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John Christian J.

Cabales, PLT, MA
Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Iloilo City
Course Outline
Course Title: CHED GE Ethics
Instructor: John Christian J. Cabales, PLT, MASOCSCI,
AB Major in Philosophy, Master of Arts in
Science, Instructor at University of San
– CLASE, Faculty in BED-Senior High School
University of San Agustin
Schedule: TBA
A. Course Description

Designed for students of ethics under the new CHED

General Education Curriculum, Thus the course
deals with both the substance as well as the
pedagogy of ethics. The former concerns the principles
of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the
person, society, and interaction with the environment
and other shared resources (CMO 20 s2013), while the
latter pertains to the various methods of teaching the
course, as well as the skills necessary to accomplish it,
in a way that incorporates the most recent principles of
and insights in the college level.
B. Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students are expected to:

1. Differentiate between moral and non-moral problems.
2. Explain the influence of Filipino culture on the way the students
look at moral experiences and solve moral dilemmas.
3. Describe what a moral experience is as it happens in different
levels of human existence.
4. Describe the elements of moral development and moral
5. Use ethical frameworks or principles to analyze moral
6. Make sound ethical judgments based on principles, facts, and
the stakeholders.
7. Develop sensitivity to the common good.
identifying and managing group dynamics, and facilitating
8. Understand and internalize the principles of ethical behavior in
modern society at the level of the person, society, and in
interaction with the environment and other shared resources.

9. Demonstrate the skills necessary and appropriate in the

teaching of ethics in the college level, such as identifying and
managing group dynamics, and facilitating discussions.
C. Course Methodology

The course consists mainly of topic classroom

demonstrations from the CHED Ethics standard
syllabus, critiquing, to be used by the
students upon learning ethics in their
respective universities.
D. Course Outline

The course is organized according to the three main elements of

the moral experience: agent(including context—cultural,
communal, and environmental); the act; and principles or
frameworks for the act.
Learning Strategies:

2.Individual Readings/Personal Reflection/
Individual/Group Sharing of Human Experiences/
Small-Group Discussion
3.Film Showing/Powerpoint Presentation/Song
Course requirements: Term Exams/Reaction/
Reflection paper
Grading System:
Class Standing : 50%
Quizzes/Assignments, Attendance,
Graded Activities
Recitations/Seat work, Reports/Projects
Periodic Exam (Prelim, Midterm, Finals): 50%
Semestral Grade:
Classroom Policies:

•Attendance is required. (Absences are limited to a

maximum of 7 for TTh classes & 10 for MWF classes).

•Wearing of Uniform is strictly imposed.

•Wearing of University ID is highly recommended.

•Formalize the questioning and answering of question to

avail of grade.
Classroom Policies:

•No wearing of earrings for men.

•Avoid unnecessary noise while lecture is going on.

•Respect the answers or opinion of others, no matter

how amusing it may be.

•Mobile phones, Smart phones are not allowed during

class hours.
E. Time Table
Date Topic
July 30 Orientation & Introduction
July Difference Between Moral and Non -Moral
August Standards, Moral Dilemmas, Three Levels of Moral
1 Dilemma, Freedom as Foundation for Moral Acts,
Culture and Moral Behavior
Cultural Relativism, Filipino Moral Identity
2 Preliminary Examination
Universal Values, Stages of Moral Development
Reason and Impartiality, Feelings and Reason
E. Time Table
Date Topic
7 Step Moral Reasoning Model, Difference Between
Reason and Will, Moral Theories : Frames of Moral
August Experiences,
3 Midterm examination
Aristotelian Ethics, St. Thomas Ethics, Kant and
Utilitarianism, Justice as Fairness, Globalization and
4 its Ethical Challenges
Millennias and Filinnials : Ethical Challenges and

Final Examination
F. References
Control and the Pharmaceutical Industry.”
Monograph produced by the Jose B. Fernandez, Jr. Ethics Center and the
Ateneo Graduate School of Business, 2011.
AQUINAS, THOMAS. “On Law, Eternal Law, and Natural Law.” Summa
Theologiae. Vol 28, edited by Thomas Gilby, 5-97. New York: Black
Friars/McGraw Hill, 1966.
ARISTOTLE. Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by Martin Oswald. Indianapolis:
Bobbs-Merrill Educational
Publishing, 1983.CAMPBELL, W. KEITH. “The Narcissism Epidemic.” Interview
by Steve Paikin. The Agenda with
F. References

Steve Paikin, July 31, 2013.

