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Al Huson University College

Chemical Engineering department

Experiment # 4
Reynolds Number

Prepared by
Eng. Ali Al Jarrah
The objective
• Determine the Reynolds Number.
• Determine type of Flow.
• The flow of fluids can occur under two very different regimes
namely laminar and turbulent flow.
• The laminar flow is characterized by fluid particles moving in
the form of lamina sliding over each other, such that at any
instant the velocity at all the points in particular lamina is the
• The turbulent flow is characterized by constant agitation and
intermixing of fluid particles such that their velocity changes
from point to point and even at the same point from time to
Types of flow
Reynolds number correlation
Velocity of water flow
Inner diameter of glass tube, D
Mass density of water.
Dynamic viscosity of water .
Cross - sectional area of glass tube,
A = (π/ 4) x D2
• Laminar flows ReD
< 2100
• Transitional flow
2100 < ReD < 4000
• Turbulent flow ReD
> 4000.
1. Fill the following table:
2. Plot the graph between Re vs. v, then assign the
critical velocity from the graph.
Volume Time Discharge Q Velocity Reynolds Type of flow
)cm³( )sec( )cm³/sec( )cm/sec( Number
Sample of calculation
Vol= 240 ml in 20 sec
Q= vol/time =240/20=12 /sec
V=Q/A= 12/0.785=15.28 cm/sec
= (15.28*1*0.997)/0.01 = 1524
So the flow is laminar
The critical velocity

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