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English Teacher
Revise writing
for clarity –
transitions /signal
Tell something about the picture.
Do you cook at
Do you also eat
What nutrients
can you get from
Read the following words.

Class, the selection we are going to
read has something to do with our
lesson for today which is all about
transition words /signal words.
- In writing, a transition is a word
or phrase that connects one idea to
This connection can occur within a
paragraph or between paragraphs.
Figure out the meaning of the underline
1. I sliced the cake into three pieces.
2. The best way to purify water at home
is to simmer it.
3. Sprinkle water on the clothes before
ironing it.
to scatter in small amount
to boil slightly
Read the selection.
First, we sliced the apples. Then, we
simmered them in a saucepan until they
were tender. Next, we added sugar and
left the stew to cool. When it was cold,
we stirred in yogurt. We then spooned
the stewed apple into dishes and
sprinkled each with crushed fruit and nut
bars. Finally, we decorated each dish
with apple slices.
What is the first
step in making
apple and
How long will
you simmer
the apple?
After adding
sugar, what
will you do
What will you
do when the
stewed apple
becomes cold?
What is the
last step?
Why do you think
we should
decorate the
crunches with
apple slices?
Transition is a word or
phrase that connects one
idea to another. This
connection can occur
within a paragraph or
between paragraphs.
What are transition signals?
Transition signals are linking words or phrases
that connect your ideas and add cohesion to your
writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the
relationships between sentences and between
paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to
understand your ideas. We use a variety of
transition signals to fulfill a number of functions.
Some of these functions include: to show the order
or sequence of events; to indicate that a new idea or
an example will follow; to show that a contrasting
idea will be presented, or to signal a summary or a
How are transition signals useful?
Transition signals will:
• make it easier for the reader to follow
your ideas.
• create powerful links between sentences
and paragraphs to improve the
flow of information across the whole
text. The result is that the writing is smoother.
• help to carry over a thought from one
sentence to another, from one idea to
another or from one paragraph to another.
How are transition signals used?
• Transition signals are usually placed at the start of
sentences; however, they may also appear in the
middle or end of sentences.
• A transition signal, or the clause introduced by a
transition signal, is usually separated from the rest of
the sentence by commas.
• You DO NOT need to use transition signals in every
sentence in a paragraph; however, good use of
transition words will help to make the relationship
the ideas in your writing clear and logical.
Here are the commonly used transition
Words or Words or Words or Words or Words or Words or
phrases to help phrases to phrases to phrases to phrases to phrases to help
sequence show location show location show time indicate conclude
ideas or above above while more a piece of
transition across across meanwhile information writing
between around around soon besides in conclusion
sentences behind behind then furthermore finally
or paragraphs beside beside after in addition lastly
First between between second in fact to sum up
Second in back of in back of today
third... in front of in front of later
in the first inside inside next
place... also... near near tomorrow
lastly outside outside afterward
after over over as soon as
before under under before
before long now
finally next week
in the meantime
Using transitions within a paragraph
Transitions may be used at various times
within a paragraph to show the connections
between sentences. Here are some examples:
Example: The main character displays
strength and courage throughout the story.
He shows fear and apprehension when
he encounters the antagonist.
Revision: The main character displays
strength and courage throughout the story.
However, he shows fear and
apprehension when he encounters the
Example: In the novel, there are many
tragic events that take place.
The prince’s untimely death occurs two
days before the wedding.
Revision: In the novel, there are many
tragic events that take place.
For example, the prince’s untimely death
occurs two days before the wedding.
The transition helps to connect the idea
to the example that follows.
Direction: Read the paragraph, then highlight
all of the transition words used..
Ever since I moved into my own apartment last
fall, I have gotten out of the habit of making my
bed--except on Fridays, of course, when I change the
sheets. Although some people may think that I am a
slob, I have some sound reasons for breaking the
bed-making habit. In the first place, I am not
concerned about maintaining a tidy bedroom
because no one except me ever ventures in there.
Secondly, I only use my bed to sleep in, so why go to
all of the effort of making it when I am just going to
mess it up again the next time I’m in my room.
In addition, I find nothing uncomfortable about
crawling into a rumpled mass of sheets and blankets.
On the contrary, I enjoy poking out a cozy space for
myself before drifting off to sleep. Also, I think that a
tightly made bed is downright uncomfortable:
entering one makes me feel like a loaf of bread being
wrapped and sealed. Finally, and most importantly, I
think bed-making is an awful way to waste time in
the morning. I would rather spend those precious
minutes checking my email or feeding the cat than
tucking in corners or snapping the spread. Therefore,
I will not conform to the rules on tidiness and my
bed will remain unmade!
Choose the correct answer to each question.
1. Which transition word shows location?
a. for example b. below c. then
2. Which transition word shows time?
a. between b. in other words c. later
3. Which transition word adds information?
a. in addition b. over c. earlier
4. Which transition word compares and
a. earlier b. besides c. otherwise
5. Which transition word clarifies?
a. first b. besides c. in other words
Complete the paragraph by filling
in the blanks with the correct
transition words in the box.

Meanwhile as a result of
once upon a time while
first through next
under beside then
(1)_____________ there lived a family of bears in a
lovely wooded area. Their home was (2)
_____________some trees (3) __________a small
stream. One day (4)___________ the bears were not
at home, a little girl came to the house.
(5)_____________, she knocked on the door. (6)
____________ even though no one answered her
knock, she entered the house. (7) ______________
she ate some of the bears' food, and she napped on
one of their beds. (8) ___________ the bears returned
home. They were surprised to see their door open.
Their roars woke up the girl, and she fearfully ran from
the house, (9) ____________ the woods, and back to
her own home. (10)_____________ her experiences,
she never again went into the woods alone.
Direction: Select a topic from the list below. Then
write a short paragraph using transition words.

a sport eating healthy food

a vacation a holiday a pet

What have you
learned from
today’s lesson?
appropriate transition word on the line provided.
1. We wanted to go to a movie, ______ the
was closed.
2. Joey’s car was full of gas, ______ we drove it
the beach.
3. The ballet did not impress the students.
the break dancers were a big hit.
4. We visited Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque,
Santa Fe, and ______, Las Vegas.
5. Some chili recipes do not include kidney

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