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SC Les copains d’abord pg 28

WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have
known them
Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes

by the end of the lesson, all pupils wil :
- Talk about their friends
- Tell how long they have known them
some will be able to reach all objectives
Literacy: use the pronoun
C Les copains d’abord pg 28
ALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have known them
teracy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes

Up, Down

.Listen carefully. 1st phrase

Row 1: stand up for pronoun
Row 2: stand up for my
Row 3: stand up for intensifier
SC Les copains d’abord pg 28
WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have known them
Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes

Up, Down

.Listen carefully. 2 phrase nd

Row 3: stand up for pronoun

Row 1: stand up for my
Row 2: stand up for intensifier
SC Les copains d’abord pg 28
WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have known them
Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes

Up, Down

.Listen carefully. 3 phrase rd

Row 2: stand up for pronoun

Row 1: stand up for my
Row 3: stand up for adjectives
SC Les copains d’abord pg 28
WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have known them L3-
Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes
What’s the literacy objective of today’s lesson?
 The use of the possessive adjectives
What do you notice between these 3 sentences?
Why do you think that is?
1) Ma meilleure amie s’appelle Vanessa et je la connais
depuis un an.
2) Mon meilleur ami s’appelle Zac et je le connais depuis
cinq ans.
3) Mes deux meilleurs amis s’appellent John et Sophie.
Aussi je les connais depuis toujours.
In French, possessive adjectives (the words for my) agree with the noun. It does not matter if
you are talking about a woman or a man. What matters if the noun the follows.
SC Les copains d’abord pg 28
WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have known them
Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes
Écoute et lis. Trouve la bonne image.


1c 2b 3d 4e 5a

Level 2 (1-2): I can understand a variety of short statements and

Level 3 (3-5): I can understand short spoken passages and pick out
the main points.
C Les copains d’abord pg 31
ALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long theyJe neknown
have sais them
!? pas
teracy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes
Regarde page 39 et
le dictionnaire


Use a dictionary to find out the meaning of unknown words. However, most of the
answers can be identified via the meaning of the adjectives, e.g. Un bon ami, c’est
quelqu’un de méchant/sympathique – a good friend is unlikely to be someone who is
méchant so the answer must be sympathique.

SC Les copains d’abord pg 31
WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have known them

Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes

Salut, Pierre!
Merci pour ton mail. J’ai une question  
pour toi.
Tu as un meilleur ami? Moi, j’en ai deux!
1 Ma
1 meilleure amie, Marie, je 2 connais
depuis toujours. Elle est comme
une soeur pour moi. 3 meilleur ami, Jack,
je 4 connais depuis l’âge de dix ans. À
part 5 deux meilleurs amis, Marie et Jack,
j’ai une petite bande de copains.
À plus!
  5 mes
Choose the correct pronouns (le,la,les) and the correct possessive adjectives
(mon,ma,mes). Grammar box on page 28 and page 29 for help!
SC Les copains d’abord pg 31

WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they have known them
Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes
SC Les copains d’abord pg 28-29
Je ne
WALT: by the end of the lesson, all pupils will talk about their friends and tell how long they havesais pas
known !?
Literacy: use the possessive adjectives mon,ma,mes
Regarde page 39

• say what friends I have: J’ai un(e) meilleur(e)

• name my friend(s): Mon/Ma meilleur(e) ami(e)
s’appelle …SILVER MEDAL
• add how long I have known my friend(s): Mon/Ma
meilleur(e) ami(e) s’appelle … Je le/la /les connais
depuis … ans. GOLD MEDAL

Success criteria

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