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Supranational Organizations

What is your key take away

from this ?
Supranational Bodies
 Associations of three or more states created for mutual
benefit and to achieve shared objectives.
 Supranational organizations – come into being when
countries give up a portion of their sovereignty
(willingly) in order to gain the advantages of having a
closer relationship with their neighboring countries,
politically, economically or culturally.
 The Key idea here is ’Consent and common objectives.
Where does it all start?
 1865 || 1874

States first established international organizations

to cooperate on specific matters. The 
International Telecommunication Union was
founded in 1865 as the International Telegraph
Union, and the Universal Postal Union was
established in 1874. Both are now United
Nations specialized agencies.
1899 || 1902
 In 1899, the International Peace Conference
was held in The Hague to elaborate
instruments for settling crises peacefully,
preventing wars and codifying rules of warfare.
It adopted the Convention for the Pacific
Settlement of International Disputes and
established the Permanent Court of Arbitration
, which began work in 1902.
 The forerunner of the United Nations was the League of
Nations, an organization conceived in similar circumstances
during the first World War, and established in 1919 under
the Treaty of Versailles "to promote international
cooperation and to achieve peace and security." 
 The International Labour Organization was also created
under the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the
 The League of Nations ceased its activities after failing to
prevent the Second World War.
UNO – The journey so far
UNO – The journey so far
UNO – The journey so far
UNO – The journey so far
UNO – The journey so far
UNO – The journey so far
UNO – The journey so far
United Nations Organization
 The United Nations is an international organization
founded in 1945.  It is currently made up of 193 Member
 States are admitted to membership in the UN by a
decision of the General Assembly upon the
recommendation of the Security Council.
 The mission and work of the United Nations are guided
by the purposes and principles contained in its founding
Main Organs
 The main organs of the UN are the
General Assembly, the Security Council,
the Economic and Social Council, the
Trusteeship Council, the International
Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat. 
All were established in 1945 when the UN
was founded. 
 15 members
 5 Permanent members
 10 non- permanent members
 Permanent members have veto!
 Why but?
 The Secretary-General of the United Nations is
a symbol of the Organization's ideals and a
spokesman for the interests of the world's
peoples, in particular the poor and vulnerable.
 The current Secretary-General of the UN, and
the ninth occupant of the post, is Mr. António
Guterres of Portugal, who took office on 1
January 2017.
The Secretariat
 The Secretariat, one of the main organs of the UN, is
organized along departmental lines, with each department
or office having a distinct area of action and responsibility.
 Offices and departments coordinate with each other to
ensure cohesion as they carry out the day to day work of
the Organization in offices and duty stations around the
 At the head of the United Nations
Secretariat is the Secretary-General.
UN Special Agencies
 The UN system, also known unofficially as
the 'UN family', is made up of the UN itself
and many programmes, funds, and
specialized agencies, all with their own
leadership and budget. 
 The Specialized Agencies are independent
international organizations funded by both
voluntary and assessed contributions.
European Union
 After Two world wars and complete
devastation. No one wanted history to
repeat itself.
 Countries in Europe saw that
it is better to work together
than fighting against each other.
At the start

6 countries in Europe started working together:






