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Costescu Mihai
Grupa 3103
How it is spread

Staphylococcus is a bacteria that spreads

into humans, certain animals and
enviroment. It spreads by direct contact or
when you interact with infected objects.
This bacteria is often spread throught our
own hands.
It can be spread from air, objects or like a
A healthy person who is infected with
staphylococccus (does not count which
type) has a lower risk to get a bad
sickness, but the bacterias can produce
diseases like boils or impetigo.
This bacteria is often faind in farms where
it can be spred quikly.
How it affect people and animals.

A healthy person who is infected with

staphylococccus (does not count which
type) has a lower risk to get a bad sickness,
but the bacterias can produce diseases like
boils or impetigo. People who are already
sick or have a fragile immunity are prone to
a badly infection. However a healthy person
who makes contact with the bacteria and
becomes a carrier can get sick in particular if
he does surgery and the bacteria gets into
the wound or in the blood. You can have
Staphylococcus and does not know. You can
be condagious and don’t know. That is why
you have to the periodic analyzes.
What is the cure

Staphylococcus is very resistant at so many

antibiotincs, is not a normal infection. There is
special antibiotics witch can combat the
infection. Staphylococcus is a methicillin-
resistant, witch means it is resistant at normal
antibiotics. You will need special antibiotics as
penicilyn to combat the infection. Doctors
recomand nasal ointment as a cure too.
How to prevent

If you are a farmer or a vet, or just someone

who someone who comes in contact with
many animals you have to be careful. You
have to wash your hands often, to change
your boots after you leave the stable and
and clothes if they are pickled . As a vet you
have to disinfect the tabe you put the
animals after every patient, and to do not
use the instruments from one patient to
another without properly disinfecting them .
Certainly you have to make periodic
analyzes if you make contact with many
animals, for you and their safety.
Take care! 

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