Mexican Revolution - Synoptic Map

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He was a dictador of México for forty years (1876-1911).

In the beginning Porfirio was loved by the mexican

upper class but he was despised by the working class.
He enforced the construction of railroads, telegraph lines, oil extraction and mining due to his urge in
Porfirio Díaz modernization,
Later, in 1920 Diaz issued a land reformation where most village was seized for governmental use. Finally in
his government the whole country went hungry and many workers were forces to work undet the hacienda
system and land reformations.

Madero tried to run against Díaz during elections in 1910 but Díaz had him jailed to prevent him from
Francisco I. Then madero formed the Anti Reelectionist Party and so when the reelections were made Madero won the
Madero presidency with the help of many organizations made effort to revolt agiainst Díaz.
During his presidency, he struggled with military general Huerta who conspired against him and overthrew
Mexican him in 1923.
Zapata was a revolutionary leader, he was strongly against the hacienda system.
He created the Plan of Ayala which brought forth the intended as returning the land
Emiliano Zapata from the haciendas to the people but the plan had no success.
Emiliano created a military band calles Ejército Libertador del Sur which halped Villa
during the revolution.

Pancho Villa He became an important figure of the Mexican Revolution, Villa formed the "División del norte"
which was a military band that opossed Huerta's dictatorship.
He joins forces with Zapata in opossition to Huerta
Both northern and southern México are unified and the Revolution becames succesful.

Carlón Vences Dulce Alejandra. Grupo 510

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