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What is Societal Needs?

- Include the essential element for human survival from energy, food, and water, to health,
job, security, and transport. 

- it means that an underserved component of society would benefit from the furtherance of
this technology such that an element of service or altruism is added to the category of
market size and may balance a smaller market share.
Societal Needs
By Pranav Dua

•  Irrespective of their types all the societies have

certain common needs which must be fulfilled.
• These needs which may be regarded as “primary
needs” define the necessary conditions for the
existence of any society.
• According to Kingsley Davis, these societal needs
may be classified into four major categories the
needs for population, specialization, solidarity,
and continuity.
(i) The Need for Population:
• Society is composed of separate organisms
without whom no society could exist. Societies
of all kinds whether insect, animal, or human,
must make provision for fulfilling the three
basic needs of their members.
(ii) The Need for Specialisation:
• Group co-operation among members
presupposes the idea of division of labour and
specialisation. The group members must have
some mode of dividing work among
themselves. The degree of specialisation may
differ from society to society. It may be very
slight in the case of a herd of cattle or it may
be very great as it is in ant community.
(iii) The Need for Solidarity: 
•  Societies must guarantee some mode of
contact between the members and provide for
some motivation for such contact. Added to
this, the members must have the spirit of
tolerance and must be able to distinguish
themselves from other non-members.
(iv) The Need for Reproduction or
• The society or the group must be able to
perpetuate its structure, and character. There
must be provision for the continuity of the
social system even beyond the life-span of any
one individual or generation. This is possible
only when there is provision for the members
to reproduce their kind.
Hierarchy of societal needs (pyramid structure)

The pyramid of hierarchy of the societal needs represents Economy from a

sociological perspective. In this case, economy is related and interconnected with
different institutions such as labor, capital, currency, etc. All these different
meanings create what we call today 'Economy'.

Gaianomy is a theory which tries to analyse the impact that changes in these
institutions will have on the Economy.

This theory is still brand new, as there was no previous research on the subject,
and is based on 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs'. The use of the pyramid can help
us realize the different ingredients that consist and influence societies and the
importance of leisure and education specifically. (Hierarchy of Societal Needs,
What is imperative need?
• The adjective imperative means
that something is of the utmost importance
or necessity. It can also mean that something
is commanding. Similarly, the noun imperative
means “something of the utmost importance
or necessity”—something imperative. It also
means “a command.”
The Three Imperatives Of Meaningful Societal Change, And Why They Are Difference Making

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