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. The Organized retail sector is regulated by the
government and the employment terms and
working hours per day in this sector are fixed.
Example- D Mart , Big Bazar

Advantages of organized retail
a major advantage for customers is that these retail formats have huge discounts which unorganized retail
formats may not be able to provide.

Another advantage of organized retailing is that there are multiple stores present and this reduces
the distribution cost. This also minimizes the risks associated and the possibility of losses is reduced.

Right from Cashier to store manager people from various backgrounds can apply in a retail store without
age restriction and get employed and start earning daily wages have the employment opportunities increase
more and more people get employed and this results in the betterment of the economy overall.
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1. Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace 
Harassment can come in the form of verbal abuse, teasing, racial slurs, or bullying. Harassment can
come from anyone in the company, as well as from customers. In particular, it is an ethical issue for
the business if a supervisor is aware of harassment from a client and takes no action to prevent it.
2. Health and Safety in the Workplace 
. The health of the employees are sometimes given less importance than the sales target and profit.
This leads to poor health conditions in workers of retail sector. Giving proper and safe working
environment is necessary for avoiding health issues.

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3.Ethics in Accounting Practices 
Any organization must maintain accurate bookkeeping practices. “Cooking the books”, and
otherwise conducting unethical accounting practices, is a serious concern for organizations.
4.Abuse of Leadership Authority
Abuse of power often manifests as harassment or discrimination. However, those in a leadership role
can also use their authority to pressure employees to skip over some aspects of proper procedure to
save time (potentially putting the employee at risk), punish workers who are unable to meet
unreasonable goals, or ask for inappropriate favors.

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5. Nepotism and Favoritism
Nepotism is when a company hires someone for being a family member. Favoritism occurs
when a manager treats an employee better than other workers for personal reasons.
Not only are nepotism and favoritism unfair, they are also disheartening to employees.
Workers often find they have to work much harder to receive a promotion or other rewards.
6. Discrimination
One of the biggest ethical issues affecting the business world in 2020 is discrimination. In the last few
months, many corporations have come under fire for lacking a diverse workforce, which is often
down to discrimination. However, discrimination can occur at businesses of all sizes. It applies to any
action that causes an employee to receive unequal treatment.

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7. Corporate Espionage
The opposite to the above can also happen: workers can misuse company data.
An employee may steal intellectual property or provide a competitor with
information about a client. Usually, this is for monetary purposes, but it can also
help an employee secure a position at another firm.

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A company needs its employees to accurately and effectively complete their job duties in
order to be successful. While a company’s product or service may be vital for everyday life,
the company will not be successful if cannot depend on its employees to ethically complete
their job. The importance of ethics to a successful business is invaluable. Financially, the
cost of doing business ethically can be more expensive than taking short-cuts for short-term
profit; but in the end the long-term the company will be more profitable and sustainable.

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Thank you

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