Impact of Planning

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Why, What,

Impact of Planning
What is Planning?
Planning is a profession with the primary purpose of
improving the communities in which we live.
Setting goals, developing strategies and outlining tasks
and schedules to accomplish the goals.
It is the process by which an individual or organization
decides in advance on some future course of action.
Is the process of determining how the organization can
get where it wants to go.
involves selecting from among alternative future courses
of actions for the organization as a whole and for every
department or section within.
Planning is one of the most important project
management and time management techniques.
Planning is preparing a sequence of action steps to
achieve some specific goal.

The essential nature of planning can be highlighted by the 4 major aspects of planning:

a.) contribution to purpose and objective

The principle derives from nature of organized enterprise, which exist for the
accomplishment of group purpose through deliberate cooperation.

b.) primacy of planning

Planning is the primary management function, the one that precedes and is the basis
for organizing, influencing, staffing leading and controlling functions of managers.

c.) pervasiveness of planning

Planning is a function of all managers, although the character and breadth of planning
will vary with their authority and with the nature of policies and plans outlined by their

d.) efficiency of plans

is measured by the amount it contributes to purpose and objectives as offset by the costs
and other unsought consequences required to formulate and operate it.

1. To offset uncertainty and change

2. To focus attention on objectives
3. To gain economic operation
4. To facilitate control
Why Plan in the First Place?

They make good food for thought.

Crucial for meeting your needs during
each action step with your time, money,
or other resources.
Planning is vital to all schools because it helps build better
programs for students.
It does by helping you to:

1. Decide how and where to set priorities in

the use of limited human and economic resources.
2. Decide how to accomplish not only your short-range goals, but
also your medium and long-range goals.
3. Build on the strong and successful parts of the program, as well
as to identify and improve the weak parts.
4. Reach agreement in the school community about what to do
and how to do it.
What a Good Planning
Process Is
•1. It is organized thinking that helps in deciding what needs to be
done, how it will happen, and who will do it.
•2. It is the setting of priorities in the use of resources.
•3. It is trying to anticipate the future.
•4. It is involving those affected by the results of planning and opening
communication channels.
•5. It is adapting and modifying steps or processes until they work for
•6. It is using leadership to motivate people and to coordinate their
•7. It is reflecting on what has been planned already and how it is
•8. It includes the periodic recording of planning decisions for future
What a Good Planning Process Is Not
1. It is not merely writing a plan or filling out forms.
2. It is not using steps or processes that don’t work.
3. It is not involving people without considering their
4. It is not deciding what to do without figuring out
how it will happen.
5. It is not letting the program guide and coordinate
What a Good Process Should Do
1. It should stimulate change and improvement.
2. It should help you figure out what will happen and how it
should happen.
3. It should raise awareness about what is being done and why.
4. It should build a trail of activities over time so you can look
at what has worked well and what has not.
5. It should produce blueprint, road map, or recipe to be used.
6. It should decrease fear about the process of change and it
What a Good Planning Process Should Not
1. It should not make planning more important than
everything else you do.
2. It should not result in a process or a plan that rigid
and inflexible.
3. It should not result in a process that has not been
adapted to your school’s particular needs.
4. It should not focus your attention on only one
aspect of the program, excluding all others.
Purpose of a Plan
1. Helps management to clarify, focus, and research their
businesses or project’s development and prospects.

2. Provides a considered and logical framework within

which a business can develop and pursue business
strategies over the next three to five years.

3. Offers a benchmark against which actual performance

can be measured and reviewed.

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