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Chapter 6

Telecommunications and
Section I:
The Networked Enterprise
Section II:
Telecommunications Network

Learning Objectives
 Understand the concept of a network
 Apply Metcalfe’s Law in understanding the value
of a network.
 Identify several major developments and trends
in the industries, technologies, and business
applications of telecommunications and Internet
 Provide examples of the business value of
Internet, intranet, and extranet applications.

Learning Objectives
 Identify the basic components, functions, and
types of telecommunications networks used in
 Explain the functions of major components of
telecommunications network hardware,
software, media, and services.
 Explain the concept of client/server networking.
 Understand the two forms of peer-to-peer
 Explain the difference between digital and
analog signals.

Learning Objectives
 Identify the various transmission media and
topologies used in telecommunications
 Understand the fundamentals of wireless
network technologies.
 Explain the concepts behind TCP/IP.
 Understand the seven layers of the OSI
network model.

Section 1
Telecommunications and Networks

What Is a Computer Network?
• A computer network is a system that connects
computers and other devices via
communications media so that data and
information can be transmitted among them.
In a computer network,
connected computers:
• Work together
• are interdependent
• exchange data with each
What Is a Computer Network?
 Bandwidth suatu nilai konsumsi transfer data yang
dihitung dalam bit/detik atau yang biasanya disebut
dengan bit per second (bps).
 Broadband istilah generik yang digunakan untuk
berbagai jenis koneksi internet dengan mengunakan
teknologi broadband.
 Pengertian Broadband dalam arti harfiah: jangkauan frekuensi
yang luas digunakan untuk mengirim dan menerima data.
 Types of computer networks:
 personal area networks (PANs),
 local area networks (LANs),
 metropolitan area networks (MANs),
 wide area networks (WANs).
III. Trends in Telecommunications

 Telecommunications – the exchange of

information in any form over a network
 Industry Trends – massively changed from
government regulated monopolies to a fiercely
competitive markets with many choices
 Business Application Trends – all these changes
have caused significant changes in the businesses
use of telecommunications
 Internet2 – a high performance network using an
entirely different infrastructure from the public
Internet; used mostly by universities (educational),
research, and government
III. Trends in Telecommunications

 Technology Trends
 Internet Networking Technologies – Sistem
terbuka dengan konektivitas tak terbatas
menggunakan teknologi jaringan internet
 Middleware – program yang menjadi perantara
antara program lain; bagian penting dari
infrastruktur TI karena ia bergabung dengan
sistem yang berbeda.
 Wireless technologies

IV. The Business Value of
Telecommunications Networks
 Cut costs, shorten lead/response times,
improve collaboration, support e-commerce
 The Internet Revolution – a “network of networks”,
the largest and most important network, constantly
 Internet Service Providers (ISP) – provides easy
access to the Internet
 Internet Applications – browsing the Net, email,
instant messaging
 Business Use of the Internet – the Internet adds
value to every part of the business cycle
 The Business Value of the Internet
V. The Role of Intranets
 Intranet – a private internal network using
Internet technologies
 The Business Value of Intranets – an
enterprise information portal supporting
communications and collaboration
 Communications and Collaboration –
improved by Intranets
 Web Publishing – developing and publishing
hyperlinked multimedia documents
 Business Operations and Management –
develop/deploy critical applications
supporting operations and managerial
decision making
 Intranet Portal Management – managed by
IS/IT professionals
VI. The Role of Extranets
 Extranet – A private network using Internet
technologies (intranet) opened to select
external entities for purposes of
 Purpose – interconnect the business with its
suppliers/customers/business partners

VI. The Role of Extranets
Extranets connect the internetworked enterprise
to customers, suppliers, and trading partners

Section 2
Telecommunications Network Alternatives

I. Telecommunications Alternatives

 Telecommunications is a highly
technical, rapidly changing field, but
most business professional do not need
detailed knowledge of these details

II. Telecommunications Network
Model – 5 basic components:
 Terminals – setiap perangkat input / output
untuk mengirim / menerima data
 Telecommunications Processors –
mendukung transmisi data / penerimaan
antar terminal
 Telecommunications Channels – media
tempat pesan dikirim
 Computers – dihubungkan oleh jaringan
 Telecommunications control software –
program untuk mengendalikan aktivitas
dan fungsi telekomunikasi
III. Types of Telecommunications
 A Network is defined by its geographic area
and who owns the equipment
 Wide Area Networks (WAN) – between
cities/large geographic areas, LANs
connected by common carrier or leased
 Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) – LANs
connected over a specific geographical area
 Local Area Networks (LAN) – equipment
owned by the firm, short distances, usually
within a single building (or room)
III. Types of Telecommunications
A LAN allows sharing of resources

