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A jet
the second
World Trade
tower in
New York
A fireball
explodes from
one of the World
Trade Center
towers in New
York after a jet
airliner crashed
into the
The south tower
of the World
Trade Center
begins to
collapse after a
terrorist attack on
the New York
A person jumps from the north tower of the World Trade Center as another
clings to the outside (left) while smoke and fire billow from the building.
Terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the New York landmark and
People run from the collapse of the World Trade Center in lower
Manhattan after terrorists crashed two jet airliners into the twin
Smoke billows over downtown Manhattan after the second tower of the
World Trade Center collapsed in a terrorist attack with hijacked
A firefighter moves through piles of debris at the site of the World Trade Center.
About 300 New York firefighters exposed to smoke and dust from the disaster
are now on medical leave for respiratory problems.
The remains of the World Trade Center stand
amid smoke and debris after the terrorist
People flee the scene near New York's World Trade Center after terrorists
crashed two planes into the towers in a coordinated series of attacks that
Pedestrians flee
the area of the
World Trade
Center in lower
following a
terrorist attack on
the New York
Two women
hold each other
as they watch
the World Trade
Center burn
following a
terrorist attack
on the twin
skyscrapers in
President Bush's
Chief of Staff
Andy Card
whispers into the
ear of the
President, telling
him about the
planes crashing
into the World
Trade Center.
Bush was visiting
the Emma E.
A rescue helicopter flies over the damage to the Pentagon
Building as fire fighters battle flames after American
Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the U.S. military
hose down the
twisted and
remnants of one
side of the
Pentagon after
Airlines Flight
77 crashed into
the Pentagon's
west wall on the
Firefighters and emergency personnel look through the debris of United
Airlines Flight 93 after it crashed on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 near
Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 40 victims were killed in the crash after passengers
reportedly stormed the cockpit to thwart terrorists' plans to use that plane as a
Firefighters and emergency personnel investigate the scene of the fatal crash
of United Airlines Flight 93 on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 near
Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 40 victims were killed in the crash after

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