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Diversity in


● Fatimah Muthahirah
● Rully Nurmalita
● Sinta Dewi
Types, effects, & complex
01 Definition 04 conceptualization

02 Goals 05

1 Definition
Diversity refers to the extent in which members of an entity, such as a group or organization, differ from one
another. Examples of attributes:

● Gender
● Race/ethnicity
● Age
● Nationality
● Culture
● Education
● Function
● Tenure
● Ability
● Sexual orientation (pronounce)
● Religion
● Values
● Personality traits
● Beliefs
● Goals
Workplace is
2 Goals
3 Standpoints
Social Justice Legal Compliance
Reduction of bias and Following affirmative The value diversity
discrimination; action & equal offers to organization
enhancement of opportunity legislation.
inclusion in the
3 Diversity Outcomes

Social Categorization Information/Decision-making

Perspective perspective

Social categorization perspectives describes Diversity is related to wider range of skills,

how people categorize themselves and others abilities, expertise, perspective. Broad
into groups to make sense of a complex cognitive resource permits greater creativity
environment. and innovation in decision making.

Contoh: Orang dengan satu suku di suatu divisi Contoh: kehadiran orang luar daerah
lebih suka ngobrol dengan sesama sukunya. menghadirkan ide-ide dan inovasi yang baru
dan positif.

Adverse Outcomes Beneficial Outcomes

4 Types, effects, & complex conceptualization

● Categorical & Relational Demography

● Diversity Typologies
● Role of Context & Moderators in Diversity Effects
● Complex Conceptualizations in Diversity
4.1 Categorical & Relational Demography

Categorical: Relational:

Relational demography refers to the extent in

The simple or categorical demography
which an individual is different from others
approach assesses the behaviors associated
with specific individual attributes. (the effect of tokenism). As a result, individual
tends to be less committed and satisfied with
their job.
Contoh: Manager perempuan dan laki-laki
berbeda cara memimpin, sikap, dll. Contoh: satu-satunya perempuan di bidang
yang didominasi laki-laki.

Relational demography would likely present

weaker adverse effects in heterogeneous
4.2 Diversity Typologies

Task/Non-task Surface/Deep level

Task related (education, function, Surface (race, ethnicity, gender,

tenure) VS non-task related (race, age) VS Deep/psychological
gender, age) attribute (traits, beliefs, values)

Functional & educational backgrounds were positively related to team creativity,

innovation & performance, while educational diversity was related to performance
only in top management teams.

Another meta-analysis found these typologies provided inconclusive results.

Another meta-analysis suggested that diversity effect is stronger once moderators &
contextual circumstances were considered.
4.3 Role of Context & Moderators in Diversity Effects

Contextual factors & moderators:

● Industry setting
● Team interdependence
● Team longevity
● Leadership
● Task complexity
● Regulatory pressure
● Market competition, etc

Contoh: Diverse groups tends to perform better in complex & creative tasks (marketing), while
homogeneous group perform better in routine tasks (finance & accounting)
4.3 Role of Context & Moderators in Diversity Effects

Diversity climate (people’s perception of fairness in organization):

● Discrimination & fairness perspective is when members believe that the point
of diversity initiatives is to reduce discrimination & enhance fairness.
● Access & legitimacy perspective consists of beliefs that the goal is to tap
diverse markets more effectively.
● Integration & learning perspective is when people believe that cultural
differences drive diverse knowledge and insight -> most effective.

Diverse organization is likely to perform better when its members believe cultural
differences drive diverse knowledge and insight.
4.4 Complex Conceptualizations of Diversity

Diversity faultlines: a correlation of multiple individual attributes that provide a clear

basis for subgroup differentiation (Lau & Murnighan, 1998)

Contoh: di satu departemen ada perbedaan grup berdasarkan usia – kemungkinan usia
muda cenderung interaksi dengan sesama muda karena sepemikiran dan minat yang sama
pada topik tertentu.

Strong faultline leads to heightened conflict, less communication, lower learning, disrupted
group functioning.
4.4 Complex Conceptualizations of Diversity

Harrison & Klein (2007):

Separation: differences in
position, opinions, values, beliefs.

Disparity: differences in assets,

resources, power, status
Diversity Management
3 Standpoints
The potential for positive, negative, and complex effects from diversity warrants efforts to
manage diversity. Diversity management refers to the development and implementation of
practices, processes, and systems designed to enhance workplace diversity, exploit its
benefits, and minimize adverse outcomes.

Affirmative Action
Diversity Initiatives
Comply with the law Formalized human resource management
practices designed to reduce bias and
discrimination, promote and sustain
organizational diversity, and improve
Affirmative Action
3 Standpoints
● Affirmative action refers to activities taken to reduce discrimination and provide
employment and promotion opportunities for disenfranchised groups.

● Example : Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, UU

No 13 Tahun 2003.

● The goal of affirmative action was to compensate for past discrimination, prevent
ongoing discrimination, and provide equal employment opportunities to covered
demographic groups.

Affirmative action may neutralize rather than enhance equality, because affirmative action
promotes the idea that beneficiaries are hired due to preferential treatment rather than their
Management-Led Diversity Initiatives
3 Standpoints
● Focus on reducing discrimination and improving the effectiveness of diversity
organizations by changing its practices, culture, and climate, emphasize the inclusion
and of all social groups, including the majority group.

● The goal of Management-Led Diversity Initiatives

1. Increase competitive advantage
2. Acknowledging the uniqueness of employees and social group members as individuals
Management-Led Diversity Initiatives
3 Standpoints
● Diversity Initiative
1. Recruitment Process Strategy – attract minority candidates to increase diversity
2. Retention
3. Promote of women and racial/ethnic minorities into management positions.
4. Diversity Training - refers to formal efforts to enhance skills and knowledge about
- The Objective of Diversity Training :
 Provide employees with information about legal issues
 Increase employees’ awareness and sensitivity to backgrounds other than their own
 Develop communication and interpersonal skills helpful in diverse settings
Research Trends
3 Standpoints
Diversity in organization memiliki efek positif dan negative terhadap sikap, perilaku dan kinerja.

Data meta-analitik menyebutkan bahwa atribut dan jenis diversity yang berbeda akan mempengaruhi
efek dari diversity, namun hal ini masih perlu peninjauan kembali. Untuk itu nantinya penelitian
terkait dengan diversity harus dieksplorasi lebih lanjut, yang mana lebih melibatkan jenis diversity
yang berbeda, berbagai tingkat analisa diversity dalam level yang berbeda, batasan-batasan diversity.

Penelitian yang sudah ada banyak dari perspektif US, untuk itu penelitian dapat dilakukan secara
lebih global.
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