Report in PR2

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Background of the study?
It is a compilation of sufficient
information based on the analysis
of you proposed argument or problem and
steps required to arrive at the design and
implementation of feasible solutions and
results achieved.
Background of the study?

The background of the study is one of

the key aspects you need to get right when
you are writing a research paper
(olawe,2021).It is the key to introducing
your readers to the topic
Of your research.
How to write a background
of the research study?

1.Give a general overview of

the research topic and introduce
the main idea you will be using
throughout the research study.
How to write a background of
the study?

2.Provide detailed, precise information

about the methologies researched depending
on individual and research topic, this could
take Several paragraphs.
How to write a background of the
research study?

3.To avoid plagiarism, cite your

sources and resources.Select
sources that are relevant to provide
more insights to you research.
How to write a background of the
research study?

4.Create five different sections that

have the key issues major findings,
current issues that related to your
research study, evaluation and
conclusion (olawe,2021).
How to write a background of the study?

5. Statistical data
A scientific tool that helps collect and analyze large
amounts of data to identify common patterns and trends
to convert them into meaningful information. In simple
words, statistical analysis is a data analysis tool that
helps draw meaningful conclusions from raw and
unstructured data.
How to write a background of the study?

6. A provocative question
A provocative question is one that is meant to be
challenging. These questions may differ from others in that
they may create more of an emotional stir with the intent to
stimulate a reaction, a thought or emotion in someone, or
incite a certain thought or feeling.
How to write a background of the study?

7. A clear need for research

The objectives help the target audience to clearly
understand the purpose of particular research and
it, therefore, eases understanding. Thus, objectives also
make research meaningful for the target audience.
How to write a background of the study?

8. The intent or purpose of the study

The Purpose of the Study statement helps the
subject assess the importance of the study relative
to individual values. The statement should include not
only the immediate purpose of the study, but also any
larger, eventual purpose.
What does a good research of
the study example contain?
1.Contains reviews of the area being researched.
2.Has currently available information about the problem of
the study.
3.Captures the previous studies on the issue.
4.Indicates the history of the issue of the study form previous
researchers done on the subject.
The background of the study should
contain the following points:

1.A brief discussion on what is known about the

topic under investigation.

2.An articulation of the research gap or problem that

needs to be addressed.
The background of the study should
contain the following points:
3.What the researcher would like to do or aim to
achieve in the study (research goal).
4.The research statement, that is, the main argument,
or contention of the paper.
5.The major significance or contribution of the study
to a particular discipline.
6.Dending on the nature of the study , an articulation
of the hypothesis of the study.
Activity no:1

1.What is the background of the study?

2-3 .Give a example of how to write a background of the study.

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