Marketing Research

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Marketing Research and Intelligence

Marketing Information system LOGO

It consists of human, objects\equipments and process elements

to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and disseminate accurate,

timely and relevant information to marketers or marketing

decision makers


Comprehensive MIS LOGO

 Internal company records

 Marketing intelligence activities

 Marketing research

Marketing Research LOGO

It is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of

data and inferences\findings relevant to a specific marketing


AMA definition LOGO

Marketing research is the function that links the consumer,

customer, and public to the marketer through information—
information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and
problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor
marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as
a process.

Importance LOGO

1) Generating insights

2) To understand problems

3) To enhance the understanding about markets and

4) To evaluate and refine performance.

Marketing Research Process LOGO

MR Methods LOGO

a) Qualitative

b) Quantitative

c) Mixed

Develop the Research Plan LOGO

Research approaches/methods

a) Observational research
b) Focus group research
c) Behavioral research
d) Survey based research
Observational research LOGO

1) Participant Observation : You observe, talk with people and learn

from their experience and reality.

2) Nonparticipant Observation : In this you don’t interact with the

people just observe the way people behave or act.
Ex : ASDA did shopper observation through video tapping and used for
store design and Layout.
Non intrusive method – Researcher pose as shoppers and observe the
consumer activity (Observational research – Underhill).

Step 2: Develop the Research Plan LOGO

Research instruments

1) Questionnaire
2) Qualitative methods
3) Technology
Questionnaire LOGO
Questionnaire LOGO
Close ended questions LOGO


Attitude Measurement scales LOGO

 Likert scales: easy for researchers to prepare and interpret.

Measures level of agreement and disagreement.
 Semantic differential scales: relatively easy to construct and
administer. Bipolar adjectives or Antonym.
 Rank-order scales: subjects rank items in order of
preference in terms of some criteria.

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Qualitative methods LOGO

a) Word association tests : Uncovering images of stores and product.

Can be used in ads and promotional themes.
b) Projective Tests
c) Depth interviews : Unstructured and Informal. Its Limitations in
terms of sample size.
d) Metaphor analysis(ZMET)-Technique that elicits both conscious
and especially unconscious thoughts by exploring people's non-
literal or metaphoric expressions.
Use of Technology LOGO

Technological devices
 Galvanometer(for measuring
Galvanic Skin Response)
 Eye-tracking
 Facial detection
 Skin sensors
 Brain wave scanners
 Neuroimaging tools:
 Functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) and
Electroencephalography (EEG).
Data collection process LOGO

1) Mail

2) Telephone
3) Personal
4) Online
Online Research LOGO

Advantages Disadvantages

Inexpensive  Small audience

Fast  Skewed
 Technological problems
Sometimes poor response for online surveys is an
Marketing metrics LOGO

 Measures that help marketers quantify, compare, and

interpret performance.

Ex: Email Marketing metrics

Bounce rate : Emails not delivered / Total emails sent.
Marketing intelligence LOGO

Marketing intelligence system: a set of procedures and sources

that managers use to obtain everyday information about
developments in the marketing environment
Improving Market Intelligence LOGO

a) Motivate sales force to report new developments

b) Motivate intermediaries to pass along intelligence
c) Hire external experts to collect intelligence
d) Network internally and externally
e) Set up a customer advisory panel
f) Use of government-related data
g) Purchase information from outside research vendors
h) Collect marketing intelligence on Internet
Marketing Intelligence on the internet LOGO

 Independent review forums

 Distributor or sales agent feedback sites

 Sites offering customer reviews and expert opinions
 Customer complaint sites

 Public blogs
Demand Forecasting LOGO

It measures

Potential market

Available market

Penetrated market
Estimating Current Demand LOGO

Total market potential

Chain-ratio method

Demand for diet carbonated drinks =

Population* discretionary annual income* Avg %discretionary
spend on food*Avg % spend on beverages*% spent on carbonated
drinks*Avg% amount spent on diet carbonated drinks
Estimating future demand LOGO

Qualitative methods

1) Survey of buyers’ intentions (Mostly in B2B)

2) Composite of sales force opinions
3) Expert opinion

4) Past-sales analysis
5) Market-test method-Test markets
Quantitative methods – Data driven.
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