Conservation of Mechanical Enegy

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Conservation of

Mechanical Energy
At the end of the session, students
should be able to:
• differentiate kinetic from potential energy;
• trace energy transformation in various
activities or events;
• give example of activities where transformation
of mechanical energy is evident.
Roller Coaster Ride
Why is it important to fulfill the happiness
of children even though some of them were
forced to work at such a young age?
What is energy?
-is the capacity of an
object to do work.
Forms of Energy
Mechanical energy is the energy of a
particle due to its motion and its position.
Group Activity
Paper Roller Coaster
Rules for working with groups:
• Start on time.
• Practice respect for yourself and others.
• Come prepared to do your part.
• Be a good listener.
• Make sure everyone gets a chance to
contribute or speak.
• Accept constructive criticism gracefully.
Rules for working with groups:
• Critique ideas, not people.
• Stay on task.
• No interruptions; let people finish talking.
• Ask for help when you’re confused about what to do.
• Help others when you can.
• Do your fair share of the work.
Rubrics for the Activity
Guide Questions:

1. What type of mechanical energy does the roller

coaster have on top of the hill? Why?
Potential energy because they rely on gravitational
potential energy, which they gain by initially being towed
up a large hill. Potential energy is "stored" because of an
object's elevation, or height off the ground. 
Guide Questions:
2. When the coaster starts going down the hill, what
happens to its potential energy?
When the coaster starts going down the hill, the
potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, or
the energy of the motion.
3. When the coaster goes back up another hill, what
happens to its kinetic energy?
When the coaster goes back up another hill, it will
lose kinetic energy (it will slow down) and gain some
potential energy again. 
Guide Questions:
4. Which area shows the rollercoaster with the
maximum potential energy?
At the very top/peak of the hill
5. Which area shows the rollercoaster with the least
potential energy?
At the bottom of the tallest hill
Guide Questions:
6. Which area shows the rollercoaster with the
maximum kinetic energy?
At the bottom of the tallest hill
7. Which area shows the rollercoaster with the least
kinetic energy?

At the very top/peak of the hill

Kinetic vs. Potential Energy

At the point of maximum potential energy, the car has minimum

kinetic energy.
Phet Simulation of
Mechanical Energy
Kinetic Energy is the energy
of motion.
Potential Energy is stored
Kinetic Energy
When these objects move at the same speed,
which will have more kinetic energy?

The truck has more mass;

therefore, more kinetic energy!
For instance, when these objects have the same
mass, which will have more kinetic energy?

The faster the object moves, the more kinetic

energy is produced.
Kinetic Energy
• The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.
• The faster an object moves, the more kinetic
energy it has.
• The greater the mass of a moving object, the
more kinetic energy it has.
• Kinetic energy depends on both mass and
Examples of Kinetic Energy:
Kinetic Energy
K.E. = mass x velocity
K.E. = mv
What has a greater affect of kinetic energy, mass
or velocity? Why?
Sample Problem:
Potential Energy
• Potential Energy is stored energy.
• Stored chemically in fuel, the nucleus of atom, and
in foods or stored because of the work done on it:
• Stretching a rubber band.
• Winding a watch.
• Pulling back on a bow’s arrow.
• Lifting a brick high in the air.
Energy that is stored due to being stretched or
compressed is called elastic potential energy.
Potential energy
that is dependent
on height is called
potential energy.
Gravitational Potential Energy
• “The bigger they are the harder they fall”
is not just a saying. It’s true. Objects with
more mass have greater G.P.E.
• The formula to find G.P.E. is
G.P.E. = Weight X Height.
G.P.E = mgh
Sample Problem:
Give other example of activities
where transformation of
mechanical energy is evident.
Read and understand some applications of the
concept. Write the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. What is the energy of a motorcycle going
fast midway down a hill?
A. Entirely kinetic
B. Entirely potential
C. Entire gravitational
D. Both kinetic and potential
Read and understand some applications of the
concept. Write the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. What is the energy of a motorcycle going
fast midway down a hill?
A. Entirely kinetic
B. Entirely potential
C. Entire gravitational
D. Both kinetic and potential
_____2. Which among the objects is considered as
having potential energy?
A. Milk
B. Hot plate
C. Candle flame
D. Ambulance siren
_____2. Which among the objects is considered as
having potential energy?
A. Milk
B. Hot plate
C. Candle flame
D. Ambulance siren
_____3. Which of the following happens to
A. Loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy
B. Loses both potential energy and kinetic energy
C. Gains potential energy and losses kinetic energy
D. Gains both potential energy and kinetic energy
_____3. Which of the following happens to
A. Loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy
B. Loses both potential energy and kinetic energy
C. Gains potential energy and losses kinetic energy
D. Gains both potential energy and kinetic energy
_____4. Which event illustrates the direct
transformation of potential to kinetic energy?
A. A sleeping cow stirs awake
B. The spring of a broken toy shoots up
C. The wide-open spring door closes slowly
D. A volleyball player blocks an incoming ball
_____4. Which event illustrates the direct
transformation of potential to kinetic energy?
A. A sleeping cow stirs awake
B. The spring of a broken toy shoots up
C. The wide-open spring door closes slowly
D. A volleyball player blocks an incoming ball
_____5. A decorative stone fell off the fence.
Considering the presence of air, how does the kinetic
energy (KE) of the stone just before striking the ground
compare to its potential energy (PE) on the fence?
A. KE is equal to PE
B. KE is less than PE
C. KE is greater than PE
D. It is impossible to tell
_____5. A decorative stone fell off the fence.
Considering the presence of air, how does the kinetic
energy (KE) of the stone just before striking the ground
compare to its potential energy (PE) on the fence?
A. KE is equal to PE
B. KE is less than PE
C. KE is greater than PE
D. It is impossible to tell
Fill in the blank with potential or kinetic to complete
the paragraph explaining the energy transformations
that occurs on a roller coaster.
The potential energy of the coaster cars at the peak of the first
hill determines the total amount of energy that is available for
the rest of the ride. At the top of the hill, the coaster cars have
the most (1) __________. When these are released and begin
coasting down the hill, potential energy transforms into (2)
______ energy until they reached the bottom of the hill. As the
car ascend to the next hill, (3) _______ is transformed back to
(4) _______ energy. Then when these cars descend the hill, the
(5) __________ is again changed into (6) ________. This
transformation between potential and kinetic continues
throughout the ride until it comes to a stop. This works behind
the principle of Law of conservation of energy.
The potential energy of the coaster cars at the peak of the first
hill determines the total amount of energy that is available for
the rest of the ride. At the top of the hill, the coaster cars have
the most (1) __________. When these are released and begin
coasting down the hill, potential energy transforms into (2)
KE energy until they reached the bottom of the hill. As the
KE is transformed back to
car ascend to the next hill, (3) _______
PE energy. Then when these cars descend the hill, the
(4) _______
(5) __________ KE
is again changed into (6) ________. This
transformation between potential and kinetic continues
throughout the ride until it comes to a stop. This works behind
the principle of Law of conservation of energy.
Use your knowledge about solving equations to
work out the following problems. Be sure to show
all your work with units:
1. How much potential energy is gained by a 2-kg
book when it is raised 1.5 m above the table?
2. A book with mass of 1.5 kg on a table that is 1.2 m
high is raised onto a shelf. The shelf is 2 m from the
table top. What is the gravitational potential energy
of the book relative to the table top?
Tell whether the following pictures show potential energy (PE)
or kinetic energy (KE).

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