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My job experience and profesional

Ronald Fernando De la Vega Gómez
Content of the presentation

• My job interview experience

• Professional ethics

• Professional development

• Conclusions

• Questions
Personal experience in interviews
I have had only two jobs in the last sixteen years, so I have not had many job
interviews, but I remember clearly the two I had
It was for an English teacher position
at ICPNA. The academic director was
My first job interview was almost 15 not very convinced about hiring me
years ago, when I was still studying at because of my age (I was 19), but she
university my first career. decided to give me an oppotunity.
She wanted to know why I wanted to
be a teacher and if I knew how to
handle groups of people.

It was a very quick interview. The

The second interview I had was in director of the Project, who would be
2014, with a mining company. They my boss, asked me to see him at the
were looking for an interpreter and I airport, right before he caught a flight.
had done that job before, so I decided We talked for about ten minutes and
to apply. then he told me I had the job and that
I had to start asap.
Professional ethics
In my experience I have realized that:

Not all people that are hired in companies have the compentencies or skills that
are required. Many of them get jobs because they are friends with someone
from the company or Friends with the boss.

Sexual harassment cases occur more frequently than they should. And not only
from men to women, but the other way around too.

During the time I have worked, I have also seen authority abuse, where the
boss takes advantage of his position and forces employees to do things they are
not happy with or that they don’t agree with.
Professional development
• As I explained previously, I started working as an
interpreter in the mining company I was hired.
• After one year and a half in that position, there was an
opening for a new role, related to Integrated Management
System, as an assistant.
• I applied and happily got the position.
• Two years later, I was promoted to Analyst and sent to
Colombia and Panama to work at international projects.
• Finally, in 2020, I got the promotion as Chief of area. It
was very rewarding. Currently, I work at the corporate
office of the company in Lima.
• Job interviews are very important in a career. We must be
always prepared for them and have all the answers
previously practiced, so we have great results.
• Ethics is a big issue for companies and employees. There
are many situations when ethics is not complied with.
There must be a lot of work, so these things stop
• Professional development never stops. No matter how
much you have progressed so far in your job or career,
there will always more things to learn and more things to
1. What was the first job I had?
2. How many job interviews have I had?

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