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BankSimul- automat

Helmi Laakkonen, Jere Taipalus, Pinja Kemppainen ja Hilppa Huhtanen TVT21SPL

Information Technology, Product and Device Design

Introduction Methods
The goal of this project was to create The user database was created After application matches the user to
a bank simulation application. The using MySQL and Uniserver Z. the customerID, main menu pops up.
app would communicate via network REST API was created in Visual In this view there is non-functioning
and insert information into a Studio, the programming language buttons, which work as visualization
database. being Javascript. Code was tested at this state.
with Postman. REST API and GUI
Objectives were combined with the Qt creator.
The whole project was uploaded to
The main menu should pop up and
Github, where group members
ask a user to insert the card. The
updated files when progression
server should check if the
information matches the card
number and open up the PIN code
insertion application. Users should
be able to log in to their accounts
and view transactions and account FIGURE 3. Main menu and buttons with bank
balances. Users should be able to features.
deposit and withdraw money from
their bank accounts. Conclusions
The project was more time
consuming than expected, which
brought up minor complications.
FIGURE 2. How RFID recognizes cards.
With help from the instructors,
everything worked out in the end.
Results The software project showed us
Almost fully functioning Banksimul- exciting challenges, and everyone
application. RFID- app recognizes learned new things about working
card ID and signals depending on it together and programming in
as shown above. If cardID is ‘A’, then general.
the application signals ‘1’ to
RFID.exe. Users can log in to the
FIGURE 1. RFID-card reader used in the application with Pin. The login app
project. only lets in users, if their customerID
and Pin match with the database.

Software Application Project

ECTS Credits: 15
Date of Publication: 2022, Spring
Instructors: Kari Jyrkkä

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