CH 03 A Bag ImplementationThatLinksData

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A Bag Implementation

that Links Data

Chapter 3

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 4e

Frank Carrano

© 2015 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.  All rights reserved.
What Is an Iterator?
• An object that traverses a collection of
• During iteration, each data item is
considered once
− Possible to modify item as accessed
• Should implement as a distinct class that
interacts with the ADT

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Problems with Array

• Array has fixed size

• May become full
• Alternatively may have wasted space
• Resizing is possible but requires
overhead of time

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• Empty classroom
• Numbered desks stored in hallway
− Number on back of desk is the “address”
• Number on desktop references another
desk in chain of desks
• Desks are linked by the numbers

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FIGURE 3-1 A chain of five desks

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Forming a Chain
by Adding to Its Beginning

FIGURE 3-2 One desk in the room

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Forming a Chain
by Adding to Its Beginning

FIGURE 3-3 Two linked desks, with the newest desk first

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Forming a Chain
by Adding to Its Beginning

FIGURE 3-4 Three linked desks, with the newest desk first.

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Forming a Chain
by Adding to Its Beginning

Pseudocode details the steps taken to form a chain of desks

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The Private Class Node

LISTING 3-1 The private inner class Node

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The Private Class Node

FIGURE 3-5 Two linked nodes that each reference object data

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An Outline of
the Class LinkedBag

LISTING 3-2 An outline of the class LinkedBag

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An Outline of
the Class LinkedBag

LISTING 3-2 An outline of the class LinkedBag

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Beginning a Chain of Nodes

FIGURE 3-6 (a) An empty chain and a new node; (b) after adding
a new node to a chain that was empty
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Beginning a Chain of Nodes

FIGURE 3-7 A chain of nodes (a) just prior to adding a node at the
beginning; (b) just after adding a node at the beginning
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Beginning a Chain of Nodes

The method add

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Method toArray

The method toArray returns an array

of the entries currently in a bag
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Test Program

LISTING 3-3 A sample program that tests some methods in the class
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Test Program

LISTING 3-3 A sample program that tests some methods in the class
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Test Program

LISTING 3-3 A sample program that tests some methods in the class
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Method getFrequencyOf

Counts the number of times a given entry appears

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Method contains

Determine whether a bag contains a given entry

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Removing an Item
from a Linked Chain

• Case 1: Your desk is first in the chain of

• Case 2: Your desk is not first in the
chain of desks.

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Removing an Item
from a Linked Chain
Case 1
1.Locate first desk by asking instructor for
its address.
2.Give address written on the first desk to
instructor. This is address of second desk
in chain.
3.Return first desk to hallway.
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Removing an Item
from a Linked Chain

FIGURE 3-8 A chain of desks just prior

to removing its first desk
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Removing an Item
from a Linked Chain

FIGURE 3-9 A chain of desks just

after removing its first desk
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Removing an Item
from a Linked Chain

Case 2
1.Move the student in the first desk to your
former desk.
2.Remove the first desk using the steps
described for Case 1.

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Removing an Item
from a Linked Chain

FIGURE 3-10 A chain of nodes (a) just prior to removing the

first node; (b) just after removing the first node
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Method remove

Note need for private method getReferenceTo

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Method remove

Note use of method getReferenceTo

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Method clear

As in previous implementation,
uses isEmpty and remove
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Class Node That
Has Set and Get Methods

LISTING 3-4 The inner class Node

with set and get methods
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Class Node That
Has Set and Get Methods

LISTING 3-4 The inner class Node

with set and get methods
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Class Node That
Has Set and Get Methods

LISTING 3-4 The inner class Node

with set and get methods
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A Class within A Package

LISTING 3-5 The class Node with package access

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A Class within A Package

LISTING 3-5 The class Node with package access

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A Class within A Package

LISTING 3-5 The class Node with package access

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When Node Is
in Same Package

This occurrence of T
is optional

LISTING 3-6 The class LinkedBag when

Node is in the same package
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Pros of Using a Chain

• Bag can grow and shrink in size as

• Remove and recycle nodes that are no
longer needed
• Adding new entry to end of array or to
beginning of chain both relatively simple
• Similar for removal

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Cons of Using a Chain

• Removing specific entry requires search

of array or chain
• Chain requires more memory than array
of same length

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Chapter 3

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