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Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali


Office Management Tool - I


Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

What is Computer?

A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. It responds to a specific set of instructions in a welldefined manner. It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program).

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

What is Computer?

A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information.

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

The actual machinery -- wires, transistors, and circuits -- is called hardware;

the instructions and data are called software.

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Basic Computer Model

All computers perform four basic operations

Input Data Process Data Store Data Output Data

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Basic Operations Input data is to feed information which can be supplied by any person, environment or other computer. Processing data is manipulating data by performing calculations, sorting lists of words or numbers, drawing pictures. Storing data is for future retrieval and processing. Memory holds data that is waiting to be processed, and storage areas hold data permanently until the data is deleted. Output data is the result produced by a computer, which includes reports, documents, music, graphs and pictures.
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Hardware Components

All general-purpose computers require the following hardware components:

memory : Enables a computer to store, at least temporarily, data and programs. mass storage device : Allows a computer to permanently retain large amounts of data. Common mass storage devices include disk drives and tape drives.

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

input device : Usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is the conduit(pipe or channel) through which data and instructions enter a computer. output device : A display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the computer has accomplished. central processing unit (CPU): The heart of the computer, this is the component that actually executes instructions.

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Classification of Computers

personal computer : A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor.

In addition to the microprocessor, a personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for saving data.

workstation : A powerful, single-user computer.

A workstation is like a personal computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor.
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

minicomputer : A multi-user computer capable of supporting from 10 to hundreds of users simultaneously. mainframe : A powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously. supercomputer : An extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions of instructions per second.
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Applications of Computer Systems

In Education Multimedia-Facilitated Learning Simulation-Based Education Intelligent Machine-Based Training Interactive Learning

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

In Business Supply Chain Management Project Management Customer Relationship Management Sales and Marketing Using Electronic Commerce Manufacturing Research

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

In Entertainment Movies Video Games Music Digital Photography Travel Wearable Computer Systems

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Why Use Computers?

Speed Accuracy Consistency Reliability Communications Memory

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Components of Computer Systems

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Components of Computer Systems

Input Output Storage Processor

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Input Systems

Most common input device QWERTY

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Cursor manipulation device Trackball

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Touch Screens

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Pens Stylus

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Bar Code Readers

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Optical Character Recognition systems

Book readers for the blind Automated input of text Can do typewritten text and handwritten block capital Problems with cursive handwriting recognition
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Digital thermometers Accelerometers Strain gauges (weighing scales) ....

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Camera Systems
Surveillance and monitoring Visual inspection Robot guidance Video conferencing

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Voice recognition Hands-free car-phones Assistance for the disabled

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Output Systems

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Soft Copy
Voice synthesis Music CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Modulator-Demodulator Allows computers to communicate over telephone lines

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Floppy Hard disk


Storage Device

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Hard Copy

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Hard Copy

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Non-Impact Printers
Laser Magnetic Thermal transfer Thermal and Electrostatic

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Impact Printers
Dot matrix Line Printer

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Storage Systems

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Primary Memory Types RAM




Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Stores the bits and bytes (instructions and data)

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

ROM - Read Only Memory

Permanent; user cannot change Loads Operating System during boot process PROM, EPROM, EEPROM Non-volatile Wont disappear when power is off

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

RAM - Random Access Memory

Solid-state electronic circuitry Holds current data and programs at a RAM address Temporary or volatile storage Read/Write Memory Volatile

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Cache Memory
Faster and more costly than RAM Much smaller capacity than RAM Holds next likely instructions Increases system throughput

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Storage Capacity

Byte - one character

Kilobyte (KB) - 1024 bytes

Megabyte (MB) - about 1 million bytes

Gigabyte (GB) - about 1 billion bytes

Terabyte (TB) - about 1 trillion bytes

Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Mass Storage and Files

Programs and information (text, image, audio, video) are stored:

Temporarily in RAM Permanently in Mass Storage (disk and tape)

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Optical Disks
15,000 tracks per inch Digital code read by laser 650 Mbytes in a 4.75 plastic platter CD ROM; WORM;

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Write-One Read_Mostly - CDs (WORMS)

Powerful laser burns in the digital code Not erasable Lower power laser reads the digital pattern

Eraseable CD
Lasers read and write inofrmation Also use a magnetic material To write: a laser beam heats a tiny spot and a magnetic field is applied to reverse the magnetic polarity

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Magnetic Disk
A circular platter coated with magnetic material

Floppy Disk
3.5; 360kbyte to 2.88Mbytes (1.44 is common)

Hard Disk
1.3, 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, 5.25; 120Mbytes to over 6 Gigabyte (6 Gbyte)

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali


Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

What is Software?

Software is a set of computer instructions or data. Software receives input from the user and processes this input through the computer to produce output. Software directs how the computer interacts with the user. Software specifies how to process the user's data

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Operating Systems
Operating System is the software that manages the overall operation of the computer system Main purpose is to support application programs Hide details of devices from application programs

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Operating Systems
User interfaces
Software which is responsible for passing information to and from the person using the program (the user)

Communicates with and controls the computer Three types of user interface:
Graphic user interfaces Menu driven interfaces Command driven interfaces
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Operating Systems
Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs)
Pictures, graphic symbols (icons), to represent commands

Windows: a way of looking in on several applications at once

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Operating Systems
GUI Can run DOS programs Has network services Has multimedia extensions Requires large amounts of memory, disk space, powerful processor Designed for the Intel 80X86 processors
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Operating Systems
Menu-driven interfaces
Menu bar

Pull-down menu for choices

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Command-driven interfaces
A (system) prompt User types in single letter, word, line which is translated into an instruction for the computer For example: cp source destination Need to be very familiar with the syntax (grammar) of the command language

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Operating Systems
DOS (Disk Operating System)
Single-tasking Command-driven Huge number of applications written for DOS Does not require powerful computer No network services No multimedia extensions Designed for the Intel 80x86 processor

Office Management Tool - I

Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Application Software
Special Purpose




Statistical Analysis
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

General Purpose
Word Processing (e.g. MS Word) Desktop Publishing (e.g. Quark Xpress) Spreadsheets (e.g. MS Excel) Databases (e.g. MS Access) Graphics (e.g. MS Powerpoint) E-mail (e.g. MS Mail) Internet Browsers (e.g. Firefox, Explorer)
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer

Muhammad Shahzad Ali

Computer Viruses

Via Internet when downloading files Via e-mail as attachments Via diskette Via computer networks Use anti-viral program for your hard disks and UPDATE IT often!
Office Management Tool - I
Institute of Management Sciences

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