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How Are You?

For every action we make, there is
a corresponding effect. Have you
made an action or actions in your
life that significantly made you
who you are and where you are
In dealing with functions, there are
also effects on every change we
introduce in equations. And these
determine the outcomes.
Intercepts,Zeroes and
Asymptotes of a
Rational functions
1. I can determine the:
a. Intercepts
b. Zeroes, and
c. Asymptotes of rational functions
2. I can graph a rational function.
Peace Value:
Competence: I can differentiate and solve problems involving
intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of a rational function.

The zero of a function f(x) is any value of x

such that f(x) = 0. The zero of a function is a
point on the horizontal axis (x-axis) where the
graph will touch or pass through (x, 0). This is
called the x-intercept. If the graph touches the
line in the vertical axis (y-axis) is becomes the
y-intercept (0, y).
The zero of a function f(x) is any value
of x such that f(x) = 0. The zero of a
function is a point on the horizontal
axis (x-axis) where the graph will
touch or pass through (x, 0). This is
called the x-intercept.
X - Intercept
The x-intercept is the point at which
the graph crosses the x-axis. The
ordered pair ( x , 0 ).

 Examples
(1,0), (-1,0), (5,0) and (-5,0)
(-8,0) (-2,0) (2,0) (8,0)

Plotting points of a Zero of a function

and x – intercepts.
Y – intercept
If the graph touches the line in the vertical
axis (y-axis) is becomes the y-intercept (0,
 Examples:
(0,4),(0,-4),(0,7) and (0, -7)




Plotting points of a y – intercepts.

 As x approaches 0 (from the left or from the right),
the corresponding value of y increases to infinity
(negative if from the left, positive if from the right).
The vertical asymptote is the y-axis while the
horizontal asymptote is the x-axis.
y = f(x) = ; x ≠ 0
We will use a graph to better understand
how zeroes, intercepts, and asymptotes work.
When the graph approaches the y-axis from
the right, we can see the values of y
increasing until it become vertical or
approaches infinity. We denote this as
x → 0+ , y → + ∞
 When the graph approaches y-axis from the left,
the values for y decrease until it becomes vertical
or approaches infinity. This is denoted as
x → 0-, y → - ∞
Substituting x in the denominator gives us
increasing or decreasing values for y
depending on the direction x approaches y.
x= 0 is the vertical
asymptote for the graph,
while y = 0 is the horizontal
The numbers that make either x or y zeroes are
For example, if we are given the equation y =
x – 3, substituting x = 3 will give us y = 0.
Therefore (3, 0) is an x-intercept (because we
used a value for x).
Coincidently, if we have the equation x = y –
3, and have y = 3, we will get x = 0 which in
turn gives us (0,3) as our y-intercept.
To solve for the values of x or y, we
simply substitute 0 to the function
we want to determine.
x – intercept ; y = 0
y – intercept ; x = 0

x – intercept ; y = 0 y – intercept ; x = 0
y =x–3 y = 0–3
0 = x – 3
y =– 3
-x = -3
x = 3
(0,-3) – y – intercept
(3,0) – x - intercept

Graphing a function of x and y –
y = 5x + 7

x – intercept ; y = 0 y – intercept ; x = 0
y = 5x + 7 y = 5(0) + 7
0 = 5x + 7
y= 7
-5x = 7
x = -7/5
(0,7) – y - intercept
(-7/5,0) – x - intercept

y = 5x +7

Graphing a function of x and y –

Thank You
Without mathematics, there’s
nothing you can do. Everything
around you is mathematics.
Everything around you is numbers.
— Shakuntala Devi, Indian writer
and mental calculator

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