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DAG- Directed Acyclic Graphs

• Depicts the structure of basic blocks

• Helps to see the flow of values flowing among the basic blocks, and
offers optimization too
• Provides easy transformation on basic blocks
• Gives a pictorial view of how the value computed by a statement is
used in subsequent statements
• DAG can be represented as:
• Leaf nodes represent identifiers, variable names and constants
• Interior nodes are labelled with an operator
• Interior nodes also represent the results of expressions or the
identifiers/name where the values are to be stored or assigned

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Applications of DAG

• We can
• Automatically detect common sub expressions
• Determine which identifiers have their values used in the
• Determine which statements compute values that could
be used outside the block

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t0 = a + b
t1 = t0 + c
d = t0 + t1

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