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Team members

 Arawinda Sampath
 Padmini Mangalika
 Tharushika yasantha
 Keerthana
Performance Evaluation
Five Steps to a Performance Evaluation System
-- FPM

 Develop an evaluation form.

 Identify performance measures.
 Set guidelines for feedback.
 Create disciplinary and termination procedures.
 Set an evaluation schedule.
1. Develop an evaluation form.

 Performance evaluations should be conducted fairly, consistently and objectively to protect

your employees’ interests and to protect your practice from legal liability. One way to ensure
consistency is to use a standard evaluation form for each evaluation. The form you use
should focus only on the essential job performance areas. Limiting these areas of focus
makes the assessment more meaningful and relevant and allows you and the employee to
address the issues that matter most. You don’t need to cover every detail of an employee’s
performance in an evaluation.
2. Identify performance measures

 Standard performance measures, which allow you to evaluate an employee’s

job performance objectively, can cut down on the amount of time and stress
involved in filling out the evaluation form. Although developing these
measures can be one of the more time-consuming parts of creating a
performance evaluation system, it’s also one of the most powerful.
3. Set guidelines for feedback.

 Feedback is what performance evaluations are all about. So before you

implement your performance evaluation system, make sure that everyone
who will be conducting evaluations knows what kind of feedback to give,
how to give it and how to get it from the employee in return.
4. Create disciplinary and termination

 In some cases, even after a thorough performance evaluation and a discussion of

expected improvements, an employee will continue to perform poorly. You need to be
prepared to handle such a situation by having well-defined, written disciplinary and
termination procedures in place. These procedures should outline the actions that will be
taken when performance deteriorates – a verbal warning, a written warning if there is no
improvement or a recurrence, and termination if the situation is not ultimately resolved.
5. Set an evaluation schedule

 Once you’ve built your performance evaluation system – the evaluation form, the
performance measures, the feedback guidelines and the disciplinary procedures – you just
need to decide when to conduct the performance evaluations. Some practices do all
employee evaluations at the same time of year, while others conduct them within 30 days of
each employee’s anniversary of employment (the latter may work better since it spreads the
work of the evaluations out for employer and employee). However you decide to schedule
the evaluations, ensure that each appraiser consistently meets the deadline. Ignoring
employees’ overdue evaluations will make them feel devalued and may hurt morale and
Advantages of Performance evolution

 Documentation:
 A PA provides a document of employee performance over a specific period of
time. it’s a piece of paper that can be placed in an employee file.
 Structure:
 This process creates a structure where a manager can meet and discuss
performance with an employee. It forces the uncomfortable conversations that
often need to happen.
 Feedback:
 Employees crave feedback and this process allows a manager the opportunity to
provide the employee with feedback about their performance and discuss how
well the employee goals were accomplished. It also provides an opportunity to
discuss employee development opportunities
 Clarify Expectations:
 Employees need to understand what is expected of them and the PA process
allows for a manager to clarify expectations and discuss issues with their
 Annual Planning:
 It provides a structure for thinking through and planning the upcoming year and
developing employee goals
What It Is Performance Evaluation
What It Is Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation is a constructive process to acknowledge the

performance of a non-probationary career employee.
A Performance Evaluation is a tool you can use to help enhance the efficiency of
the work unit.
 Performance Evaluation

 This tool is a means to help ensure that employees are being utilized
effectively. Employees can use it as a clear indication of what is expected of
them before you tell them how well they are doing, and then as feedback of
how well they did.
In the event a non-probationary career employee does not receive
the written evaluation, the employee's performance for the year
period shall be deemed to have been satisfactory for the purposes of
salary increase
 Performance Evaluation

Employee here some performance review example and how they will facilitate improve
your business or otherwise, employee is hard working, if this is often the so be thing a
supervisor has to mention con coming an employees performance its either they don’t
interact a lot of, has not supervising the worker in any respect.
Performance Evaluation

 Or you to try a performance review of that supervisor as a result of his review doesn’t
help in the slightest degree.

 Employee consistently displays above average technical skills at work.

 Score given is out of 5 something’s fishy. If the employee consistently displays above
average skills, why was be scored only 3 out of live?

This review doesn't the reason for the score that is to mention, the weakness of the
Performance Evaluation

 It sole by highlights his strength., fitter that or the supervisor reviewing the employee is
consisted when it involves numerically scoring staff employee has been losing
concentration when not addressing customers.
 Suggest him to work on his focus during work hours.
Thank you

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