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Military Organization
Rifle Squad Tactics

Military Organization
Rifle Squad Tactics
The Rifle Squad is broken in to two (2) fire teams. Each
fire team has four (4) men composed of a team leader,
grenadier, automatic riflemen and rifleman. The two fire
team leaders double as anti-armor gunners. The rifleman
is also serve as a medical aid man.

Military Organization

To close with the enemy by means of fire and

maneuver, to destroy or capture them or repel their
assault by fire, close combat and counter attack.

Military Organization

Military Organization
Rifle Squad Tactics
Infantry Rifle Squad can:

a. Provide a base of fire and maneuver.

b. Close with the enemy to destroy and capture him.
c. Repel and assault by fire, close combat and counter attack.
d. Seize and hold terrain.
e. Maneuver in all types of local weather and terrain.
f. Conduct combat operation under limited visibility.
g. Provide light anti-tank protection.
h. Participate in air assault operation.
i. Participate in amphibious or waterborne operation.
j. Operate in conjunction with heavy forces.

Military Organization

Military Organization
Rifle Squad Tactics
a. Rifle Squad Leader – responsible for all that the Rifle Squad does or fails to do. He is
tactical leader and, as such, leads by example.

1) Control the maneuver of his squad and each rate and contribution of fire.
2) Trains his squad on the individual and collective tasks required to sustain combat
3) Manage the logistical and administrative needs of his squad. He requests and issues
ammunition, water ration, and special equipment.
4) Maintains and accountability of his soldier and equipment.
5) Complete casualty feeder reports and reviews the casualty reports completed by squad
6) Submit reports for awards and decoration.
7) Direct the maintenance of squad weapon and equipment.
8) Inspect the condition of soldier weapon, clothing and equipment.
9) Ensures that supplies and materials are distributed to the soldier in the squad.
10) Keeps the platoon sergeant or leader informed on squad supplies status and squad
11) Ensure supplies and equipment is internally cross level within the squad.

Military Organization
b. Team Leader – there are two (2) team leaders in the squad, one (1) for each fire team. They
lead by personal example and help the squad leader, control the movement of their fire
teams, ensure that their soldiers maintain the unit standards in all areas. They are the eyes
and ears of the team. Provide short range anti-armor capability for the squad and the platoon.

Armaments: M16 Assault Rifle, LAW

Equipment: Map and compass, NVG, Utility rope.

c. Automatic Rifle Man - there are two (2) automatic rifle men in the squad, one (1) for every
team. He is responsible in providing sustained automatic fire for the squad and secure the
left flank area during movements and halts.

Armaments: Squad automatic (SAW) Ultimax

Equipment: SAW Ammo Pouches, Utility rope

Military Organization
d. Grenadier - there are two (2) grenadiers in the squad, one (1) for each fire team. He provides
grenade capability to the squad and the platoon for maximum firepower and secure the right
flank area of the squad during movement and halts.

Armaments: M16 Assault Rifle attach with 40 MM grenade

e. Rifle Man – there are two (2) Rifle Man in the Squad, one (1) each fire team. They are
responsible for the food supply and medical requirements of the team. He monitors the
health and hygiene of the squad and provides technical expertise and supervisions of the
combat lifesavers. He erased the tracks left team during operations.

Armaments: M16 Assault Rifle

Equipments: Medical kit, Cooking Utensils, Utility rope

Military Organization

Military Organization
Rifle Squad Tactics
a. Wedge Formation (Fire Team) – The wedge is the basic formation for the fire team. The
interval between soldiers and wedge formation normally is ten (10) meters. The wedge
expands and contracts depending on the terrain. When rough terrain, poor visibility, or other
factors make control of the wedge difficult, fire team modifies the wedge.

Military Organization
b. Squad Column – The squad column is the most common formation. It provides good
dispersion laterally and depth without sacrificing, control and facilitates maneuver. The
leader fire team is the base fire team. When the squad moves independently or as the rare
elements of the platoon, the rifleman in the tail fire team provides rear security.

Military Organization
c. Squad Line – The squad line provides maximum firepower to the front. When a squad is
acting as the base squad, the fire team on the right is base fire team.

Military Organization
d. Squad File – When not traveling in a column or line, squad travels in file. The squad file has
the same characteristics as the fire team file, if the squad leader of desire increases his control
over the formation, exert greater moral presence by leading from the front, and be immediately
available to make key decisions. He will move forward to the first or second position. Moving
the team leader to the last position can provide additional control over the rear of the formation.

Military Organization

Military Organization
Rifle Squad Tactics
A movement technique is the manner a squad uses to traverse terrain. The
selection of a movement technique is based on the likelihood of enemy contact and
the need for speed factors to consider each technique are controls, dispersion,
speed and security.

Three (3) Types of Movement Techniques:

a. Traveling – is used when contact with the enemy is not likely a speed
is needed.
b. Traveling over watch – is used when contact is possible. Attached
weapons move near the squad leader and his command so he can
employ them quickly.
c. Bounding over watch – is used when enemy contact is expected. It
is most secured, but the slowest movement technique.

Military Organization

Rifle Squad
Military Tactics
Rifle Squad
Military Tactics

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