FRIEDMAN, THOMAS. The Nexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding
Globalization, 1st Edition. New York: AnchorBooks, 2000.
GULA, R.M. Reason Informed by Faith. New York: Paulist Press, 1989.
KANT, IMMANUEL. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, with On a
Supposed Right to Lie Because ofPhilanthropic Concerns. Third edition.
Translated by James W. Ellington. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing
Co., 1993.
KOHLBERG, LAWRENCE. Essays on Moral Development. Vol. 1 of
The Philosophy of Moral Development:
MoralStages and the Idea of Justice. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1981.
LICUANAN, PATRICIA ET AL. “A Moral Recovery Program: Building People—
Building Nation.” In Values in
PhilippineCulture and Education: Philippine Philosophical Studies I, edited by
Manuel B. Dy, Jr., 31-48.
Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 1994.
MILL, JOHN STUART. Utilitarianism. 2nd edition. Edited, with an introduction by
George Sher. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 2001.
, 2014.
PALMA-ANGELES, ANTONETTE. “Cultural Drivers of Corruption in Business
and Governance.” In Business Ethics in Asia: Issues and Cases, edited by
Oscar G. Bulaong, Jr., Ike Danita Dewi, and J. Sedfrey Santiago,
20-36. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2014.
QUE, NEMESIO S., S.J. “Notes on Moral Deliberation.” Introduction to course
notes for PH 104: Foundations of Moral Value, Ateneo de Manila University, n.d.
RACHELS, JAMES. “What is Morality?” and “The Challenge of Cultural
Relativism.’ In The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 4th edition, 1-31.
New York: McGraw-Hill College, 2004.
RAE, SCOTT B, AND KENMAN L. WONG. “A Model for Decision Making.”
In Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach to Christian Ethics. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004.
RAWLS, JOHN. “A Theory of Justice.” In Reason at Work: Introductory
Readings in Philosophy. Edited by Stephen M. Cahn and George Sher, 262-76.
Forth Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers,
REYES, RAMON C. “Relation Between Ethics and Religious Belief.” In
The Moral Dimension: Essays in Honor of Ramon Castillo Reyes. Edited by
emesio S. Que, S.J., Oscar G. Bulaong, Jr., and Michael Ner E.
Mariano, 107-12. Quezon City, PH: Office of Research and Publications,
Ateneo de Manila University, 2003.
WERHANE, PATRICIA H. Moral Imagination and Management Decision Making.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

G. Supplementary Readings

BARBAZA, REMMON E. “Duterte and Being Human.” Philippine Daily Inquirer,

July 28, 2016.
(Accessed 4 October 2016.)________. “Have We Lost Instinct and Capacity for
Just Rage?” Philippine Daily Inquirer, July 25, 2015. http://opinion.inquirer.
net/57387/have-we-lost-instinct-and-capacity-for-just-rage. (Accessed 4 October
________. “Marcos and the Forgetfulness of Evil.” Philippine Daily Inquirer,
October 21, 2015.
-of-evil. (Accessed 4 October 2016.)
________. “On Anger.” Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 7, 2016. http:// (Accessed 4 October 2016.)
DHALIWAL, SHVETA. "Development of South Asian Human Rights Culture:
The Role of South Asian Associationfor Regional Cooperation (SAARC).
" The Indian Journal of Political Science 69, no. 3 (2008): 565-
FRANKLIN, JAMES C. "Shame on You: The Impact of Human Rights Criticism
on Political Repression in Latin
America." International Studies Quarterly 52, no. 1 (2008): 187-211.


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