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Drilling concepts from Internet

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What is drilling in oil and gas?

 What is Drilling? Drilling is a process

whereby a hole is bored using a
drill bit to create a well for oil and
natural gas production. There are
various kinds of oil wells with different
functions: Exploration wells (or wildcat
wells) are drilled for exploration
purposes in new areas.15 sept 2020

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What is drilling in the oil industry?

 The term drilling indicates the whole

complex of operations necessary to
construct wells of circular section
applying excavation techniques.

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Do they drill oil and gas?

 There is a potential reservoir located deep

beneath the earth's surface. In order to
gain access and extract oil or gas, a hole
must be drilled through the various
rocks, materials and layers to reach it.

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What is a drilling process?

 Drilling is the process of cutting holes

in a solid material using a rotating
cutting tool. The indentation is a starting
point for the drilling of the hole. Drilling is
a cutting process in which a drill bit is
used to cut or enlarge a hole in a solid

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