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Pole Vault- Made Simple

Dylan Schmidt
Andale High School

1. Background / Records
2. Philosophy
3. Talent Identification/
4. Planning (Pre-Season)
5. 6 Elements of Pole Vault /
6. Practice Structure
7. Questions/Video
Athlete Coaching
 Middle School (5th-8th)  Private Lesson (WSU)
 7’, 7’, 10’6”, 12’ 6”  G.A. Wichita State (1 yr.)
 High School (Andale)  Circle HS (2 yrs.)
 13’ 7”, 14’ 6”, 15’10”, 16’ 1 ½”  PV (Middle Sch. / HS)
 College (KSU / WSU)  Andale HS
 16’ 7” / 17’ 1”  Sprints / Jumps
 Post-College (WSU)  Wellington HS
 Didn’t Jump Higher  Head Coach / PV
 Speed/ Pole Vault  Andale HS
 Sprints / Jumps
Andale Boys Records
Rank Name Height Year
1 Dylan Schmidt 16’ 1 ½” 2001
2 Dustin Schmidt 16’ 1” 1999
3 Jim Gruenbacher 15’ 3” 1998
4 Jonah Ungles 15’ 0” 2012
5 Kyle Horsch 14’ 7” 2006
6 Jon Baalmann 14’ 6” 2004
7 Ben Horsch 14’ 6” 2008
8 Andrew Rowland 14’ 6” 2011
9 Ethan Meyer 14’ 4” 2013
10 Chris Bush 14’ 4” 1988

Notice the “1” increments (Raising the Bar- Earl Bell)

Andale Girls Records
Rank Name Height Year
1 Emily Rowland 12’ 5” 2013
2 Jessi Irving 12’ 1” 2002
3 Abby Rowland 11’ 3” 2008
4 Lizzy Schmitz 11’0” 2008
5 Grace Shiach 11’ 0” 2012
6 Kim Friedrichs 11’ 0” 2011
7 Leah Eck 10’ 8” 2005
8 Olivia Orth 10’ 8” 2013
9 Angie Ramsey 10’ 7” 2004
10 Natalie Schauf 10’ 7” 2009

Top 3- Last 18 yrs. / Runner Up or State Champ 17 out of 18

Philosophy- Pole Vault
 There are many important
elements to the pole vault. Other Key Elements:
However if one thing stands
out, you MUST pole vault I. Speed (Enhancement/Run-Up
to be a great pole vaulter.
II. Jumping Ability (Takeoff

III. Basic Strength (Gymnastics)

*Training should be Balanced,

Structured, Flexible
 The 3 Keys of the Pole Vault
 “Success is peace of mind
which is a direct result of self-
satisfaction in knowing you did
1) Attitude (The will to get better)
your best to become the best
-Get the kids that are dedicated know
you are capable of becoming.”
matter talent level…lead by
-John Wooden-
2) Time (Reps, Reps, Reps)
-We will always be doing something… Personal Record!!! (P.R. Prize!)
rain, snow, or sunshine  League Champion
 Regional Champion
3) Attention to Detail (Instruction/  State Champion
understanding Instruction)….The  All-American
how and the why…
Talent Identification/ Recruiting

Junior High VJ / 3 Step Vertical

Coach Schmidt: Middle School Basketball Coach

Guys: 6 inches
Girls: 4 Inches
Planning- “Managers”

What Needs to Be Done Everyday-Managers

Meeting Place: Same Place Every Day
Announcements, Motivation, Etc. Pole Vault
 Poles out to the Track
Event – (Pole Vault)  Pits Uncovered
 Standards Up

Warm-Up (Mod, Mod, High, Low)  Water out of the box

 Marks on the track
Fundamentals  Takeoff’s Marked
Drills  Rings Hung Up

Technique Work  Camera Charged

Running/Plyo’s (5:35pm) (Monday)

Core / Cool-Down 3 Pre-Season Musts
1. Time / Plan
2. Pole Inventory
3. Camera
Planning –”Practice”
You must be fresh to work
technique, if not you develop
 Order of Operation poor habits.

