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Past Simple

Прошедшее простое время

Past Simple
Прошедшее простое время
Past Simple
V + - ed
Глагол to be
в Past Simple
You Was
He/ she/ it

You Were
Указатели времени в Past Simple
Yesterday- Вчера

Last week- На прошлой


Last month- В прошлом


Last year- В прошлом году

… years ago…- … лет назад

Утвердительное предложение:

They were at home.

He was at school.

Отрицательное предложение:

They were not in the park.

He was not in the park.
Общий вопрос:

Did Misha see my friend last month?

Yes, he did.

Альтернативный вопрос:

Did Misha see my friend last month

or last week?
Вопрос к подлежащему:

Who saw my friend last month?

Misha did.

Специальный вопрос:

When did Misha see my friend?

Whose friend did Misha see?
Разделительный вопрос:

-Misha saw my friend last month,

didn`t he?
-Yes, he did.

-Misha didn`t see my friend last month,

did he?
-Yes, he did.
You home task:
Ask all kinds of questions:
1.She was in Moscow last month.

2.They watched an interesting film.

3.We bought a present for our

Granny yesterday.

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