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“Not On My Watch” Anti- Domestic Violence

Final Project

Daniel P. Silvera
What is “Not On My Watch” ?

“Not on My Watch!” movement seeks to

engage faith-based leaders of all
denominations to take action against human
trafficking and other crimes against women
and children, and to create a citywide
presence and call to action against human
trafficking and domestic violence against
women and children.
The Definition of Domestic Violence

New York State’s office for Prevention of Domestic Violence defines domestic
Violence as one inmates partner or dominate household member exerting power and
control over member(s) using physical, psychological or emotional methods.
 They are different methods
 Physical
 Verbal
 Psychological
 Embarrassing in the Public
 Cyber/Technology
 Money (Control finance or hide money)
 Silence Treatment
 Threatening
 Homeless/Been kicked outside of the house
 Controlling > behavior and decisions
 Human trafficking
 Been Stalked
 Spiritual mock
 Sex without consent is called Rape(Even in marriages)

“Domestic Violence is everyone problem because it effects the whole families from
children to pets.”- By Doreen LeSane (Citywide Vice Chair)
The Reason why it is important

“Every 15 second a woman is abused “We who have strong faith

and battled by their partner” -By should help the weak with
Doreen LeSane (Citywide Vice Chair their problems.” Romans
of “Not On My Watch”) 15:1 (New International
Reader's Version)

Ms. Doreen LeSane is also a

What does the Bible verses Say ?
“We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but
we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are
hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed.”- 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (New Century Version)

“Get rid of all hard feelings, anger and rage. Stop all fighting and lying. Don’t have
anything to do with any kind of hatred.”-Ephesians 4:31 (New International Reader's Version)

“A husband must love his wife and not abuse her.”- Colossians 3:19(Contemporary English

“Parents, don’t come down too hard on your children or you’ll crush their spirits.”-
Colossians 3:21(The Message)

“Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Love isn’t selfish or
quick tempered. It doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth,
but not in evil.” -1 Corinthians 13:4-6 (Contemporary English Version)
 “Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to
rescue us from this evil world in which we live.”- Galatians 1:4(New Living

 Jesus had said in John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.
My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.”- (Living Bible)

 “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people,”- Titus
2:11 (Christian Standard Bible)
Why does this happen?

 The main two desires that he abuser wants is “Power and Control”
 Clinical Psychologist Dr. Ta Bashir have stated in the class that “ Young
boys as young as 3 years old through childhood and teen years into
adulthood have learned to be tough and aggressive. At first boys in young
age it may seem innocent but in many times the behavior it may lead to
Domestic Violence.
 The abuser would take advantage of 1 Timothy 2:11-12 which states “A
woman is to learn quietly with full submission. I do not allow a woman to
teach or to have authority over a man; instead, she is to remain quiet.”-
(Christian Standard Bible)
 In most marriages the husband is older than the wife so he would take
advantage of his age
 Generation> The abuser grow up in Domestic Violence household as a child
 Listening to secular musical artists like Jay-Z, Eminem, Snoop Dogg,
Drake, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Kendrick Lamar who lyrics is full of
disrespecting females.
• Their lyrics can influence an abuser to verbal disrespecting a female by using the same
curse words from the songs like the “B-Word”.
• Many of the lyrics are also aggressive of gangster minded.

“50% of young people

who experienced rape,
sexual or Physical
abuse will attempt to
commit suicide
because they felt no
one is listening to
What are the warmings
My Experience
I have learned that “Domestic Abuse” is not a Law; the way it becomes a
Law when something physical happens or in front of children, pets and
senior citizens or proof or recorded. I was shocked because I had
experienced psychological abuse by my aunt, grandmother and the people
who they influence with other family members & church members (of my
old church) through; embarrassing in the public, gossip/rumors, forcing
me to listen to their negative and making me feel guilty for not listening to
them. They would use mind games & gaslighting to control my behavior
and decisions. My situation may not appear to be serious because my aunt,
grandmother and the people who they influence don't live in the same
household, but I feel emotionally tired of being bullied. I am tired of
people doing mind games that control what I should do and not do with
my life, people shovel negative by being louder & repeated, people have “Parents can lose a child's voice by telling them to shut up and not willy
pissed me off, but I am not allowed to be mad. to hear them.” This statement is not about my parents, but about my
aunt, grandmother and the people who they influence with other family
members, church members and some men were bystanders. Since my
childhood (especially when I was bullied at school); these same people
would not be willing to hear, but instead shut me up especially when I
was a minor. Even though I am over 21, people still treat me as a Minor
for blocking my opportunities & blessings, gas lighting, not allowing me
to have feelings and express it. The stress got so burdened that I try to
revenge, but got into major problems; got into depression, but nobody
wants me sad; people would disrespect me, but I am not allowed to
disrespect myself; I have through of suicide, but nobody wants me to die.

