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O Abraham Lincoln
O Julius Cesar
Some of the
O Napoleon Bonafarte
Great Leaders
O Oliver Cromwell
in History
O Ferdinand Marcos
. . . . . many others
O Walt Disney
O Bill Gates Businessmen
O Akito Morita with Exemplary
O John Rockefeller Leadership
. . . . . many others

“With the right kind of leadership, organizations can succeed.”

What is Leadership?
O Leadership may be defined as the process of
guiding and directing the behaviour of people
in the organization in order to achieve certain

O In a competitive situation, it is often

leadership that spells the difference between
success and failure.
The difference between
Leadership and Management

O Leadingis one of the functions of


O The other functions consist of planning,

organizing, directing, and controlling.
Managers and Leaders are different in the
following ways:

Rational problem solvers Intuitive, more visionary

Perform other administrative functions

(planning, organizing, decision-making
and communicating)

Concerned with the efficiency of results Primarily concerned with results

Obtain power from above Obtain their power from below


1. Formal Leadership
2. Informal Leadership
Formal Leadership
O It refers to the process of influencing others to
pursue official objectives.
O Formal leaders are vested with formal authority
and as such, they generally have a measure od
legitimate power.
They rely on expedient combination of:
a. reward
b. coercive
c. referent
d. expert power
Informal Leadership
O It refers to the process of influencing others to
pursue unofficial objectives.
O Informal leaders lack formal authority.
They also rely on expedient combinations of:
a. reward
b. coercive
c. referent
d. expert power

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