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By: Lic. Elvin Lopez

Differences between:
Remember and Reminds

If we remember someone or something, we simply have that person or

thing in our mind, think about it, or can recall it from our past.
Example: I remember most of the names of my classmates from college.

Reminds means to make somebody remember something. Example: He

reminds me of my old dog.

Non-count nouns. Count nouns.

• Bread. • Apple.
• Money. • Television.
• Rice. • House.
• Advice. • Computer.
• Coffee.
• Cart.
• Luggage.
• Pencil.
• Information.
• Pen.
• Water
Prices: How much is it?

For prices, we use regular numbers. 

 1, 2, 3...

 This CD costs $20.

 This CD is $20. For all amounts of money, we say the 
    number plus the currency.
 My credit card bill this month is $100.
  This plane ticket costs $1200.
To ask the price, we use how much.
How much does this CD cost? 
  How much is this CD?
 We answer by saying:
  It costs $20. To ask how much plural items cost, we say:
Becca: How much are these flowers?
  It's $20.
 Clerk: They're $12.
 Bill: How much do these flowers cost?
 Clerk: They cost $12.
 Clerk: They're $12.
Countable and uncountable nouns.
Countable nouns. Uncountable nouns.
• Nouns we can count. • Nouns we cannot count.
Have a singular and plural form. Have only one form. (no plural)

One house Fourth houses Rain Rains

Can use a, an or a number. Cannot use a, an or a number.

A magazine Ten magazines A rice Ten rice

Use a singular or plural verb. Always use a singular verb.

The book is old Sugar is sweet.

The books are old The weather here is great.

Abstract Ideas Liquids and gases

Have no physical You can count the

existence. Refer to ideas, container it is in, but not
emotions and concepts that the liquid or gas.
you cannot see or touch.
Two bottles of milk.
A carton of Juice.
Love – freedom – education – luck
– beauty – music – thunder. Two cups of coffee.

Water – milk – wine – oil –

coffee – soup – air – smoke –
blood – juice - fog

• Se usa some para frases afirmativas y para ofrecer o pedir algo. Se habla de una cantidad o un
número, no importa si es contable o incontable.

• Some: algo de – unos (as) – algunos (as)

• There are some new people in my English class.

• We need some apples.
• She always takes some sugar with her coffee.

• Any se usa en negaciones para incontable y contable plural, y también para preguntas que no son
ni ofertas ni pedidos.

• Any: nada de – algo de – ningún (a)

• There isn’t any beer in the fridge.

• There aren’t any students in the class.
• Are there any good restaurants near here?
• Do you have any children?
• We often use some or any in an answer. We don't repeat the

•  Tim: Do you have money?

 Karen: Yes, I have some.
 Karen: No, I don't have any.

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