It's to the point that I feel like I emotionally and mentally lose my voice. Since my family doesn't want me to speak up for myself, I will use my voice for victims and
survivors to END this Modern-Day family/household slavery
Advocacy work that is needed “Speak up for those who cannot speak for
themselves; ensure justice for those being
crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and
helpless, and see that they get justice.”-
Proverbs 31:8-9 (New Living Translation)

Partnership with Politian from city hall to

Washington D.C. to make law to Advocacy for
victims to be rescue from danger household away
from the abuser.

Partnership with Law enforcement(NYPD), District

Attorney and Attorney General to Prosecute the
abuser properly.
My Advocacy work that I work
My Advocacy have done

In 2021 I participated in Bronx District Attorney

In 2015 and 2016 I helped promote Domestic Violence Darcel Clark's 5 Annual Run/Walk to end
Awareness with Safe Horizon Bronx office, New York Domestic Violence as a community activist,
City Police Department Transit District 11, and former survivors and Bronx Resident to fight for other

New York City Councilwoman Vanessa L. Gibson of victims & survivors.

16th District that is my community near Yankee

Stadium by giving out Domestic Violence awareness As a Bronx Residents it great to have District

resourceful information in the community to everyone.

Attorney Darcel Clark as an amazing powerful
leader, great to join; amazing educator &
community leader Yadhira González-Taylor,
NYPD, Safe Horizon, Assemblywoman Nathalia
Fernandez and Ms. Pamela Damon > one of my
"Not on my Watch" mentors.
Luke 4:18-19 states “He sent me to free those
who have been treated badly and to announce What should we do ?
that the time has come for the Lord to show his
kindness.”(Easy-to-Read Version)

Shelters Can be an alternative Places where victims can escape

to get physical, mental and emotional help of recovering

If children are involved

You have to contact ACS
Churches should
 The church should embrace the victims with compassion(no shame)
to provide; spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically
 Spiritually by finding A Pastor or one of the church leadership like Every New Yorker should receive “
a licensed Chaplain to pray with them. Certified in Mental Health First Aid USA”
to show compassion by displaying
emotional support to help

Mentally and emotionally by counseling by listening to them and

give comfort
Physically by calling Paramedic

 Matthew 11:28 states “Come to me all of you who are tired from the
heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.-
(Easy-to-Read Version)

“Give honor and respect to those who deserve it”

Romans 13:7 (The Voice)
In 2018 I Received Certification for successful completion Combating
Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence training and Certificate of
Who is Daniel P. Silvera ?
Recognition Award for Outstanding PowerPoint Final Project.

Through the training sessions I learned about human trafficking and

domestic violence on a global and local level. Know the signs, language,
the action steps, the resources, how to protect our children, and what part
Community Leader, Advocate and Activist
you can play in helping to combat these atrocities. I am now part of the
thriving Not On 
OnWatch! Safe Haven
My Watch- Network!
Safe Haven Network !


“Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Help

people who are in trouble. Stand up for what you know is
 right, and judge all people fairly. Protect the rights of the poor
347-275-3400 and those who need help”. - Proverbs 31:8-9 (Easy-to-Read
In February 2022 I received I was honored by Assemblywoman Chantel Jackson and Councilwoman Stevens's in their
Black History Month Celebration
The Bible scriptures that come to mind is GalatiansCelebration
6:9 of Contemporary English Version which states “Don’t get tired of helping others.
You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you don’t give up.” The Two awards have showed me that my community work is not in
vain, especially when human trafficking and domestic violence victims need to be free. In order for youth in New York City's urban
neighborhoods to remain active, loved, feel belong and safe, they need holistically resources and activities. >

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