Week 4 - The Ottoman - British Competition Over Qatat (1871-1913)

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The Ottoman-British Competition Over Qatar

 The Ottomans assuming sovereignty over the Gulf
 Sheikh Jassim’s ally with Ottomans
 Result of Ottoman-British competition over Qatar
 Ottoman Plan 1889-1891
 Al Wajbah Battle
 Britain mediation
 Ottoman Reaction
 The Ottoman-Britain Treaty 1913
Ottomans Assuming Sovereignty Over The Gulf
Despite the limited nominal dominance of the Ottoman State in the Arabian Gulf, it considered
itself as having a real sovereignty in the area for number of reasons:
1. It is the largest Islamic country/empire in the Islamic world.
2. It hosts the Caliphate of the Ottoman Islamic empire
3. It assumes its spiritual tie with the Gulf's peoples and rulers by fact of being Muslims.
4. The Gulf rulers need of the Ottomans force, recognizing its sovereignty to face both the
British and Persian hegemony.
Medhat Pasha Campaign 1869-1872

• Medhat Pasha was the Ottoman Governor of Baghdad (1869-1872), a reformist

who persuaded the Ottoman Sultan to confront the British dominance in the
Gulf and to play an important role to raise the country’s prestige in the region.

• His campaign named “County of Najd” Al-hasa Campaign to Najd and the
Arabian Gulf, which aimed at spreading the actual authority of the Ottoman
empire over the coast of the Arabian Gulf from Kuwait until Muscat.
Sheikh Jassim’s Ally With Ottomans

 The Shaikh of Kuwait Abdullah Al-Sabah visited Doha in July 1871 by sea to persuade Shaikh
Mohammed Bin Thani, to accept the Ottoman protection of Qatar but the Shaikh refused.

 Shaikh Jassim Bin Muhammad Al-Thani who assisted is father to rule Qatar, welcomed Ottoman
influence and accepted the offer and raised the Ottoman flag over the ruler’s palace in Doha.

 In January 1872, the Ottomans sent their military force to support Qatar. The leader of the garrison stated
that Qatar became an Ottoman province and that Jassim Bin Muhammad Al-Thani (Qaim-maqam)
became the ruler of Qatar, having assigned him an annual salary.

 Jassim’s ally with the Ottomans aimed at getting rid of the restrictions of his father's commitments to the
British and to avoid paying the tax imposed on Qatar tribes to Bahrain. This means ending any relation of
Al-Khalifa with Qatar.
Result Of Ottoman-British Competition Over Qatar

The British authority protested such action stating that Qatar Sheikh had signed a treaty
with Britain since 1868.

Al-Odaid Issue
The first result of this harsh competition is Al-Odaid Problem in which Britain considered Qatar's borders not
inclusive to al-Odaid while the Ottoman State insisted on considering the area within the borders of Qatar and
consequently is subject to the Ottoman authority.

Al-Zubara Issue
In 1874, the Ottoman State attempted to rebuild Al-Zubara port for which resulted in protests by the British
authorities because this will form a hostile point against the British and their authority in the Bahrain and the sea.
Shaikh Jassim Becomes the
Sole Ruler on 18 December
The Qatari-ottoman Relationship Passed Through Two

• In the first stage (1871-1887)

1. Shaikh Jassim built a strong friendship with Ottomans and he remained the highest authority in the

• In the second stage (1887-1913)

1. The Ottoman started to increase their influence in Qatar, and they tried to limit Shaikh Jassim’s authority.
2. This led to a clash between the two sides and the Battle of Wajbah .
Ottoman Plan 1889-1891
 In this period the Ottomans set a plan to strengthen their control over Qatar when Akef Pasha (mutasarif)
wanted to establish an Ottoman administration in Qatar in 1889.
 Akef Pasha proposed many steps to Sheikh Jassim in order to fulfil the plan including:
1-The appointment of an Ottoman deputy for the local governor (the sheikh) arguing that the sheikh Jassim
often left Doha.
2- The establishment of  governmental administrative.
3- Providing Qatar with two forces, Infantry and Cavalry.
4- The assignment of an Ottoman manager at Doha port to be responsible for collecting taxes from Qatari ships.
5- Opening two post offices Al-Zubara and al-Odaid.
6- Putting two steamy ships regularly between Doha, Al-Akeer and Al-Qatif; or projects to re-build Al-Zubara
and al-Odaid.
These suggestions angered Sheikh Jassim because they would weaken his authority and deprive him of his main revenue source
Wajbah Battle

 Since March 1892, the Ottoman State started to impose its

complete authority, by force, over Qatar supplied by an army
from infantry and cavalry sent to Basra then to Al-hasa then to
Doha during when Basra was governed by Muhammad Hafiz
 Muhammad Hafiz Pasha when reached Doha requested
Jassim to pay country’s tax of fifteen years, the request that
Jassim can not respond to due to lack of economic incomes.
 On 25th of march, 1893, the governor detained Sheikh Ahmed
Al-Thani Jassim’s brother and 12 individuals of Doha
dignitaries, then seized the city from land and sea.
 When Jassim heard this, he misled the Ottomans, by
rumoring that he left Qatar and dismissed his forces whereas he
distributed his forces several main points as part of a tight plan.
 The Ottoman forces were defeated after heavy loses in
ammunition and casualties and were forced to withdraw while
the Qatari seized many Ottoman cannons.
Consequences Of Wajbah Battle
(Shifting Point In The History Of Qatar)

1- Sheikh Jassim to benefit politically from his military victory.

(This increased his popularity and fame as a strong leader in
Qatar, and the Ottomans had no choice in the end but to grant him
general amnesty.)

2- Minimize the Ottoman presence in Qatar to the lowest possible

level. Therefore, he requested the Ottoman governor, who was still
on his ship to keep away the soldiers he brought from Al-Hasa.

3- He also sent a complaint to Sultan Abd Al-Hamid Second,

charging Basra governor with what happened due to his
misconduct. His complaint succeeded in dismissing the governor
from Basra province.
Ottoman-Britain Treaty 1913

The Competition between the Ottoman State and Britain in Qatar ended with the signature of July 1913
treaty, which stated that:

1- The Ottomans State declared its concession of its rights in the sovereignty over Qatar.
2-  the Emirate must be governed by an independent Sheikh from Al-Thani, provided the ruling is inherited by
his successors.
3- The Ottoman state must promise not to conquer Qatar in return.
4- The British must promise not to advocate Bahrain Sheikh if he attempts to conquer Qatar.
5- Britain Kept protecting Qatar from external forces by signing treaties with Saudis.

However, the treaty was never ratified.

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Jassim Takes Over Power In Qatar

• Sheikh Jassim bin Muhammad Al Thani passed away on July 17, 1913, and his son
Sheikh Abdullah took over rule in Qatar.

• Sheikh Abdullah was born in 1880 in Doha. The British and the Ottomans
acknowledged Sheikh Abdullah as the heir to rule over the entire Qatar peninsula.

• The Ottomans gave up all of their rights over Qatar after the start of World War I.

• On November 3, 1916, the British signed a treaty with Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim
bringing Qatar into its system known as the administration of the Trucial Emirates.
Letter F r o m Sheikh Abdullah B i n J a s s i m AI T h a n i I n f o r m i n g T h e Political Age nt I n
Bahrain O f T he D e a t h O f H i s Father She ikh J ass im

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