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What do the following convey?
Receiving applause by a large audience at the end of
inaugural address...
A pat on your back by your elders ...
A risen eyebrow on a statement during a
 A system of symbolic behaviors that includes all
forms of communication except words.
Example: body language
 All the ways we convey messages and feelings without
 It accounts for over 50% of communication , thus
needs serious consideration.
Classification of non verbal communication
Kinesics: Body Language
Proxemics : Space language
Time language
Sign language
 Makes use of body movements
 Gestures, Hands, palm, handshakes, Finger Movements
and arm movements, postures
 May be classified as:
1. (R)Regulators
2. (E)Emblems
3. (A)Adaptors
4. (D)Displays
5. (I)Illustrators
Illustrators :
Regulators:Displays:Gestures that
control oralindicates
accompany our
communicationemotional Adaptors:
speech and
by alerting States Unconscious
accentuate what
Emblems: sendere.g. Smiles and
we speak body
e.g. Noddingfrowns 
Direct movements
e.g. holding three
your of
translations head to fingersthat
verbal indicate
messageinterest pointing to nervous
e.g. an ok sign or number 3 of mind
thumb’s up .e.g clasping the
hands to the face
Gestures in fear.
Facial expressions
Face is the index of heart
Facial expressions are linked with happiness, surprise,
fear, anger, sadness etc.
Face expressions continuously change during an
Eye contact
Windows to the soul
Eyes along with the eyebrows, eyelids and size of pupil
convey our innermost feelings
Eyebrows and eyelids raised and combined with dilated
pupil: Surprise, scared
Staring Eyes: superiority, lack of respect , threatening
Too little eye contact : dishonesty, shyness
Withdrawal of eye contact: sign of submission
CRUSHER hand shake: too dominating &

DEAD FISH hand shake: lacking enthusiasm,

passion, and confidence

SKIPPING hand shake: not paying enough

attention & not serious about relationship or
refraining it
HANDCUFF hand shake: gain or express sympathy
and fulfill personal interest.
It means different ways of standing, sitting or lying.
Posture or movements convey self confidence,
interest, status etc. e.g.
Superiors usually take a more relaxed posture than
Leaning forward depicts interest.
Finger Movement
Pointing finger: associated with authority but in a
heated argument taken in a negative sense.
The OK gesture: in this the thumb and finger join to
form a zero.
 In India, it means all OK
 In Japan , it means money.
 In France , it means zero.
 How we communicate using the space around us
Space language
 Four types of Personal Space Zones:
1. Intimate Zones(0-0.5 m)
2. Personal Zone(0.5-1.2m)
3. Social Zone( 1.2-3.0 m)
4. Public Zone (3.0 & above
Space use
People enjoying higher status in the organisation have
better and more space allotted to them.
Higher people are protected within their territories
which are often closed.
 Colour
 Layout or design
Concept of time and its impact on people.
Amount of time devoted to something
Visual signs
Audio/ sound signals
The way in which words are said.
 pitch
 speaking rate/ pace
 pauses
 non fluencies
 How loudly or softly you are speaking
 Loudness or softness alters the meaning considerably.

How high or low the sounds of your voice are
A high pitch may indicate nervousness, anxiety, anger
etc. and a low pitch may mean sadness, boredom or
Speaking Rate/ Pace
How fast or slow you are speaking
Increase in rate indicates urgency, anxiety or impatience
Decrease in rate can indicate thoughtfulness or a
reflective attitude.
Pauses have to be at the right moment
Can be effective in gaining listener’s attention or in
emphasizing a point.
Non- fluencies
Pauses scattered at intervals inserted with sounds and
utterances like ‘ah’, ‘oh’, ‘uh’, ‘um’, ‘you know’ etc
Gives the speaker some time to think.
Too frequent non fluencies can irritate the listener.

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