1) Technique
2) Speed
3) Speed Endurance
4) Strength

Yuriy Sedykh- WR Holder Hammer

12-13 weeks Throw

8 meets
 Threw, and Threw, and Threw
Regionals / State
 Technique, Technique,
Planning- Materials
Athletes Need to Bring Coaches Need to Bring

1. Bookbag 1. Coaches Bag

2. Spikes 2. Chalk
3. Implements
3. Stop watch
4. Jersey/shorts
4. Wrist watch
5. Socks
5. Tape
6. Food
7. Water bottle
6. Towel
8. Vault notebook 7. Tools (Vice Grip, etc.)
9. Chalk 8. Pole Tips
10. Tape 9. Tape measure
11. Towel 10. Clothes (HAT)
12. Tape measure 11. Water bottle
13. MP3 player 12. Spikes
14. Clothes (HAT) 13. Food
15. Poles 14. Vault Book (poles, flex, athletes marks, etc.)
16. Workout Book 15. Workout Book
16. Radio/ Music
Planning Practice – “Being Gone” Champs (At Home)

 Warm-Up (Continuous Pole Vault)

 Med Ball Throws x3

 Fundamentals
Hand Holding Drills- Base, 1 step, 2
step, slow motion, walking plants 3x10

 Technique-
“Beat the tip” x football field (twice)
20/20 Drill x4
Long Pole Runs x10

 3x Max Handstands

 Warm-Down (Jog/Stretch)
Planning - Practice – “Indoor” (Mod, High, Low)
 Announcements/Mental Preparation

 Warm-Up (Dynamic)

 Med Ball Throws x4

 Fundamentals
Hand Holding Drills- Base, 1 step, 2 step, slow
motion, walking plants 3x10

 Technique- (Pole Runs)

4-6 step x 10-14

 Running/Plyo’s/Circuit

 Fun/Gymnastics/Wrestling Room / “Bar

Clearance Drills”

 Warm-Down (Stretch/Rope or Bands)

 Film/Chalk Talk (Elite / HS Film )

6 Elements of Pole Vault Technique

1) Pole Carry
2) Run-Up
3) Plant
4) Take-off
5) Swing Up/Rock
6) Bar Clearance

I have broken down the vault into 6 elements however it must be understood
and viewed as one continuous movement.
1) Pole Carry- Coaching Pts.
1. The pole is supported with the
bone structure

2. The back hand should full grip

the pole (this takes a little
time/wrist flexibility)

3. The back hand will control the

drop of the pole and the pole
will rotate on the front hand

4. When carrying the pole you

should be as relaxed as
possible (arms, shoulders,
1) Drills
Daily Fundamentals

3x10, repeat if coach is


1) Home (Base)
2) 1 step
3) 2 step
4) Pole drops
5) 4 step Slow motion
6) 6 Step Walking Plants
2) Run-Up- Coaching Pts.

 The Run-up starts with the very 1st step out of the back
 All phases leading into the takeoff have one goal, gain as
much controllable velocity as possible!

1. -pole is carried high with left wrist under pole and right hand
close to hip
2. -velocity increases to mid-mark (3 strides from take-off)
3. -once you reach mid-mark the pole drop is initiated
4. -also, when reaching mid-mark the stride length is constant (to
gain effective acceleration [20-20 strides]

it will also:
5. -allow hips to be high, tall posture
6. -allow pole drop and 20-20 strides to flow together “active”
7. -pole is lowered by tilting bottom hand and rolling back hand,
while pole gains a horizontal position over track
2) Run-Up Drills
Drill #1 : Pole Runs

1.Pole runs are something that can be done anywhere (indoors, cold weather, etc.)

2.We will work on pole runs from (8, 10, 12, 14, 16 steps)

I feel it is important to be working your long approach almost everyday in some type of way.

Key elements

Step: The run starts with the first step. When you step back to push off, you must keep your hips tall and
push out of the back. (Push)

4.-Counting: is important for rhythm. Teach kids to always count down so they end on the same number 5,4,3,2,1
(count left foot for right handed jumper)

5.-PoleCarry: Carry the pole vertical at the beginning of the run and make sure you are relaxed through the
shoulders and upper body

6.-Pole Drop: The pole drop must be “active.” Active means that the vaulter and the pole act as one together. The
pole must always be falling and the athlete must learn how to time the pole drop where they are working with the
pole instead of working against it. When the vaulter strikes on his 3 rd left (RH vaulter) there should be a dramatic
dropping of the pole. Almost allowing the pole to free fall.
3) Plant- Coaching Pts.

1. The pole plant is a 4 step process

2. A relatively narrowed grip is used (pull-up width)

3. An early, controlled plant in which the left hand is kept high as the
fulcrum and the pole rotates as the right hand is drive high (right hand
controls drop)

4. On the penultimate step the hands should be at the forehead

5. The pole is driven high by the top hand

6. The top hand is completely raised before the pole hits of back of the
box or take-off foot touches down

7. The bottom arm allowed to flex immediately after takeoff so that the
bottom hand moved back above the head. Note that this was not a
passive flexing of the left arm but rather a dynamic controlled flexion.