III. Types of Telecommunications
 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) – sebuah jaringan yang
menggunakan internet sebagai tulang punggung
namun menggabungkan keamanan untuk privasi

III. Types of Telecommunications
Networks (cont…)
 Client/Server Networks – sebuah komputer
pusat yang kuat (server) yang menyediakan
informasi dan pemrosesan (layanan) ke
beberapa komputer pengguna akhir (klien)
 Network Computing – komputer berbasis
browser bertenaga minimal mendapatkan
data dan pemrosesannya dari Internet

V. Telecommunications Media

Media – the physical pathway over which signals travel

 Twisted-Pair Wire – sepasang kabel tembaga yang
sangat tipis berputar berlawanan arah (reduksi
kebisingan); murah, mudah digunakan, tapi
bandwidth rendah
 Coaxial Cable – kawat tembaga pusat dibungkus
dengan isolator, kawat eksternal dikepang
dikelilingi oleh penutup; Tidak semudah twisted
pair, lebih mahal dari twisted pair, tapi bandwidth
lebih tinggi

V. Telecommunications Media
 Fiber Optics – Serat kaca tipis yang dibungkus
dengan jaket pelindung (cladding), menyalurkan
cahaya (foton); sulit untuk digunakan, mahal,
tapi bandwidth tertinggi

V. Telecommunications Media
 The Problem of “The Last Mile” – although a
telecomm provider puts the latest technology
to your door, your home/office is still wired
with old fashioned technology, so all the
provider’s efforts do not help once the signal
reaches your location and you are constrained
(limited) by the technology in your own

VI. Wireless Technologies
Wireless Technologies – communications without
 Terrestrial Microwave – menara yang dilalui bumi
dan sinyal radio penglihatan, menara
ditempatkan di atas bukit dan puncak bangunan
 Communications Satellites – menggunakan
gelombang mikro, satelit di orbit
geosynchronous, untuk suara, video, dan data
 Cellular and PCS Systems – menggunakan
teknologi selular
 Wireless LANs – cheaper than re-wiring a
 Bluetooth – short range wireless

VII. Telecommunications Processors
Telecommunications Processors – perform a
variety of support functions in networks
 Modems – Most common processor
 Inter-Network Processors – menghubungkan
jaringan; switch, router, hub
 Multiplexor – memungkinkan satu saluran
untuk membawa banyak sinyal sekaligus

VIII. Telecommunications Software

 Network Management – network operating

systems and telecommunications monitors

IX. Network Topologies

 Topologies – the structure (or “look”) of a

network; 3 basic types: bus, ring, star
 Protocols – formal rules for communications
 Network Architectures
 The Internet’s TCP/IP – Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol – the standard
protocol for the Internet
 Voice Over IP – Internet telephony, replaces
public-switched service

IX. Network Topologies

X. Bandwidth Alternatives
Bandwidth: the capacity of a network

XI. Switching Alternatives

 Switching Alternatives – packet

switching dan ide baru lainnya untuk
menggantikan switching sirkuit standar
dari POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)

XII. Network Interoperability

 Network Interoperability – prosedur

umum dan protokol sehingga siapa pun
di jaringan dapat berkomunikasi dengan
orang lain di jaringan lain

The Internet and the World Wide Web

 Accessing the Internet

 The Future of the Internet
 The World Wide Web

Addresses on the Internet

 Domain names consist of multiple parts,

separated by dots, which are red from right to
 Top-level domain: the rightmost part of an
Internet name; common top-level domains are
.com, .edu, .gov
 Name of the company: the next section of the
Internet name
 Name of the specific computer: the next
section of the Internet name
Addresses on the Internet

The World Wide Web

 World wide web: Sistem standar yang diterima

secara universal untuk menyimpan,
mengambil, memformat, dan menampilkan
informasi melalui arsitektur klien / server.
 Home page: tampilan layar teks dan grafis
yang biasanya menyambut pengguna dan
menjelaskan organisasi yang telah
menetapkan halaman.
 Uniform resource locator: kumpulan huruf
yang mengarah ke alamat sumber daya
tertentu di Web.
Network Applications

 Discovery
 Communication
 Collaboration
 E-Learning and Distance Learning
 Virtual Universities
 Telecommuting

