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Starter: Take a look at some of the class’ murder theories…

How do they compare to yours?

Task 1:
Read pages 9 and 10
and answer the
questions on the
following slide:
Answer these questions - Solutions on next slide (no peeking…)
1. What does Sherlock instruct Helen to do once Dr Roylott has retired to bed?
2. What was unusual about the bed in Julia’s room?
3. Why does Sherlock think Doctors make good criminals?
4. What time do Sherlock and Watson see a light appear in Helen’s room?
5. Once in the room, why does Sherlock instruct Watson to sit in darkness?
6. What smell creeps into the room (after a light has briefly appeared through the ventilator)?
7. What sound is heard about half an hour after this?
8. How does Sherlock react to this sound – what does he do?
The Solutions – How did you do?
1. He instructs her to open her shutters and use her lamp to signal to Sherlock and Watson across the
lawn – then to go and stay in the Crown for a night.

2. It was clamped to the floor.

3. They have nerve and knowledge!

4. 11 o’clock.

5. Dr Roylott would see the light through the ventilator.

6. The smell of burning oil and heated metal.

7. A gentle, soothing sound like a small jet of steam escaping from a kettle.

8. Sherlock springs from the bed, lights a match and strikes at the bell-pull with his cane.
Task 2:
1. How does this quotation help to create fear and
tension in the story: ‘his face was deadly pale and
filled with horror and loathing’?

Zoom in on individual words if you’d like to!

Bronze: One idea.

Silver: Two ideas.
Gold: Three ideas!

Some things to consider:

- Who’s face is being described here? Consider how

Sherlock normally reacts and how he is reacting

- Can the reader see what is making Sherlock react in

this way? What effect does this have?
Task 3:
1. How does this quotation help to create fear and
tension in the story: ‘It swelled up louder and
louder, a hoarse yell of pain and fear and anger all
mingled in the one dreadful shriek.’

Zoom in on individual words if you’d like to!

Bronze: One idea.

Silver: Two ideas.
Gold: Three ideas!

Some things to consider:

- Do you spy a triplet?

- Why might Conan Doyle repeat ‘and’ three times

rather than use commas?
Task 4:
1. How does this quotation help to create fear and
tension in the story: ‘They say that away down in
the village, and even in the distant parsonage,
that cry raised the sleepers from their beds.’

Zoom in on individual words if you’d like to!

Bronze: One idea.

Silver: Two ideas.
Gold: Three ideas!

Some things to consider:

- What is the effect of a phrase like ‘They say…’ How

does it make the event seem?

- What is the effect of the word ‘that’ before the

word ‘cry’?

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