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Oral presentation

Ziba Ataei
 vocabulary learning strategies

Role of vocabulary

importance of acquiring vocabulary learning strategies

which strategy for long-term retention?

Computer assisted vocabulary acquisition

vocabulary learning by keeping notebooks

 Role of vocabulary in enhancing learning

Vocabulary A crucial role,

Rich vocabulary knowledge-base Convey message


learning vocabulary not an easy job

a huge challenge

ManalAwad Mohammed Elwakeil (2017)

 The importance of acquiring
vocabulary learning strategies
Oxford (1994) critical role

behaviors, actions, and techniques

progress in producing and comprehending L2

Nation (1990) knowing and using vocabulary learning strategies

the most important way for learning language.

 Which strategy?

Numerous strategies

technology human activities


CALL attention of teachers, researchers

Teachers and students have positive attitudes towards


Nasrin shokrpour(2019)
JoDee Walters, Neval Bozkurt (2009)
 What is CALL?

CALL is a program derived from computer assisted learning with

the aim to provide a tutorial program of language learning (Hartoye,

CALL consists of a wide variety of applications and

approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages, (Nasrin
Shokrpour 2019)
 Strategy for long-term retention?
Research by (Rob Hirschel, Erik Fritz 2013)

two popular vocabulary learning approaches:

1) vocabulary notebooks
2) Computer Assisted Language Learning
(CALL) program with spaced repetition
investigated the short and long-term effectiveness
measured by pre, post, and delayed post-tests

The pre-test was given in late April

The post-test was administered in mid-July
The delayed post-test occurred in early October( 2.5
months following the post-test and just after students had returned from their
summer holiday

were selected for examination in the current study

based on the appearance of effectiveness and general popularity.
 Graphic representation of mean scores

According to the research (Rob Hirschel , Erik Fritz 2013)

 Conclusion:

the CALL group and the vocabulary notebook group performed

similarly in the short term,

The CALL group fared better over the long term

CALL is more effective for long-term

retention of vocabulary

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