8. Emphasize the importance of not driving the left arm into the pole at
takeoff but rather being dynamic with the arm and allowing the chest
through the shoulders and swing around the top hand.
3) Plant Drills

“Sand Plant Drills”

1) 2 steps - “Hands at forehead”

2) 4 steps - “Hands at Hips”

3) 6 steps – “Hands at Hips” more speed

Coaching Points:
4) Takeoff before the pole hits the sand
(back of the box)
5) Stay behind the pole (Hips), Move the
chest into the pole keeping
6) Maximize pole to ground angle (plant
the pole tall)
4) Takeoff- Coaching Pts.

1. The pole/ground angle is maximized

2. The energy of the run-up must be “hit” or transmitted to

the pole by a very strong and tall top arm, with a slight
forward angle

3. The heel of the opposite foot is driven under the butt

Bubka: “In pole vaulting the
4. The body is rigid and “hard” from the top hand through crucial factor is how to
the shoulders, chest, back, butt and leg transfer energy to the pole,
through the complete body
5. Where the left hand does not push prematurely against of the vaulter; the arms,
the pole
shoulders, hips, back and
legs. But if the pole begins
6. Where the plant is completed before the pole hits the
back of the box to bend while the vaulter is
yet on the ground, it is
7. Where the vaulter jumps or springs off of the ground impossible to transfer the
before the pole strikes the back of the box. Nothing is energy; all the energy is lost
more important in all of the pole vault then this and goes to the box.”
4) Takeoff Drills


1. 6 Step Straight Pole

2. Straight Pole Jumping
3. Short Run

Coaching Points:

4. Vaulter must takeoff before the pole hits

the back of the box
5. The pole to ground angle is maximized

6. The pole drop is “active” and the run is

“tall” throughout
5) Swing Up/ Rock Back- Coaching Pts.
Coaching Pts.
1. After takeoff continue to drive the take off leg
back to create a slight flexion at the knee, if
enables the athlete to begin a long accelerating
swing of the leg similar to a powerful soccer kick.
2. In an attempt to better understand the action 1. The athlete attempts to move
of the takeoff leg it should be viewed as a into the vertical position too
“whip” rather then a swing. soon after take off.
2. The take off is “flat” and towards
3. The energy of the whip is carried on into the the pad instead of up through
inversion. The vaulter should roll the pelvis the pole.
upward with the left leg staying as straight 3. The vaulter is gripping too high
as possible. in relation to the quality of their
4. In this way they move into a position of run, plant and takeoff.
“covering” the pole 4. The vaulter is using a pole
5. As soon as this movement is completed the which is either too soft or too
vaulter drops the shoulders and then drives
the hips vertically upwards.
5) Swing Up/ Rock Back Drills

“Long Swing Drill”

-3 step Run
-Small pole

1. The vaulter is off the ground

before the pole hits the back of
the box Video
2. There is constant pressure on
the pole throughout the vault
pressure is “out and away”
3. The trail leg “whips” through as
the vaulter moves into position
to cover the pole
6) Bar Clearance- Coaching Pts.

Coaching Points:

1. Relax, Relax, Relax

2. Turn thumbs down, elbows out to hollow out the


3. Keep head down coming off the pole!

6) Bar Clearance-Drills

“Back roll-Ups”

Coaching Points:

1. Relax, Relax, Relax

2. Turn thumbs down, elbows out to hollow out the


Keep head down coming off the pole!

Weekly Practice Overview
Practice Pole Vault Practice
Monday (Neuro)
Monday (Neuro) Pole Runs
Sprint Workout (Accels/ Flys) Drills/ Long or Short Run

Tuesday Tuesday
Short Run
Circuit/ Tempo Runs

Wednesday (Neuro)
Wednesday (Neuro) Long Run (Big Jump Day)
Sprint Workout (after)
Thursday Pre-Meet: Long Run
Circuit/ Tempo Runs/Pre -Meet (Opening Bar)

Friday (Neuro) Friday (Neuro)

Sprint Workout/ Meet Meet

Off / Film
Off / Film

Sunday Long ,Short Run, Drills
Off/ Film
Pole Vault Planning
Short Run Routine Long Run Routine

1. Daily Fundamentals (Holding Pole) 1. Daily Fundamentals (Holding Pole)

2. Sand Plants (Takeoff/Plant) 2. Approaches (Run-Up)
3. Bar Drills (Swing/Rock Back) 3. Fresno’s / Pop-Ups (Takeoff)
4. Long Swing (Swing/Rock Back) 4. Long Run
5. Fresno’s / Pop-Ups (Takeoff)
6. Short Runs (Plant)


Dylan Schmidt
Andale High School

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