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main idea
• What is the business ?
• What are the types of business?
• steps to success the business?
• private business (job)
• How do you start e-commerce?
What is the business?

Business is a group of different

activities that cause you to earn
money or to do a job that you are
responsible for everything
What are the types of business?
1 2 3 4 5

Marketling on
Private job E-commercer Drop shipping Affiliate marketingr
social media
For example You can use many It is e-commerce, but you Well, the affiliate is marketing You can open an
applications and websites to don’t need to store for products that are not account on YouTube
(a bakery,coffee shop
products or shipping ,or yours , as you have nothing to and market some
or private office create an e-commerce for
do with the work of the products by before
example (lnstagram , snapshit buy products , only you product or support . All you agreement,for
or a website) need an account and to have to do is make someone
example ,YouTube,
market for your project buy from you through your
lnstagram,or snapshot .
steps to success the business
• Study the idea from all directions
• You must study the level of profit and loss
• you should design a concept map to organise the business.
• you need to certain sum .
• you must support your business with marketing
• you need to create new ideas to attract people
private business (job)

To open a private business,you must have skills

to support this business and halp develop it and
be suitable for the trend
How do you start e-commerce?

Find other e-commerce worker

Market your store and products around you Find the right product

What social media Do they sell different

What is their business
try to use most social platforms do they use products or focus on
model stunning and Integrated customer High quality
media platforms for Reuse the profits in marketing their just one product? amazing web service pictures for
marketing your products. product display

Set reasonable
prices for your
Business is a strong
material weapon if it’s
excellently designed
that supports the
person and provides
financial balance.
your personal opinion?

my personal opinion ?
In conclusion, I
would like to say that
the human weapon is
social intelligence
Thank you for listening
and I hope you liked it

presenting : Wahaj Faisal AL-wehaibi

1-Quotation from : furasih platform

2 - Quotation from : Digital Marketers District platform

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