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Presentation unit 3
Main idea
• About behavioral
• Saudi Arabia
• South Korea
• New Zealand
• Italia
• Australia
• Fnrance
• London
It is the behavior and morals of
each country, and it represents
its customs and traditions, and
each country has its own
behavior and attitude.
Saudi Arabia
Etiquette and tradition

I will talk about etiquette and some traditions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dress Etiquette: Due to the conservative nature of the Islamic religion in Saudi Arabia
- men should wear conservative formal dress
- women should wear conservative clothes. And wearing the abaya: a long robe that
covers most of a woman's body

Greeting etiquette:
- The handshake is one of the common and acceptable types of greetings
- Men often kiss on the cheeks
- Men do not usually shake hands with women unless the women extend their hands first
- The right hand is always used for shaking hands
South There are many etiquette points in the country of South Korea. Which is determined either by cultural taboos or

Korea Clothing

* Dressing up is important in South Korea. It is considered a sign of respect. A suit and tie are usually appropriate
for formal occasions, such as meeting new people.

body language

* South Koreans usually shake hands when they meet for the first time. In order to show respect, the bow is also a
traditional South Korean greeting and is often accompanied by a handshake between men.

Dining Table

Table manners in South Korea can be traced back to the Confucian philosophy of the Joseon period. When eating
the traditional way, South Koreans use cushions to sit on the floor and eat at a low table.
Meeting and Greeting

Greetings are casual, often consisting simply of a handshake and a smile.
Never underestimate the value of the smile as it indicates pleasure at meeting the
other person.

Zealand Gift Giving Etiquette

If invited to a house, bring a small gift such as flowers, chocolates, or a book about
your home country to the hosts.
Gifts should not be lavish.
Gifts are opened when received.

Dining Etiquette
New Zealanders are casual as is reflected in their table manners.
Wait to be told where to sit.
Meals are often served family-style.
Keep your elbows off the table and your hands above the table when eating.
Italia Family values ​in Italy: Meeting Etiquette in Italy: Gift giving etiquette in Italy:

The family is the centerpiece of the social The usual handshake is with direct
Do not give tulips because they are used
structure and influenced by its members. eye contact and a smile is sufficient
at funerals.
The family provides both moral and between strangers. * Once the
Gives red flowers because it indicates
financial support to its members. Style in relationship develops, a kiss is often
Italy: The way you dress can indicate added on both cheeks, starting with
Do not give yellow flowers because it
your social status, your family the left air kiss, and tying on the
background, and your level of education.
indicates jealousy.
back between men
First impressions are lasting impressions Gifts are usually opened when you meet
in Italy the host.
Australians prefer to use first names even in first

Australia encounters, and they don't like affection.

* Close people exchange small token gifts on holidays.

* If you are invited to someone's house for dinner, it is

polite to bring a box of chocolates or flowers for the
One of the pictures of greetings is common in France, but among friends is greeting
by kissing the cheeks gently, a kiss on the right cheek first and then a kiss on the left

If you have a French friend, be sure to give him gifts in the form of odd numbers,
and you should also stay away from the number 13, because it expresses bad luck

When a woman is about to walk out of the cafe, for example, anyone – even if she
doesn’t know it – may help her wear her coat and open the door for her.
London is the official capital of the United Kingdom, and it is
one of the largest cities in Britain The city of London is of
great importance, and its importance lies in the presence of
many distinguished universities, institutes, museums and
theaters, in addition to many headquarters of major
international companies and organizations, due to the
independence of this city from other regions
Thank you for

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