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Data Verification Overview - PP

Pero Dugandzic
Purpose of this pack is to provide an overview to the Seqirus
business representatives the key Production Planning (PP) master
data objects they will be responsible for validating within the new
SAP system.

SAP is the primary transaction system that will be utilised by

DTS-PP: Demand to Supply – Production Planning
FTM: Finance
PLN: Planning
SME: Subject Matter Expert
DMS : Data Mapping Sheet
DCT : Data Collection Template (Excel spreadsheet)
TRS : Technical Reconciliation Sheet
HPQC : HP Quality Center
xRef: Cross-Reference Table

DM611 – Production Supply Areas (PSA)

DM612 – Resources

DM616 – Bill of Materials (BOMs) + Costing & Sub-contracting BOMs

DM621 – Master Recipes

DM625 – Production Versions + Costing Production Versions

DM631 – Control Cycles

DM632 – Packing Instructions

DM633 - Packing Determination Records

SOURCE of Data - all DCTs

xRef Table:
• MATNR – Material Number (mapping of BPCS item number to SAP Material number)

Edge Functional
Data Verifier Data Owners Edge SME's Edge Stream Lead Consultant
Andrew Stalder - Seeds Lab
Christine Wadey - Seed Labs Cassandra Smoult - DTS PP Andrew Penhale - DTS PP Tony Lialios - DTS-PP
Anthony Lane - Fill Finish
Joseph Connor - Fill Finish Tara Collins - DTS - PP Christopher Lourey - FTM
Anuradha Bhargave - PNS SVDK
Vincent Chung - Flu Jon Muir - FTM Brent Gorham - PLN
Paul Williams - PNS Q Fever
Lisa Lamb - PNS Lisa Taylor - FTM
Denise Bertram - Fill Finish
Sharon Tindley - Finance Sasha Rukavina - PLN
Hieu Tran - Flu MPH
Ibtisam Saeed - PNS AVAT
Kara Davine - Flu Formulations
Kasey Hurley - Flu
Hosmer Perez - PNS
Robert DeSantis - Fill Finish
Sam Kee - PNS Q Fever
Shona Moore - Flu PAF, IZP & Solutions
Zenah Elhage - Flu Upstream EP
Julie McLaws - Fill Finish
Alejandro Aumaitre - Finance
Nannan Ni - Finance

Key Master Data used in SAP Production Planning
Every manufactured material
The BOM is a structured list has a recipe. It gives details
of the components which
make up a material. The list
Production Version of the steps required to
convert the materials into the
contains the material number Links Material to BOM & required products and the
A resource is where
of each component as well Recipe an operation or activity
resources that will do the
as the quantity, unit of is carried out within a
measure & scrap production plant.

The PSA serves as a place for

Master Recipe interim storage on the shop
floor and is used to make
(Route) material directly available for
Bill Of Resource production purposes.
Material (Work
(BOM) Centre)
Production Supply
Material Master Area (PSA)

Control Cycle
Defines for your plant the storage bin in which a
The material master record is the central data object in certain material is to be staged from for
a manufacturing system. It is used to store information production. Only for plants where there is
on : Raw, Semi-finished and Finished materials. Warehouse Management.
Data held in the material master : Material number, Instructions/Determination
Descriptions, Units of measure, Material type, Weight, Records
Standard price , MRP data, warehouse data, QM data,
etc. This is only for your manufactured finished materials.
Defines how many units of the finished material is
packed on a pallet. Required for handling units.
Overview: Material Master
BPCS uses the term Item master, SAP equivalent is material master
Main material types Seqirus will use in the production process are finished materials, semi-finished/Intermediate and raw materials
(includes packaging)

MM01 – Create
MM02 – Change
MM03 – Display
MM60 – Materials List
Overview: Resource (Work Centre)
A resource is where an operation or activity is carried out within a production plant. The resource may be a single machine, a group
of machines, or an area where a particular type of work is done. Resource data is used in scheduling, capacity planning and costing.

CRC1 – Create Resource
CRC2 – Change Resource
CRC3 – Display Resource
CR05 – Resources List
CR06 – Cost Center Assignment
CR07 – Resource Capacity
Overview: Bill of Materials
The Bill of Material is a structured list of the components which make up a material. The list contains the material
number of each component as well as the quantity per unit of measure. Seqirus will also have costing BOMs.

CS01 – Create
CS02 – Change
CS03 - Display
Overview: Master Recipe (replaces – Routes)
The master recipe defines what manufacturing tasks (operation) are required to complete the process, how long each
task takes, which resources are used to perform the task and the materials that will be used.

C201 – Create
C202 – Change
C203 - Display
Overview: Production Version
A key which determines the various production techniques according to which a material can be manufactured. For each
material, bill of material and master recipe a production version is maintained which links the 3 data objects together.
Seqirus will also have a Costing Production Version.

C223 – Create/Change/Display
or via
MM03 > MRP 4 tab > ProdVersions
Overview: Production Supply Area
The production supply area (PSA) serves as a place for interim storage on the shop floor and is used to make material directly available for production
purposes. Only applicable where plant (manufacturing site) has warehouse management.

When a production order is raised, all the components that are required for production is listed in the bill of material. You need to stage the products
for a production order. Production Supply Area (PSA) is an area where products are staged in a warehouse. This is required for control cycles.

PK05 – Create/Change
PK06 – Display
Overview: Control Cycles
You use the control cycle to define for your plant the production storage bin in which a certain material is to be staged for production and with which staging type, within a production supply

The production supply area exists directly in the production area. You stage the material in the production supply area in productions storage bins, so that it can be removed directly for

The production supply area groups together resources near to production storage bins, taking the material staging type into consideration.

