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 In literature, “motivation” is defined as a motive in the back of a person’s specific

motion or behavior. This form of behavior is characterized via the man or
woman’s own consent and willingness to do something.

 There are two types of motivation: one is intrinsic, while the other one is
Intrinsic motivation

 Intrinsic motivation is related to personal pleasure, leisure and

interest, whilst extrinsic motivation is connected to severa different
possibilities. Also Intrinsic motivation deals with the internal
desires of the character, including their spiritual and emotional
well-being. For example:
• Getting revenge for a loved one
• Fitting into a social group
• Avoiding failure
• Preserving moral character
Extrinsic motivation
 Extrinsic motivation comes from some physical reward consisting of
money, power, or lust. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is
inspired with the aid of some inner praise which includes
knowledge, satisfaction, or religious or emotional peace or
wellbeing, etc. Extrinsic motivation deals with external desires,
including physical needs. For example:

 Protecting themselves from physical abuse

 Finding food or shelter
 Surviving an illness
Examples of Motivation in Literature
Hamlet (By William Shakespeare)
 All movements that Hamlet commits within the play are the end result of his
motivation, along with revenge, justification, and integrity of his character.
Throughout the play, revenge remains a constant motivation for Hamlet. He is
extraordinarily grieved over his father’s death. His sorrow and grief are irritated
while the Ghost of his father tells him that the murderer has not best taken the
throne, however has taken his mom as his bride.

 This becomes a motivation for Hamlet to justify his movements and precise
revenge for “homicide maximum foul,” within the phrases of the Ghost. This
motivation is similarly escalated when he sees his mom married to his uncle, the
assassin. In fact, Hamlet unearths an opportunity to kill his uncle, but he does not,
as King Claudius became praying at the time. Hamlet does not want to send the
murderer’s soul to heaven. This motivation stops him from taking motion.
Doctor Faustus (by using Christopher
 In his introductory soliloquy, Dr. Faustus well-knownshows his
motivation very clearly. The chorus already confirms something he
states within the soliloquy. The chorus informs the audiences of the
play that Faustus obtained his academic diploma of doctorate in
theology (religion). He earned a doctoral degree simplest to become
“overinflated and conceited” for his own satisfaction. His self-
centered questioning brings up his moral and spiritual downfall. He
wants to know increasingly even something, which is past his
capabilities. His motivation is delight in himself, which ultimately
destroys him.
Lady Macbeth from “Macbeth” (through
William Shakespeare)
 According to many literary critics about Shakespeare’s characters, the maximum
evil of all his woman characters is Lady Macbeth, who occurs to have the worst
motivation behind her moves. She is fairly cunning, skillfully manipulative, and
much extra bold than her husband, Macbeth. When she receives a letter from her
husband revealing the prophecy of the witches that foretells that Macbeth will be
the future king, she immediately begins to plot the murder of Duncan.

 Then, whilst Macbeth withdraws from taking action, she motivates and urges him
to move forward. Therefore, not handiest are greed and lust her motivations,
however she transfers those motivations to her husband, giving him cause to kill
the king.
Function of Motivation
 In literature, motivation is used to connect the conduct and moves of a man or woman with
the events of the story. Motivation serves because the logical cause of what a person does,
which is important for the readers and audiences to apprehend the causes of a character’s
actions. The core dreams of characters lead the manner to all actions in storytelling.

 Sometimes motivations of characters exchange with the development of the story. With a
trade within the motivation, the individual modifications too. For powerful characterization,
unified and dominant motivation is inevitable. Great characters have exceptional motivations.
These characters educate a few exact or awful moral training to the readers and the audiences.
The readers and audiences get extra inquisitive about inspired characters and apprehend those
motivations, which make or wreck societies.
The Effects of Motivation

 A writer uses motivation to make their characters relatable and

realistic. It reveals the reasons behind a character’s actions so
readers can understand why they do what they do. Are they
positively or negatively motivated? Good or bad people?

 Motivation also creates conflict when there’s an urgent reason

underlying the character’s goals that makes them willing to do
anything to achieve it. Readers then get to guess and see how far the
character will go.
How to Determine a Character’s
 The author doesn’t have to state a character’s motivations explicitly, but they
usually make it obvious through dialogue, actions, and background.

 For example, if Sarah takes her time every morning to make her bed, tuck in the
corners, align every pillow and pick up a stray hair on the floor, readers can
assume she cares about organization and cleanliness. If she’s invited to someone’s
messy home later in the story, readers might guess she will become uncomfortable
and make an excuse to leave—actions motivated by her desire to be in a clean
Motivation Outside of Literature

Motivations in the Real World

 People’s real-life motivations are determined by their needs. Behind every goal is
a motivation, and behind every motivation is a need. For example, if one’s goal is
to own a house one day, one of their motivations could be to become more
financially stable, and behind that motivation is the need for safety and security.

 Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who studied motivation in everyday life, grouped

the most common needs and created Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
 1. Physiological: These motivations are the basic needs of the body for survival, including food, water,
and shelter.

 2. Safety and security: These are the need to feel protected from physical and emotional harm on a regular

 3. Love and belonging: These motivations underlie the need to feel part of a group or family, which will
prevent feelings of isolation or loneliness.

 4. Accomplishments and self-esteem: These are the need to feel purpose in life, both professionally and

 5. Self-actualization: This is the need to fulfill one’s deepest desires and achieve their biggest dreams.

 According to this pyramid, a human’s needs are met in this order. People can’t focus on a higher-level
motivation until the more basic needs have been met. For example, if someone lacks food or water, that
will be their focus until it is satisfied. Then, they’ll be able to focus on the next need, such as safety, and
so on.

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