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James 4:13-17
Santiago 4:13-17
[13] Makinig kayo sa akin, kayong
nagsasabi, “Ngayon o bukas ay pupunta
kami sa ganito at ganoong bayan at
isang taon kaming titigil doon,
mangangalakal kami at kikita nang
Santiago 4:13-17
[14] Ni hindi nga ninyo alam kung ano
ang mangyayari sa inyo sa araw ng
bukas! Ang buhay ninyo'y parang usok
lamang, sandaling lumilitaw at agad
[15] Sa halip ay sabihin ninyo, “Kung
loloobin ng Panginoon at nabubuhay pa
kami, gagawin namin ito o iyon.”
Santiago 4:13-17
[16] Ngunit kayo'y nagmamalaki at
nagyayabang, at iyan ay masama!
[17] Ang nakakaalam na dapat niyang
gawin ang mabuti ngunit hindi iyon
ginagawa ay nagkakasala.
- Many of us have many different
types of plans that we may, whether
it be today, or tomorrow.
- James gives us some advice this
morning when it comes to making
these plans.
- Today, he speaks to us about
planning our lives.
Santiago 4:13
[13] Makinig kayo sa akin, kayong
nagsasabi, “Ngayon o bukas ay pupunta
kami sa ganito at ganoong bayan at
isang taon kaming titigil doon,
mangangalakal kami at kikita nang
- James is speaking in the context of
those who are planning on how to
make money, how to do business in
certain areas.
- He’s saying that we can have all the
plans in the world, to make money,
to do whatever, but none of us knows
what tomorrow will bring.
Santiago 4:14a
[14] Ni hindi nga ninyo alam kung ano
ang mangyayari sa inyo sa araw ng
- To be clear, James is not against
making plans.
- The bigger problem is that the
people that James is speaking to are
boasting in their plans to make
money and be successful all on their
- Being self-sufficient, relying on
yourself is a terrible sin in the sight
of God.
- Why? Self-sufficiency is planning
without God!
- They have great plans about
making great money, but they don’t
include the Lord.
- James says that you don’t really
know what tomorrow will bring.
- James is again reminding us that
we are not God.
- Now, James tells us that we cannot
really control the future, because we
are not God.
- Do we get that? We are not God!
You are not God! I am not God!
Santiago 4:14b
[14b] Ang buhay ninyo'y parang usok
lamang, sandaling lumilitaw at agad
- James says you and I are like vapor.
Our life appears for just a little while
and then it’s gone.
- Even if all your plans go exactly the
way you want them to, or you have
the perfect family, or you have a
successful life. Then what?
- All that we have will fade away; like
a vapor.

- Plans are good, so long as we

include the Lord in those plans.
Santiago 4:15
[15] Sa halip ay sabihin ninyo, “Kung
loloobin ng Panginoon at nabubuhay pa
kami, gagawin namin ito o iyon.”
- We need to put our hope, faith,
trust, and desire in the Lord.
- We need to be submissive to God’s
will and plan for our lives!
- Whatever plans He has for me,
that’s what I want!
- That’s the point of what James is
- It’s the attitude behind the words
that matters.
- If we’ve given our lives to be
followers of Jesus, then we must
trust Him!
- Nothing happens outside the
sovereign control of God.
- We are completely dependent upon
- We must trust in the Lord.
- Do we completely trust God? Oh,
that we would trust Him and His
Santiago 4:16a
[16a] Ngunit kayo'y nagmamalaki at
- James is contrasting the behavior
that he just recommended with what
is actually happening with his
- Instead of doing what the Lord
wills, they are boasting in their own
arrogant plans.
- Instead of submitting to the Lord,
they are trusting in themselves.
That’s the heart of the problem.
That’s why it’s arrogant.
- When we depend on ourselves
rather than on God we display the
ultimate arrogance.
- These people were not only
depending on themselves, they were
boasting in themselves.
Santiago 4:16b
[16b] at iyan ay masama!
- It is evil to depend on our own
plans and boast in what we can do
by our own strength, power, and
- We should not boast in our
accomplishments, but we should
humbly trust the Lord and live a life
of obedience to Him.
Santiago 4:17
[17] Ang nakakaalam na dapat niyang
gawin ang mabuti ngunit hindi iyon
ginagawa ay nagkakasala.
- Why does he remind us again and
again? Because we’re so hard-
headed! We have to hear this again
and again and again as God teaches
- If we know the good that we ought
to do, and we don’t do it, we are in
- This is what Christian thinkers call
the sin of omission.
- The sin of omission is leaving out
something that you are told to do.
- For instance, when the Scripture
says to love our neighbor, and we
don’t, that’s a sin of omission.
- When we are told to forgive and we
don’t, that’s a sin of omission.
v.17 “it is sin to know the good and
yet not do it.”
- The sin of commission is when you
actually do something that you are
forbidden to do. You commit sin.
- Everything in this life will one day
come crashing down. What will you
have remaining?
- The Bible says you can be guaranteed
to reap the reward of the most valuable
thing in all the universe: "A relationship
with your Creator."
- We should forget about our arrogant
- We should avoid being just an
arrogant vapor that fades away.
- Let us, instead, humbly obey the Lord.
- Consider the Lord’s Place in Your
- Consider Your Future in the Lord.

- Don’t boast! Instead, trust and obey!

- Bottom Line: "Live today for the Lord

and trust the Lord for tomorrow."

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