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Pipeline Wall Thickness

Pipeline Break Code

Design Codes
• Onshore Section: ASME B31.8 for Gas Pipelines and ASME B31.4 for Liquid Pipelines
• Other Parts: DNV ST F101
Gas Pipeline, Piggyback Line and Liquid
Pipeline Sections

• Platform Area Design Criteria According to DNV ST F101

• Splash Zone • Bursting (Operation and Hydro test)
• Offshore • Buckling (Initiation and Propagating), Combined Loads
• Shore Approach • Collapse Duo to External Pressure
• Onshore
Infield Pipeline

Infield Pipeline Divisions Design Criteria According to DNV ST F101

• Platform Area • Bursting (Operation and Hydro test)
• Offshore • Buckling (Initiation and Propagating), Combined Loads
• Splash Zone • Collapse Duo to External Pressure
Some Additional Notes
• Duo to pigging during operation, thickness calculations for gas
pipeline (only) is based on internal fixed diameter.
• Nominal Internal Diameter=Nominal External Diameter-2*tnominal

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