Transmission Line

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Lossless Lines at radio frequency

 For many applications at radio frequencies, the losses in a transmission line are
small enough to be ignored
 Example:- short lengths of good quality cable
 Therefore the attenuation coefficient α can be set equal to zero.
 Propagation coefficient γ
 It is often more convenient to measure distances from the load end rather than
from the sending end. Denoting this by l.
 =
 Here Vi is the incident wave voltage at any distance l from the load, VI which
may be complex is the value at the load(l=0).
 Since l is measured in the opposite direction to x.
 A similar equation can be written for the reflected voltage wave.
 =
 Here VR is the value of reflected voltage at the load and of course
 A negative exponential is used since the reflected waves phase changes in the
opposite sense to that of the incident wave.
 At any point on the line
In particular at the load (l=0),

The equations for current are

Incident wave:
Reflected wave:
The resultant current at any point l from the load is
In particular, the load current is

Normally it is not necessary to know VI and VR separatley. The ratio of is termed

as voltage reflection coefficient K:

The load impedance may be expressed as

There specific load condition that occure
frequently (i) matched load,(ii)short-circuit load
and (iii) open circuit load for each of these the
following obtain:
(i) Matched load, = K=0
(ii) Short circuit =0 K= -1
(iii) Open circuit =∞: Here it is first neccessory to
rearrange the equation.
=1 ( as goes to infinity)
 Voltagestanding wave ratio (VSWR)

Along the line, at a point if the incident and reflected waves are in phase
and added directly, we get voltage maxima at that point.

Then the magnitude of the voltage maxima is given by,

│= │ │+ │ │
Similarly along the line at a point if the incident and reflected waves are
out of phase and subtracted directly, we get voltage minima is given by
│= │ │- │ │
Then the standing wave ratio is given by,
But the ratio is nothing but the magnitude of the reflection coefficient ,


The VSWR can range in value from unity to infinity that is

Ideally, the VSWR should equal 1, as this represents a matched
condition, and practical adjustments on RF transmission lines are
often aimed at minimizing the VSWR.
The equation for VSWR can be rearranged to give
 A Transmission line has characteristic impedance 300Ω, calculate reflection coefficient
& VSWR when the line is terminated by (a)100Ω resistor (b) 400Ω resistor.
 Given Zo=300Ω

 (a)ZL =100Ω


(b)ZL =400Ω
 A Transmission line has characteristic impedance 400Ω, calculate reflection coefficient &
VSWR when the line is terminated by (a)ZL =70+j0 (b) ZL =650-j475
 Given Z0 =400 Ω
 (a)ZL =100Ω


(b) ZR =650-j475

A Transmission line has characteristic impedance Z0
=50+j60, calculate reflection coefficient & VSWR when
the line is terminated by ZL =100-j50
A Transmission line has characteristic impedance 400Ω,
calculate reflection coefficient & VSWR when the line is
terminated by (a)ZL =85+j0 (b) ZL =550-j375
A Transmission line has characteristic impedance 400Ω,
calculate reflection coefficient & VSWR when the line is
terminated by (a)200Ω resistor (b) 300Ω resistor.
A Transmission line has characteristic impedance 200Ω,
calculate reflection coefficient & VSWR when the line is
terminated by (a)300Ω resistor (b) 250Ω resistor.
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