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Improving Study and Thinking Skills


- From the Greek word ( librarium) Meaning a place of for the custody or administration of a collection of reading materials. - Books in school are house in a place.




( Novels, short stories, and drama ) The arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author. Some libraries write F on the spine or backbone of fictional books.


Books of information ) - The books are about real things, people, places and the like.

a. b. c. d. e.

Dictionaries f. Atlases Encyclopedias g. Gazetteers Indexes h. Bibliographies Yearbooks i. Directories Almanacs j. Biographical Dictionaries

Newspaper b. Magazines c. Journals


a. b. c. d.

Pamphlets Government Publication Clippings Audio- visual Materials ( pictures, postcards, slides, filmstrips, manuscripts, maps, globes, phonographs, records, tapes, wire recordings, micro cards, microfilms, micro text.

CALL NUMBER- is the basis of a system adopted by a library. The number that indicates the existence and the exact location or placement of a books in the library DDC- Dewey Decimals Classification LCC- Library of Congress Classification

Named after its developer ( Melvin Dewey). Groups the books into 10 classes. Begins with the Arabic Numerals.

Used by big libraries. Classifies them into subgroups or subdivision. Begins with big letters plus Arabic Numerals.

539.72 G2 1995


LB 470 1998

- Contains the records of all books inside the library. For each book, it has the following: 1. Title of the books 2. Author of the books 3. Subject Matter of the books 4. Information about the publication of the books ( Place , date, and Publisher) 5. Call number of the books 6. Number of revisions and editions 7. Number of pages 8. Illustrator/Illustrators

Card 2. Author Card 3. Subject Card Other: Cross Reference or See Also Card

1. Title

739.7 L34 Games to Play Larsen, Harold, 2nd ed, Berthold, Tiedman, California: Harper and Row 15 p. illus.

1. Mathematical Recreations

1. Title

739.7 L34 Larsen, Harold Games to Play, 2nd ed, Berthold, Tiedman, California: Harper and Row 15 p. illus.

1. Mathematical Recreations

1. Auhor

739.7 L34

Mathematical Recreations

Larsen, Harold Games to Play, 2nd ed, Illus. by. Berthold, Tiedman, California Harper and Row 15 p. illus.

Aluminum See Metals



section contains the general collection of books, fiction, and nonfiction, which the students can barrow for home use.


this section the books are maybe requested by some teachers to be made available for their students but for a shorter period of time, because of the limited number of copies per book.


containing specific facts and information about anything In this world are kept in this section.


ENCYCLOPEDIA- This is a reference material that gives information on almost every subject. These pieces of information, arranged alphabetically, are put together in book form and are sold to the public in series of volume.

2. DICTIONARY- is one of the most useful books in the library, because it gives a lot of information a bout a word, such as its spelling, syllabication, pronunciation, meaning, stress, function, its etymology or origin, and many more.

4. YEARBOOK-( Annual) this gives information about the yearly activities, accomplishments and composition of a government or a private institution, or a company.

5. ATLAScollection of maps, contemporary or historical.

6. ALMANAC- Pieces of information about the economic, political, astronomical, meteorological, and statistical data on the commercial and sports status of a country.

7. GAZETTEER- This give s a list of names of places plus information or description of each place such as its location, terrain and the correct pronunciation of its name.

8. INDEXES- An index is a material that indicates where a particular article in a magazine or a journal can be found. - It gives the title, volume, series number, and date of the magazine containing the article.

9. BIBLIOGRAPHY- This contains a list of names of authors, of a certain book. - Every entry gives not the date and place of publication, including the name of the publisher.

10. DIRECTORIES- To obtain some pieces of information about a person- his name, address, and telephone number, and some information about organization and companies.

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