The Method of Induction AJHANG - 064454

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-Inductiveargument is a type of argument whose
conclusion is only probable, that is why it cannot
be proven valid or invalid.

There are arguments whose validity is determined

and whose truth can be established only with
probability. Arguments of this kind have conclusions
which are not valid but are only PROBABLE,
depending on the establishing casual connections
and asserting claims about the world. These
arguments are called INDUCTIVE ARGUMENT.

is one of the most used

inductive arguments. It is where
everyday inferences are mostly
made. The relationship between
the premises and the conclusion
is not established valid and does
not follow from logical necessity.
What is claimed is probability.
ARGUMENT -an inference from the similarity of two or
more things in one or more respects to the
similarity of those things is some further
respect. The schema of an analogy is as
follows (Copi and Cohen,1998):
A, b, c and d all have the attributes P and
A, b, c all have the attribute R
Therefore, d probably has the attribute R

As stated above, analogical

arguments are neither valid or
invalid, but only probable.
Here is the list of criteria used to analyse
arguments by analogy based on their degree
of probability.

Number of
-the principle of the number of
Entities entities which the analogy holds
is based on common sense and
past experiences. The higher
the number of experiences
about the same kind of entity
having the same attributes, the
higher the probability that the
truth of the conclusion may be
a. One Tuesday in the month of December 2012,
traffic in EDSA was heavy.

b. One Thursday in the month of December 2013,

traffic in EDSA was heavy.

c. One Wednesday in the month of December 2014,

traffic in EDSA was heavy.

d. One Saturday in the month of December 2015,

traffic in EDSA was heavy.

Conclusion: It is probable that a day in the month of

December 2016, traffic in EDSA will also be heavy.
Variety of
the instance
in the - the more dissimilar the
premises instances mentioned only
in the premises of the
analogical argument, the
stronger is the argument.

are various in terms of the days in December and

the year that the traffic is heavy. It means that
the trend of heavy traffic did not happen within
one day of a year alone. Hence, there is a higher
probability of the conclusion to be true.
Number of respects - the greater the number of
in which the things respects in which the
involved are said to
be analogous. particular identified in the
conclusions of the argument
is similar to the identified in
the premises, the more
probable the conclusion is.

the conclusion is related to the premises in the

following aspects: SAME DAY, SAME MONTH, AND
- the relevant analogies are
Relevance those that deal with
casually related attributes
affecting the strength of
the argument.

There is a casual relation between the

Month of December, number of people
traveling along EDSA, and the traffic
caused during this month.
- it is an assessment of the
Number of differences pertaining to the
importance of instances in the premises and the
disanalogies instance in the conclusion. The
conclusion of this criterion is to
Disanalogy is a point of
differences. strengthen the argument once the
disanalogy is overcome.

It might be construed that the days in December on which

heavy traffic is experienced are not relevant in the
appraisal of the analogy or the year when this experience
happened; thus, the argument is weakened. However, as
you look at criterion 2 again, there are more similarities
than there are differences between the premises and the
Nature of the
claim. the more modest the conclusion is
relative to the premises affirmed, the
highly probable the conclusion is. The
more modesty is placed in the
conclusion, the less burden is placed
upon the premises, and the stronger is
the claim of the argument.

the claim expresses modesty by saying that

there is a probability that on any day within
the month of December, heavy traffic will be

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