Hazards and Risks 8

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Hazards and Risks in
the Workplace
a. Identify the hazards in the workplace; and
b. Suggest ways on how to ensure safety in the
• is any source of potential
damage, harm or adverse
health effects on something or
someone under certain
conditions at work.
• Something that can cause harm
• Could be substance,
material,process, practice.
R I S K:
• The chance or probability that a person will be harmed.
• How much a person is exposed
• How the person is exposed
• How severe are the effects under the conditions of
List down any possible Hazard inside the
Dressmaking Shop Room. Present the list to
the class.
Types of hazards:
• Chemical Hazard
Household items such as bleach can result in harmful chlorine gas or hydrochloric
acid if carelessly used. Gasoline fumes from containers for lawnmowers or boats
can result in major health hazards if inhaled.
Types of Hazards
• 2. Electrical Hazard
Working near an electrical hazard is dangerous and can be fatal. Any
work on or near energized equipment must be done only when
measures are in place to provide protection from electric shock and
burn. With adequate safety measures in place, every electrical injury
and fatality can be prevented.
Types of Hazards
• 3. Ergonomic Hazard
Poor workplace design,
awkward body mechanics or
postures, repetitive movements,
and other ergonomic hazards
induce or contribute to a
staggering number of
cumulative trauma disorders.
Types of Hazards
• 4. Psychological Hazard
This type of hazard relates
to mental health and
behavioral disorders.
• .
Types of Hazards
• 5. Radiation Hazard
Radiation Hazard
(RADHAZ) describes the
hazards of electromagnetic
radiation to fuels,
electronic hardware,
ordinance, and personnel.
Types of Hazards

6. Biological Hazard
Anything coming from
living organisms (i.e.
pollen, fungi, animals,
insects, bacteria and
viruses) that could be a
threat to someone's health.
Types of Hazards

7 . Physical Hazard
• These are substances which threaten your physical
safety. The most common types of physical hazards
a. Fire
b. Explosion

c. Chemical Reactivity
Effects of Hazards that may be encountered
when conducting sewing activities include :

• Cut and injuries from sharp edges, knife blades, scissors and
• Finger injuries while sewing.
• low back injury from poor posture.
• Eye strain from poor lighting.
If a person cut her fingers using shears.
• 1. : Look under your fabric
before cutting with scissors
and carry scissors with the
sharp edge pointing towards
the floor. When the scissors
are not being used, place
them on the cutting table,
sewing table or keep it inside
the tool cabinet.
If someone pricks his/her finger on the machine needle

1. Keep your fingers away
from the sewing machine
Stepping over scattered pins
1. Always wear your shoes on inside the
2. Keep the pins and needles.
Low back injury from poor posture:
Maintain proper working
Too much stress
to the spine=
Back ache
Eye strain from poor lighting.
Work in place/area that has adequate
Answer the following:
1. What is Hazard?
2. Give at least two (2) examples of hazards inside the
dressmaking shop room ang suggest ways on how to
prevent it’s harmful effects. (20 pts.)
Create a safety poster for the Dressmaking
Shop room

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