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Presented by, Gayathri P 2nd Sem MBA ICM-IMK, Poojappura

Till 1987 -1.6 million small scale entrepreneurs in the country & women entrepreneurs consists only 6.2% A major portion of self employed women was confined to traditional activities such as weaving garments, handicrafts and food processing. EDPs organized by governmental institutions & the activities of other agencies provided a great momentum in the entrepreneurship development among women. The policies of the State & Central governments, conferring a wide variety of concessions, subsidies, incentives, rebates, tax reliefs, financial assistance, etc are attracting more & more educated unemployed youths to start new entrepreneurs. A number of special schemes are designed for women. As a result of the efforts made by the government, NGOs &due to changes in socio cultural & educational background


WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS are a rare species in Kerala but the few that we have exploded traditional myths, like gender discrimination, indecision and habitual inferiority complex vis--vis men. They have braved social taboos against female entrepreneurship; they have erased the gender divide in a challenging sector like entrepreneurship and they have proved that women can stand on their own two-nail-polished feet to carve out business empires. What matters are ability, performance, confidence, faith in your product and of course body language that says -no harassment please, we are brave women. Women entrepreneurs are of the view that sexual discrimination is just a perception of the mind.


Helms the Soft Systems, located in the Export Promotion Zone in Kakkanad, catering to the plantation industry. She is an innovator, blazing a trail in the agri-industry, and crafting a multi-crore-software company from just one computer, which she had set up in her flat way back. Her product, the ERP Solution Harvest IT, has been standardised by major MNC plantation companies like Unilever, James Finlay and CDC. Harvest IT has bagged the coveted Business Solution of the year award in the Asia Pacific Region, hosted by Microsoft for two consecutive years. It is the first Indian product to be recognised so, from over 386 entries. Harvest IT also grabbed the `Designed for Back Office logo' certification, spelling quality. Soft systems now spreads over 13 countries from Australia to Kenya. Won the `Special award for outstanding women entrepreneur' from the Electronics and Computer software Export Promotion Council for the last 4 yrs & the Highest Software Exporter for the year 2000-2001 from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.


Pamela Anna Mathew is the MD of OEN, commanding a staff of over 1000, dealing with three trade unions, taking decisions on her own, and crafting a halo for her ability, demonstrated by heading the Chamber of Commerce and the CII, even winning an award for the best chairperson at the national level.

Beena Kannan who has elevated Seematti into a brand name in the competitive textile market of Kerala

These successful women have definite messages to women don't be afraid of your innate ability, don't feel guilty as wife or mother but draw a balance between work and home and when you travel, take it as an adventure, a voyage of discovery. Be assertive while making decisions and be result oriented. Nothing can hold us back, they say unanimously. Here is a rider; that home is the best business school for women. Here the women take decisions and run efficient homes. If she can and she does so at home, she can rule the world, including the world of entrepreneurs

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