A material can be assigned too many control cycles (plant/supply area combinations). Materials that are assigned as a component in a BOM must have a control cycle set up. This is only
required for plants that have warehouse management (excludes Woodend and Broadmeadows).

LPK1 - Create
LPK2 - Change
LPK3 - Display
LS41 - List
Overview: Packing Instructions/Determination records
Packing instructions serve as templates for the creation of handling units. In a packing instruction you define the materials and
packaging materials to be packed in a handling unit. Example of a handling unit is a pallet packed with cartons/shippers.

A determination record is used to assign the packing instruction to key combinations, such as a plant/storage location or

POP1 - Create
POP2- Change
POP3 - Display

POF1 - Create
POF2- Change
POF3 - Display
Example of Data Collection Template/Excel data sheet
Data Entry Sheet Principle
Spreadsheet is a cut down (e.g. minimal required entry fields) version of the underlying SAP tables.
There may be lookups between legacy data and SAP to translate certain values e.g. plant codes, units of measure.
Provides a means to quickly dump data for automatic upload into SAP
Tabular format allows for easier eye checking of data pre-load
Schedule for OQ load
Object(s) + Descriptions Date Start Time End Time
All Production Planning (Manufacturing) DCTs - Introduction 27-Feb-19 9:30 11:00
DM611 - Production Supply Areas - Data Source Verification
DM612 – Resources - Data Source Verification
DM615 - BOM Materials (plus costing/sub-contracting)
DM621 - Master Recipes
DM625- Production Versions (plus costing)
DM631 - Control Cycles
DM632 - Packing Instructions
DM633 - Packing Determination Records

Data Source Verification Introduction – backup session if required 28-Feb-19 13:30 15:00
All Production Planning (Manufacturing) DCTs
Post Load Verification - DM611 - Production Supply Areas (PV) 05-Mar-19 9:30 10:30
Post Load Verification - DM612 - Resources 13-Mar-19 9:30 10:30
Data Source Verification - DM616 - BOM - Materials (plus costing) 12 – 13 Mar TBA TBA
Post Load Verification - DM616 - BOM - Materials (plus costing) 20-Mar-19 09:00 10:00
Data Source Verification - DM621 - Master Recipes 18-22 Mar TBA TBA
Post Load Verification - DM621 - Master Recipes 28-Mar-19 15:00 16:30
Data Source Verification - DM625 - Production Versions (plus costing) 18-22 Mar TBA TBA
Post Load Verification - DM625 - Production Versions (plus costing) 29-Mar-19 9:00 10:00
Data Source Verification - DM631 - Control Cycles 25-28 Mar TBA TBA
Post Load Verification - DM631 - Control Cycles 02-Apr-19 15:00 16:00
Data SourceVerification - DM632 & DM633 Packing Inst & Determ. Recs 25-28 Mar TBA TBA
Post Load Verification - DM632 & DM633 Packing Inst & Determ. Recs 03-Apr-19 15:00 16:00
Data Verification Steps for DCT/Xref/Extracts
• Access the relevant file in SharePoint (Data Verifiers & Business Stream Leads), download and save file into your C drive – e.g. ‘C:\
ZTEMP\’. Filename must end with your name or initials e.g.: DM611_PROD_SUPPLY_AREAS_DCT_Joe_Citizen
• Review the spreadsheet file/s and mark data record either Pass, Fail or N/A – Not applicable in the AQL column – save the file in your
C drive. Advise Functional Data Analyst of any failed records.
• Execute test case in HPQC
 Process steps

 Where there is a fail data record/s raise defect

 Attach the files (from your C drive)

 Complete electronic sign off in HPQC

 Note - complete hard-copy worksheet – if HPQC is not available.

• Email relevant Functional Data Analyst

Data Verification Steps for Post Load
• Review the technical reconciliation file - Business Reconciliation worksheet (received by email) and select random records. Number of records is
based on the AQL sample size – supplied in the technical reconciliation document.

 Log in to SAP with relevant reviewer id and verify records.

 Save Technical Reconciliation file in your C drive directory (e.g. ‘C:\ZTEMP\’) detailing records which have been validated in SAP and mark them
either Pass, Fail or N/A – Not applicable. File you save, add your name at the end of the existing filename – e.g.: DM611 – Production Supply
Area - Tech Rec – Joe Citizen

• Execute test case in HPQC

 Process steps

 Where there is a fail data record/s raise defect

 Attach the file/s

 Complete electronic sign off in HPQC

 Complete hardcopy form – if HPQC is not available

• Email relevant Functional Data Analyst

Accessing HPQC via citrix – step 1
• Select ‘Microsoft Edge’ application

• Copy and paste this path in the command box and press enter
• Below screen is displayed. Enter user name (prefix with PROD – eg PROD\SUXXXXXX) and password and click the ‘Log On’ button

Accessing HPQC via citrix – step 2
Click on the ‘APPS’ icon – below screen is displayed and double click the ‘HP QC’ icon’

Accessing HPQC via citrix – step 3
Below screen is displayed – click on the ‘OK’ button – HP QC start pop up box appears

Accessing HPQC via citrix – step 4
The HP Application Lifecycle Management Quality Center’ screen is displayed – in the ‘Login Name’ enter your
next work user id. Type in your network password and click on the ‘Authenticate’ button. This will automatically
populate the Domain and Project fields. From there click on the ‘Login’ button.

Accessing HPQC via citrix – step 5
Click on ‘Test Lab’ > select ‘OQ Data Verification LIVE’ > select relevant Data object > double click your name
click the relevant ‘test’ – eg Source Data and ‘run’ the test.

Accessing HPQC via citrix – step 6
• Attach the Technical Reconciliation file to the data object test case (sourced from your C drive – ZTEMP
• Complete the electronic signature step.
• Email relevant Functional Data Analyst


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