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V's of Big Data

Presented to:
     DR Fazeel Abid.
Presented by:
        Naba Batool. 
What is Big Data?
• Walmart handles more than 1 million customer transactions every

• Facebook handles 40 billions photos from its user base.

• Decoding the human genome originally took 10years to process;

now it can be achieved in one week.
Big  Data,  Usage  in  industry
How Big is Big Data
V's of Big Data
 Velocity:
Speed at which data is generated ,collected and

 Variety:
Describes the different types of data generated. velocity volume
 Volume:
The amount of data generated each second.
 Value:
It refers to the worth of the extracted data.

 Veracity: value veracity

This refers to how trustworthy data
 Validity Like veracity it tells us how accurate the data is for its intended use.

 Visualisation Data in a manner that is readable and accesable.

It refers to the age of the data.

 Volatility

 Virality The rate at which the data is spread by the users

and recieved by different users for their use.

 Variabilit The data whose meaning is

y constantly changing.
Types of Big Data
Quotations about Big Data

"Big Data is not

about bits, it's all
about talent. "
"you can have data (Douglas Merril).
without information ,
but you cannot have
Information without
(Daniel keys Moran)

Thank You So Much.

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