in order to send their sons and daughters to college mark their love
and nobility.

• Support of children, as defined by the 1988 family code includes schooling or training for some profession trade or
vocation even beyond the age of majority (Title VIII, Art 194)

Gonzales, Miaw Lin B.
• Neighbor is every person apart from:

a. oneself
b. parents
c. relatives
d. friends
e. acquaintances
f. classmates
g. officemates
h. employers
i. superiors
j. servants

• Even those we regard as our enemies remain neighbors whom we ought to love and respect.

• In its widest sense, neighbor includes all the creatures with whom we exist in this world.

Gonzales, Miaw Lin B.
Principles of Neighborly Relations

"Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto."
"Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Two prominent virtues regulate our relationship with the other person.
 Virtue of Justice- Justice requires that we render to another what is due to him. We render to a person that which
belongs to him by right.
 Virtue of Charity- We may render also to another something which does not belong to him by right. We render it to
him on the basis of our charity and concern.

Duties to our neighbors on the basis of justice.

• Duties to our neighbor as those pertaining to their body.
• Duties to our neighbor as those pertaining to their soul.
• Duties to our neighbor as those pertaining to their property.

Macaya, Andrea
1. Duties to our neighbor's bodies
• Every person has the right to his life, bodily integrity and health. This right comes from natural law. The general rule is
to refrain from endangers the health or life of one another.

These duty that expresses as prohibitive commands such as:

• Murder
• Abortion
• Rape
• Sexual abuse
• Slavery
• Prostitution
• Drug pushing
• Kidnapping
• Torture
• Illegal detention

Husaim, Fatima Melaicka T.
2. Duties to our neighbor's soul
• Every person has the right to the truth and to the good that benefits his rational soul. This is from a natural law since
humans are born intellectual in finding the truth.
• Every person has the right to be informed and to be educated. Every person has the right of jurisdiction over the person
under him and a parents has the right to be told what their children are up to or about their activities which will fall to
the concern of parenthood.

Moral prohibitions include the following:

• Lies
• Dishonesty
• Fraud
• Slander
• Gossip
• Disrespect
• Disobedience
• Infidelity
• Abuse of trust

Hanapi, Shara
3. Duties to our Neighbor’s Property

• Every person has the right of ownership over his properties and belongings. Such right implies the moral power to use
and to exclude from such use other persons.

What is Property?
• Refers to external and material goods which can be possessed, disposed of, or consumed.
• The results of one’s work and personal cultivation. In this sense, we speak of “good name” or reputation as a property of
a person.

Prohibitions cover the following:

• Stealing
• Trespassing
• Invasion of privacy
• Plagiarism
• Arson
• Land grabbing
• Squatting
• Fencing for stolen properties
• Vandalism
• Malversation Reporter:
Hasim, Ahmed Izzat A.

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