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Group 3
Group members

 Shourya Sharma
 Samyak Dubey
 Swastika Verma
 Soneesh Tomer
 Pranav Bidalia
How do the world's forest affect me?
 The world's forests affect me , as
we know the forest produce free
oxygen which support are life, it
also prevent soil erosion and act
as an important buffer against
climate change. The world's
forest all so maintain the climate
of the world as the trees absorbs
large amount of carbon dioxide.
How do I affect them ?
 Humans have converted forest to
agricultural and urban uses, exploited
species, fragmented wild lands,
changed the demographic structure of
forests, altered habitat, degraded the
environment with atmospheric and
soil pollutants, introduced exotic
pests and competitors, and
domesticated favored species.
What would it be like if there were no trees or
forests? How would our lives be different?

If the there were no trees the soil would become full of

dangerous chemicals and pollutants that are usually
filtered by trees. And trees also helps in preventing soil
erosion. Their would be no minerals and the reduction in
the soil quality. The main is point is no trees no humans.
If there we no trees so no paper because trees provide
wood and paper are made from wood. Our lives would be
impossible without the trees because no oxygen so no
humans. So the conclusion is that without trees our lives
would be impossible.
There are many factors through which we
unknowingly or knowingly contribute to
worlds deforestation
 Some infrastructure activities, such as road
building, have a large indirect effect through
opening up forests to settlers and agriculture
 The most common pressures causing

deforestation and severe forest degradation

are agriculture
 Poor forest management and unsustainable

fuel wood collection degrade forests and

often instigate a "death by a thousand cuts"
form of deforestation.
How can we help prevent such issues in our
community and world
1. Plant a tree
2. Use less paper
3. Recycle paper and cardboard
4. Use recycled products
5. Buy only sustainable wood products
6. Don’t buy products containing palm oil
7. Reduce meat consumption
8. Do not burn firewood excessively
9. Practice eco-forestry
10. Raise awareness
11. Respect the rights of indigenous people
12. Support organizations fighting

13. Join a community forestry project
14. Help restore degraded forests
15. Fight governmental corruption
Causes of Amazon rain forest
Ranching & Agriculture:
Rainforests around the world are continuously cut down to make room
for raising crops, particularly soy, and cattle farming. This has been
exacerbated in recent years, as many parts of the world have emerged
from poverty such as in Asia, Africa, and South America.

Many people illegally hunt animals to sell as food and raw materials
for finished products. Animals, like the giant Amazon river turtle, the
“Paiche,” and the Amazon Manatee are vanishing from the wild. 

Hardwood trees provide wood for furniture, building materials, and

charcoal. Without trees to hold it in place, soil washes into the river and
smothers fish. Working in remote forest areas, loggers often use false
permits, ignore limitations of legal permits, cut species protected by law,
and steal from protected areas and indigenous lands.
How is Amazon deforestation is different than Sundarban
 As the largest tract of tropical rainforest in
the Americas, the Amazonian rainforests
have unparalleled biodiversity. One in ten
known species in the world lives in the
Amazon rainforest. This constitutes the
largest collection of living plants and
animal species in the world.
 Urban development and population growth
has increased the number of people living
in mangrove forests, especially the
Sundarbans. This has caused widespread
deforestation in order to create new
homes and communities for the increased
How can you contribute towards
planting trees and protecting forests?
Conserve paper, conserve trees, save nature:-
 When you buy furniture, find alternatives to wood. You will be saving some of our precious
 Saving paper is saving trees.
 Use paper carefully, write on both sides of a sheet.
 Save envelopes, old letters and junk mail. Use this when you need paper.
 Do not use paper towels and tissues in household cleaning activities. Instead, use old towels,
sheets and pillow case

Do not use paper plates and tissues or paper decorations when you hold a party

So we should be kind toward nature and save trees.

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