Discovery memungkinkan pengguna menelusuri dan mencari
sumber data, di semua area topik, di Web.
Discovery :
 Search engines
 Search engines are computer programs that search for specific information
by key words and report the results.
 The largest search engines are: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu.
 Google, Yahoo!, and Bing handle over 90 percent of all searches in the United
States. Baidu is the largest search engine in China.
 Metasearch engines
 Meta Search engine mencari beberapa mesin sekaligus dan
mengintegrasikan temuan berbagai search engine untuk menjawab
pertanyaan yang diposting oleh pengguna.
 Dogpile, Metacrawler.
 Discovery of material in foreign languages
 Portals
Metasearch Engine

Publication of Material in Foreign Languages

Portal is a Web-based, personalized gateway to information and
knowledge that provides relevant information from different IT
systems and the Internet using advanced search and indexing
 Commercial (public) portals offer content for diverse
communities and are most popular portals on the Internet.
 Affinity portals support communities such as a hobby group or a
political party.
 Mobile portals are accessible from mobile devices.
 Corporate portals offer a personalized single point of access
through a Web browser
 Industrywide portals for entire industries.

 Electronic mail (e-mail) is the largest-volume application running
on the Internet.
 Web-based call centers (customer call center) are services that
provide effective personalize customer contact as an important
part of Web-based customer support.
 Electronic chat room is a virtual meeting place where groups of
regulars come to “gab”.
 Voice Communication
Internet telephony (VoIP) (voice-over IP) digitizes your analogue
voice signals, sections them into packets, and sends them over the
Two examples of Internet telephony (VoIP)
 Skype
 Vonage

Collaboration refers to efforts of two or more entities (individuals,
teams, groups, or organizations) who work together to accomplish
certain tasks.
 Work group refers specifically to two or more individuals who act
together to perform some task.
 Virtual group (team) is when group members are in different

 Virtual collaboration is the use of digital technologies that
enable organizations or individuals to collaboratively plan,
design, develop, manage and research products, services and
innovative applications.
 Workflow technologies facilitate the movement of information
as it flows through the sequence of steps that make up an
organization’s work procedures. Includes workflow management
and workflow systems.
 Groupware refers to software products that support groups of
people who share a common task or goal and who collaborate to
accomplish it.

 Teleconferencing is the use of electronic communication that
allows two or more people at different locations to hold a
simultaneous conference.
 Videoconference is when participants in one location can see
participants at other locations and share data, voice, pictures,
graphics and animation by electronic means.
 Web conferencing is videoconferencing conducted over the
 Real-time collaboration tools support synchronous
communication of graphical and text-based information i.e.
computer-based whiteboards.

Software products supporting
 Microsoft Sharepoint
 IBM Lotus Quickr
 Google Docs
 Jive Software

Crowdsourcing mengacu pada outsourcing tugas ke sekelompok
orang yang tidak terdefinisi, umumnya besar dalam bentuk
panggilan terbuka.

Telepresence Systems
The latest version of videoconferencing, telepresence systems,
enable participants to seamlessly share data, voice, images, graphics,
video, and animation electronically.

E-Learning and Distance Learning
 E-Learning refers to learning supported by the Web.
 Distance learning (DL) refers to any learning situation in which
teachers and students do not meet face-to-face.

E-Learning and Distance Learning

Benefits of E-Learning:
 Self-paced learning increases content retention.
 Online materials deliver high-quality, current content.
 Students have the flexibility of learning from any place
at any time at their own pace.
 Learning time generally is shorter, and more people
can be trained due to faster training time.
 Training costs can be reduced.

E-Learning and Distance Learning

Drawbacks of E-Learning:
 Instructors may need training to be able to teach
 The purchase of additional multimedia equipment
may be necessary.
 Students must be computer literate and may miss the
face-to-face interaction with instructors.
 There are issues with assessing students’ work, as
instructors really do not know who completed

Virtual Universities

Online universities in which students take classes via the

Internet at home or an off-site location.

A process in which highly prized workers are able to work
anywhere anytime.

Telecommuting Benefits
For Employees
 Reduced stress, improved family life
 Employment opportunities for single parents and persons with
For Employers
 Increased productivity
 Ability to retain skilled employees

Source: © Maria R.T. Deseo/PhotoEdit

Telecommuting Disadvantages

For Employees
 Feelings of isolation
 No workplace visibility
 Potential for slower promotions
For Employers
 Difficulties in supervising work
 Potential information security problems
 Additional training costs



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