Current Status
 More and more countries in Europe joined
and the European Union was made.
 Today, 27 countries are part of the
European Union.
Goals and values
 All countries that are part of the European Union work
to make sure that:
 Peace and Stability
 Better Quality of life for people
 People of all languages and nationalities are respected
 there is a strong European economy
and countries use the same coin
to do business together.
Peace in Europe
 After the European Union was created,
there were no more wars in Europe.
 In 2012, the European Union won a big
which is called ‘the Nobel Peace Prize’.
This award was given to the European Union
for its good work keeping peace in Europe.
 Free Move: The European Union made it easier
for people
to move freely from one country to another.
 Things, services and money can also move freely
from one country of the European Union to
 FTA’s and better suited for globalised world
The Schengen Area
 The European Union made the ‘Schengen
 The Schengen Area is an area without borders.
In this area, people can travel from country to
country freely and easily.
They do not have to go through checks and
when they pass from one country to another.
The Schengen Area
 The Schengen Area was made in 1985.
Today 22 out of the 27 countries of the
European Union
are part of the Schengen Area.
Languages of the European
 Every country of the European Union
people speak their own language.
The European Union protects the right of
to communicate in their own language.
Common Currency
 Most countries that are part of the European
Union use the same coin.
This coin is called ‘Euro’.
Using the same coin helps countries
in the European Union to do business together.
 Using the same coin
makes it easier for people to travel,
buy things online from other countries
and have more options.
Common Symbols
 The European Union has its own anthem
too. And it’s a melody by Beethoven.
 The melody shows how important it is
that all people are free, live in peace
and stand by each other.
Structure of EU
 The European Union has 3 main bodies:
 the European Commission
The people of the European Commission
suggest laws for the European Union.
 the European Parliament
The people of the European Parliament
are elected by all people in Europe
to stand for their rights.
 the Council of the European Union
People who make decisions
in every country of the European Union
come together and make
the Council of the European Union.
 They work closely together to make things better in
 The European Commission suggests laws.
 The European Parliament
and the Council of the European Union
discuss these laws and decide if they want these laws
to happen in Europe.
 If they decide that a law must happen in Europe,
all countries of the European Union
must work to make this law happen in them.
Other Bodies
 The Court of Justice of the European
that makes sure that all laws happen correctly
in the European Union.
 the Court of Auditors
that checks if the money of the European
is spent in the right way.
 The South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC) was established with
the signing of the SAARC Charter in Dhaka
on 8 December 1985. SAARC comprises of
eight Member States: Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,
Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Objectives of SAARC
 To promote the welfare of the peoples of South Asia and
to improve their quality of life; to accelerate economic
growth, social progress and cultural development.
 to contribute to mutual trust, understanding and
appreciation of one another's problems; to promote
active collaboration and mutual assistance in the
economic, social, cultural, technical and scientific fields
 Decisions at all levels are to be taken on the basis of
unanimity; and bilateral and contentious issues are
excluded from the deliberations of the Association.
Specialized Bodies
 SAARC Development fund: comprehensive funding
mechanism with the provision of three Windows (Social,
Economic and Infrastructure)
 South Asian University
 South Asian regional standards organisation- to
harmonize standards and promote cooperation
 SAARC Arbitration council: SARCO was established with
a view to resolve cost-effective settlement of disputes
via arbitration within the region.
Areas of cooperation
 Human resource development and
enhancing tourism
 Agricultural and rural development
 Climate, environment and natural calamities
 Economic, trade and finance support
 Poverty alleviation
 Education and culture
Marshall Plan
 Following WWII, U.S.
Sec. of State, George
Marshall proposed plan
to help Europe recover
and rebuild
 U.S. gave Europe $12
billion to revive
 Also, created
cooperation between
European countries

•After WWII – 16 member nations

•Since fall of communism – some former Warsaw pact countries have
Trading Blocs

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is

a large group of countries[1][2] made up of Algeria, Angola,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the
United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and Ecuador (which rejoined OPEC
in November 2007)
Goals of International
 Economic, Political & Military
 United Nations
 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
 Warsaw Pact
 Organization of American States (OAS)
 African Union (AU)
Goals of International
 Economic
 European Union (EU)
 North American Free Trade Agreement-
 South Asian Free Trade Agreement- SAFTA
Choose any of the organizations
and investigate about it based
on following criteria:
When did this organization become official?

Head Office

Organizational structure

Member nations (Total number, name 3 major nations)

Lets work on this activity…
 Mission statement (a statement of how you will
achieve your vision)
 organization’s goals ( Goals are statement of what
needs to be accomplished to implement strategy)
 Objectives (specific actions and timeline to achieve
your goal)
 Shortcomings/Failures/ achievement of this

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